
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: September, 2015
Sep 30, 2015

Want a quiet mind, greater focus, less stress and anxiety, more energy, and the ability to think more clearly – all with less work? If so, then today’s show is for you?

We interview Dean Sluyter, Mindfulness Meditation Expert and Teacher, and author of the book, Natural Meditation: A Guide To Effortless Meditative Practice.

You’ll learn the easiest way to meditate, a practice you can do almost anywhere and at any time. You’ll learn the benefits of effortless meditation, and how it can help improve each aspect of your life, from health, wealth, relationships, stress reduction, more quality sleep, and even boosts your brain power!

Whether you’re in business, an entrepreneur, a professional, home maker, artist, or otherwise, you’ll find the tools Dean offers fantastic for making like easier and more enjoyable for you.

Like Wayne Dyer, Dean has a knack for making things easy to understand, and even easier to implement!

Your work will go better, you’ll be at ease, more patient (even at the post office or in traffic!) you’ll find yourself making better decisions, and blissed out when you used to be stressed.

All this without having to work on it. It sounds too good to be true, but Dean shows how it’s possible, and quite doable…and without years of practice. It’s a mindfulness exercise we can begin using today.

Imagine feeling better and having greater focus almost instantly! That’s effortless meditation, today’s fun and entertaining show.

Prepare to learn. Prepare to laugh. And prepare to meditate, naturally!!!

---Be sure to check out Dean Sluyter's Guided Nation Too on Inspire Nation!---

Inspiration | Motivation | Mindfulness | Meditation | Spirituality | Zen | Yoga | Buddhism | Spiritual

Sep 30, 2015

Drop into the bliss with this beautiful, short, guided meditation by Dean Sluyter, author of Natural Meditation.

You'll find yourself relaxed, at peace, and filled with joy.

Enjoy 10 minutes of perfect peace, bliss, and tranquility with this beautiful guided meditation from Dean Sluyter – 30 Year Meditation Instructor & Author Natural Meditation. Mindfulness | Spirituality | Inspiration | Self-Help | Zen | Buddhism | Health

For more meditations visit

Sep 29, 2015

Wheter you’re looking to be inspired and learn how to succeed and overcome any challenge that stands in your way, or simply to build the greatest relationship or team you can, then this interview with best-selling author, world record holder, and team-building world champion is for you!

Robyn is one of the top motivational speakers in the world and one of the winningest adventure racers ever (don’t worry, she’ll share what that is!) shows you how it’s done. You’ll be drawn into her stories, fascinated by her adventures on rivers, yes, without a paddle, up mountains, yes, without oxygen, and all around the world as she created winning teams that could quite literally, climb any mountain!

You’ll learn what it takes to win, at anything. How to improve relationships, INSTANTLY.

And how to build a winning team, whether that’s a team of 2, 200, 2000, or even 200,000. There’s a reasons he’s one of the most sought-after speakers in corporate America. And a member of the only female fire-fighting squad in America!!!

She’s also leader of Project Athena, helping bring life and adventure back to those with disabilities. For she doesn’t see impossible, only possible in different ways.

You’ll be incredibly inspired by this interview. It’ll improve your outlook, your motivation, and your confidence that you can succeed. You’ll gain courage, inspiration, and how-to skills you can implement today to improve all that you’re doing.

Be prepared to laugh, to have fun, and to learn life-changing tips for success, in this entertaining, edge-of-your-seat interview!

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, mom with two kids, a business leader, seeking a new career, or anywhere in between, you’ll come away with a smile and a strategy for greater success in your life!

Sep 29, 2015

Whether you’re exhausted, brain-fried, stressed-out, or in need of a healing or energizing boost, this short, guided meditation and simple breathing exercise is for you.

It’s 5 minutes in length, and super-simple to do.

It’ll help you recharge, and revitalize, leaving you feeling better, with greater focus, concentration, and clarity of mind. You’ll feel calmer, more at ease, and more present, or centered as well. And you’ll feel stronger and more capable too.

Inspired by the likes of a Dr. Wayne Dyer and other zen spiritual masters, this mindfulness meditation is sure to have you feeling great for the rest of your day.

We’ll be sharing more exercises and great guided meditations from both our interview guests and from me, several days a week. For more meditations, subscribe to our show or visit


Spirituality | Mindfulness| Self-Help | Inspirational | Motivational | Relaxation | Inner Peace | Bliss

Sep 28, 2015

If you’ve ever struggled to overcome life’s hurdles, whether large or small, than this interview with Bruce Van Horn, Author of Worry No More and host of the top self-help podcast Life is a Marathon is for you.

Bruce shares his story from bankruptcy (twice) to losing a young daughter, to divorce, full-custody of his two boys, to going from couch-potato to marathon runner, then stage 4 cancer, scary surgery, and now life back on track!

This is a heartfelt interview, from someone who’s been there, and has learned how to overcome any challenge that comes his way.

He discusses living life in gratitude, and why he blessed by all of his challenges, EVEN cancer!

He talks about how he overcome incredible despair, depression, and fear, and what you can do to overcome your own challenges, whether in business, or as an entrepreneur, in parenting, with health issues, cancer, or even financial woes. He discusses the 4 key steps we each need to take to thrive.

And he discusses how to do it while letting go of fear and anxiety. Bruce is a very spiritual man, and he talks about ways to let go, while still living the life of your dreams. He also discusses mindfulness, and staying in the present moment.

If you love a great inspirational and motivational comeback story, filled with helpful tips to give you greater peace, joy, and success in your life, then this is the interview for you!!!

--Bruce says he’s sharing his own “pepper” or version of what Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jack Canfield, and many other of the greats have to share, but in his own Bruce way!


For more info visit:

Sep 28, 2015

Whether at business, on the job, or at home, if you need to shake loose the cobwebs, clear your mind, de-stress or recharge, this brief, moving meditative treat is for you.

Hi Everyone, Michael Sandler here, your host on inspire nation, today we have a very brief moving meditative treat from Bruce Van Horn, host of the top self-help podcast Life is a Marathon.

We recently interviewed him for our Inspire Nation Show and he shared this with us from his book Worry No More.

This is a short exercise you can do at your desk, at home, or almost anywhere you can stand up. It’s great for anytime of the day, but Bruce recommends it most for when you’ve been sitting down too long.

We’ll be sharing more exercises and great guided meditations from both our daily show interview guests and lead by me, several days a week. For more meditations, visit We send love. We send light. And many many blessings your way.


Mindfulness | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspiration | Motivation | Inner-Peace

Sep 27, 2015

Discover Greater Happiness and Joy Now with Dr. Roger Teel, a spiritual leader who's worked with the Dalai Lama. Learn how to get in alignment, find your purpose, tap into the bliss, leave your worries behind, and live your greatest life! Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Self-Help | Mindfulness

Whether you’re looking for greater happiness, inner peace, or to simply unshackle from the stress and anxiety of your life and to shine bright, then this is the interview for you!

Dr. Roger Teel, author of This Life is Joy helps you discover the secret to plugging in to inner happiness on a moments notice helping you rewire the mind, for a more joyous, richer experience.

Learn how to identify and move past limiting beliefs. And discover what’s really holding you back, from happiness, and from success in your life.

You’ll learn how to surrender to the moment, be happy in any experience, and get more of a “big picture” view, where everything does happen for a reason.

He discusses negative self-talk, screwing up, and how there’s really no such thing! And he talks about the importance of taking risks to truly live, and stepping outside our comfort zones.

He looks at how fear is a friend, and how miracles truly happen, if we put ourselves on our path. And he talks about how to discover our path and get into alignment with our highest purpose.

Plus self-love, opening your heart, living more heart-centered, and living from a place of joy.

If you’re looking for a handbook on happiness, or how to find peace, and live more fully in each and every moment, then this is the interview for you!


About Dr. Roger Teel:

As a global leader, Dr. Teel has served as Chairman of the International Board of Trustees for Centers for Spiritual Living, and is Co-founder of the Association for Global New Thought. In 1999, 2001 and 2004, Dr. Teel assisted in facilitating the Synthesis Dialogues with acclaimed global leaders including His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. He has served on the boards of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, the Foundation for Affordable Housing, and the Community First Foundation.


Sep 27, 2015

Dr. Roger Teel, author of This Life is Joy and a spiritual leader who’s sat on a council with the Dalai Lama shares this beautiful, peaceful, relaxing guided meditation to help you shed stress, relax, and recharge you – body, mind and soul.

A perfect meditation to do any time of the day, particularly when you need to reduce anxiety and recharge your batteries.

Listen at work, at lunch or at home. Find instant peace, bliss, and healing for body, mind, and soul. A perfect way to start or end your day, and particularly great for a mid-day break. Enjoy.

Peace, Blessings, and Namaste.

For more guided meditations visit

And check out Dr. Roger Teel's Interview Be Joyful Now on Inspire Nation Show!

| Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | New Thought Church

Sep 26, 2015

If you’ve ever struggled with your health or diet, wondering why in the world you keep getting colds, cavities, or a few extra pounds despite doing everything you can to take care of yourself, OR if you’ve ever struggled to maintain your energy through the day - despite cup after cup of bulletproof coffee, then THIS is the interview for you!

Today we interview John Durant, a modern caveman, bio-hacker and life-hacker, and author of the outrageously popular Paleo Manifesto.

We’ll talk about what’s Paleo, why the name has such a bad wrap, and why the caveman diet and nutrition, just may be for us.

We’ll discuss it’s biological origins, zoo animals, ancient man, Harvard evolutionary biologists, the Torah, Bible and Moses, and perhaps everything but the Ten Commandments.

We’ll learn why we may have been so much healthier BEFORE the agricultural revolution, but why it’s not too late to turn back the clock and get healthier now.

It’ll be a fascinating look at our health, and why our diets aren’t serving us. We’ll look at what does work and why, and simple ways we can begin to shift our health and energy levels today.

We’ll also look at why our germophobic society isn’t serving us, and why a healthy gut, means a healthy mind.

We’ll look at agricultural diets, vegetarian diets, vegan diets, raw food diets, gluten and gluten-free, fermented foods, the ethical treatment of animals and much, much more.

We look at myths, dogma, addiction and societal demands, and how we can mindfully move past this to make our own choices, and discover our own healthy eating habits.

This is one interview that will leave you better equipped to make healthy choices to feel better about your body, your energy levels, and even a clearer mind, TODAY.

Show Intro Transcript:

Today we have a very australopithic guest on our show.

His name is John Durant, and he’s been called a professional caveman, though I guess that’d be a Neanderthal. John Durant is an author, entrepreneur, venture investor, and yes, modern caveman.

His first book, The Paleo Manifesto, advocates using our evolutionary history to combat the global epidemic of chronic health problems.

He has been featured in the New York Times, The New Yorker, NPR Morning Edition, CBC, Der Spiegel, and The Colbert Report. He has spoken at Google, Harvard, and The Nantucket Project and has been rated one of The 100 Most Influential People in Health & Fitness by Greatist.

He’s also the founder of Wild Ventures, a venture group specializing in consumer health products & technology.

Prior to becoming a professional caveman, he studied evolutionary psychology at Harvard. He thinks you should try a polar bear swim, intermittent fasting, and bone marrow.

For myself personally, I’ve been going down this caveman road for years without realizing it. I wrote a best-selling books on barefoot running, barefoot walking and connecting with the earth, and still go barefoot wherever I can even in the snow, I’ll also jump in freezing water no matter the temperature, and I’m always asking, what would ancient man have done?

I’ve called myself a tinkerer, or what John would call a hacker, or a bio-hacker, continuously asking questions and experimenting on ourselves.

One area I’m fascinated with is diet. For myself, I’d been nearly a lifelong vegan or vegetarian until recently.

For the last three years, I was even a fully raw vegan. But at that point I was getting fracture after fracture, until I had my bone density tested and found it through the floor. Fortunately, at the time, I had felt this strong calling to try eating differently and had been drawn to the benefits of bone broth.

Since then, I’ve made my way back up the food chain, and now call myself a vegetarian with meat-eating tendencies.

But we’ll be talking with John about this, about what Paleo is, about what a great caveman diet is, a farmer diet, an industrial diet, and even about why vegan or vegetarian, may not be the way to go.

I think it’ll be a fun and fascinating talk, one which may have you questioning your own food choices and habits, and asking, what would caveman do?


Michael Pollan - Cooked

Dr. Daniel Lieberman - Harvard


For more information visit:

Sep 25, 2015

Ever feel no matter how hard you try, success and happiness always eludes you? Want to make a shift that turns this all around? If so, then this inspiring interview with the incredibly successful film-maker and producer of the award-winning movie What the Bleep Do We Know is for you!

Betsy shares her journey to meteoric success with What the Bleep, and then how she cracked, and how her world then fractured apart.

People thought she had ALL the answers. She was considered spiritually enlightened, paid thousands for motivational, spiritual gigs, and even opened for Deepak Chopra. She thought she had all the answers too. Then she cracked, and found she had none! But out of this came a shiftin of her beliefs, that helped her put her life back together again, and to live the life of her dreams.

She shares a key secret to life, that happiness is an inside job. She also shares how we can find this inside of ourselves. She helps us become more mindful, culture greater awareness or consciousness, and helps us learn to be more present with our thoughts, and our belief systems.

She recently wrote a book called Tipping Sacred Cows. The goal, to help us all see how we’re trapped by our beliefs, and how we can unearth and get rid of these limiting thoughts.

She discusses The Secret, meditation, and the Law of Attraction – and how she uses it along with attachment, and failure. And why failure to her, is one of the greatest ways to live! She also talks about the My Life Sucks game and how to use it to turn your life around.

And she talks about teaching our kids how to think, keep them from limiting beliefs, and help keep their awareness and consciousness open to all possibilities.

This is a fascinating discussion filled with laughter, insightful moments, and great stories. Most of all, it’s filled with fantastic advice to help us unlock our own beliefs, see what’s limiting us, and to tip our own sacred cows. After listening to Betsy, you’ll be looking at your world, a different way, with more unlimited potential and less blocking your path.

That, and after you’re done laughing, you’ll feel pretty darn good about life as well!


More Show Info:

In this candid conversation with Betsy, she shares how she made the transformation from living a life full of fear and doubt to one that truly reflects her values and authentic self.  Listen to how this remarkable woman has learned to embrace all of life’s ups and downs, even divorce, in order to be happy in each moment.

Betsy Chasse is an internationally praised film maker and author, most notable as the Co-Writer, Director and Producer of What the Bleep Do We Know!? and author of Tipping Sacred Cows: The Uplifting Story of Spilt Milk and Finding Your Own Spiritual Path in a Hectic World.

Background on Betsy Chasse:

In 2014, she produced the acclaimed Song of the New Earth – Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound which premiered at The Seattle International Film Festival. She also produced a powerful documentary, Pregnant in America, which examines the bleak state of natural childbirth in the U.S, a subject close to her heart since she elected to go to Canada to give birth to her son.

She is also author of Tipping Sacred Cows: The Uplifting Story of Spilt Milk and Finding Your Own Spiritual Path in a Hectic World and co-author of the book version of What the Bleep Do We Know!?(TM): Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality.

Betsy is a regular contributor to Huffington Post, Modern Mom and She is currently producing a new feature documentary about coaching featuring Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimmoff.

Key Topics:

  • how your perceptions of reality are created through belief systems established during childhood
  • why your sacred cows don’t serve you
  • how Betsy’s divorce spurred her to rebuild her life with a new foundation
  • uncover your authentic self by playing the “My Life Sucks” game 
  • how you can tame your “thought monsters”
  • questions you should ask yourself about your life such as, “Is this what I really want?”
  • how you can live a life that reflects your values instead of living out of fear & doubt
  • how you can stay calm and collected in the face of emotional challenges
  • why you may not make the right choice even when you know it’s the right choice
  • how to let go of attachment to stuff (without guilt)
  • why she teaches her kids the importance of knowing why you want something
  • how Betsy immersed herself in her worst fears in order to let them go
  • why Betsy recommends screwing up in life

More Info Visit:

Sep 24, 2015

Marc Allen, Author of Tantra for the West and Spiritual Publisher of Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, and Dan Millman (Way of the Peaceful Warrior) shares a beautiful, short guided meditation to help you recharge and to heal. Perfect anytime of the day, particularly if you're in need of healing or greater inner peace.

Listen at work, at lunch or at home. Find instant peace, bliss, and healing for body, mind, and soul. A perfect way to start or end your day, and particularly great for a mid-day break. Enjoy.

Peace, Blessings, and Namaste.

For more guided meditations visit

| Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help

Sep 24, 2015

If you want to live the life of your dreams, overcome fears, and experience incredible joy and beauty in every moment…AND with more zeros in your bank account, and smiles in the bedroom, then this is the show for you!

We interview Marc Allen, author of Tantra for the West and one of the most successful independent publishers in the world. We discuss how he achieved his dreams, and guiding principles to help you achieve yours, while finding happiness and incredible abundance.  

Marc co-founded New World Library (with Shakti Gawain) and has guided the company, as president and publisher, from a small start-up to its current position as a major player in the publishing world, publishing life-changing books such as those by Eckhart Tolle author of The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment and Deepak Chopra, author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams.

We discuss tantra, or pure mindfulness in every moment, and how to use it to truly achieve your dreams. We discuss finding your passion, overcoming fear, moving past “failure”, and discovering happiness in every moment. Plus we discuss what Tantra means in the bedroom, and how you can take peak experiences with you throughout your day.

And we discuss why you don’t need to be broke, just because you’re spiritual. As an incredibly successful multi-millionaire who entered his 30’s spiritual but broke, he shares tips for getting rich while doing what you love, and without sacrificing who you are or your spiritual beliefs.

If you’ve ever wanted to succeed or find greater inner peace and happiness, than this is the interview for you!

Learn how to live the life of your dreams, and experience the beauty of every moment! You’ll leave with tools you can put in place right away, to start bringing a bigger smile to your face, and more zeros to your bank account. For according to Marc, you can scrounge for a hundred dollars, or a million, it’s just up to how big you dream. And for Marc, he believes we can all dream higher, and can all succeed!

Additional Notes:

Marc Allen is the author of several books including:

He is an internationally renowned seminar leader, entrepreneur, author, and composer

Key Topics:

  • what is tantra?
  • Marc explains the outer, inner and secret levels of existence & how to uncover your “secret-ness”
  • how you can use “consciousness focusing” to dissolve emotional & physical pain
  • how Marc’s time at a Tibetan Buddhist center taught him the power of affirmations
  • how Marc starts each day of his life
  • what Marc keeps in his “spiritual tool belt”
  • simple steps to settling arguments
  • how sex benefits everyone’s consciousness, even those without a spiritual practice
  • how recalling “peak experiences” elevates your consciousness
  • the importance of alone time for Marc
  • how we are all given gifts to help complete the missions we are given in life
  • the techniques Marc used to go from a “poverty case to a multimillionaire”
  • an explanation of the “Cool Theory” and why it’s important to examine what we think is cool
  • how to naturally open up your creativity
  • what Marc includes in his diet, including “gloppy donuts” and why
  • advice Marc tells every parent



Sep 23, 2015

Want to make big changes in your life? Dissatisfied with your career, life-direction, health, lack of happiness, or even the amount of 000’s in your bank account? Is your heart screaming at you or do you feel off-purpose, off-track or out of alignment with your higher, spiritual self? If so, then this interview with CJ Liu, the famous host of the Fire it Up with CJ is for you!

CJ Liu specializes in helping people determine when and why it’s time to make the big move, how to overcome fear and make positive changes in your life!

She was once an extremely successful Microsoft business exec, before feeling an incredibly strong need to change her life. She felt stuck, off-task and off-purpose, and her heart was screaming at her. It was her wake-up call, or something we almost all experience with injury, illness, a lack of sleep, or a twisting in our guts, before we make big changes in our lives. To CJ, it’s our soul or guts way of saying, I’ve gotta get out of here!

She knew if she didn’t leave now she never would. So she left it all behind, even without knowing what to do next. She spent several years soul-searching before figuring it out. Then she became a coach, radio host and entrepreneur for her own new company, one that gave her the freedom and life she desired.

In this episode you’ll learn how to transform your life and discover your life purpose, figuring out where you want to go and how (and when) you want to get there! You’ll learn how to identify and overcome the fear that’s holding you back.

And you’ll learn the importance of mindfulness, and how to listen to that inner-guidance that’ll take you to where you want to be!

This interview will help you overcome fear, understand how and why you need to change, start doing what you love and living your greatest life! Prepare to Shine Bright!

Show Notes:

  • CJ’s Path to Radio Host and Career, Life and Business Coach
    • Wake up call – father died, melt down in Costco parking lot
    • Existential Dilemma - Had everything, still miserable and life sucks
    • For two years stayed with Microsoft, but hired a career coach and took a test that showed she had interests in everything
    • Career Test showed she should be a high level military official, superintendent of school, interior decorator
    • Did informational interviews, everyone said their jobs were terrible.
    • Was afraid of being trapped at Microsoft. Felt like a lobster in a boiling pot; if she never leaves now, she will never leave because she loved it – though it didn’t feel like her calling.
    • Afraid if she didn’t leave, she’d never find out what she’s meant to do
    • All she knew was if she didn’t leave, “I was going to die”
    • One woman suggested she should become a life coach – helping others start doing things they love doing
    • Taught work-life balance courses at Peps
    • Took a life-coaching class


  • How do you know you’re on the right track?
    • You’ll have a physical response, you’ll just know it, it’s not an intellectual response.
    • In CJ’s case she felt “My job is no longer meaningful. It’s not what I’m meant to do. I go into work and I feel like I’m going to die, but I don’t know what I should do instead”
  • When you need to change you often start getting a physical ailment, headaches, literally can’t do it anymore
  • It’s your soul saying something’s not working – wake-up calls are someone getting sick or breaking something
  • It’s important to understand what you want from every angle, in every way, with all 5 senses
    • This helps when you know what you don’t want, to know what you do want
  • Examine & overcome blocks (belief systems that stand in the way of pursuing what you really want) such as “I don’t think I can make enough money as a…” “I feel like I’ll waste law school…” “I’ll disappoint my family…”


  • There are TWO CATEGORIES of fear:
    • FIRST: Fear of unknown, being too big, fear of failing – overcome them by understanding they are there.
      • To help: NLP, EFT, visualization and meditation techniques help to rewire the brain
    • SECOND: Fear that people will see me and know that you’re not worthy, that you’re a fake, you’re going to fail
    • ALSO:
      • Fear of being unsafe - Need to have safety, Maslow hierarchy needs met, then love and self-esteem
      • Fear of having no value
    • Solution: Need to go down to the very root of the raw emotion
    • You’re allowed to wallow in it for 2 or 3 minutes, suddenly pop out of it because you realize how absurd the fear is
    • If you’re afraid of finances, meet with a financial planner so you know how much money you really need or to make, for instance if you need to pay for college or have enough for retirement
    • Living is about living fully and having great experiences
    • 3 Key Pieces of Advice

o   1. When you don’t know where you’re going, opening to self of a higher wisdom, god, spirit, please just show me some signals or signs to let me know where I’m going and then open up and look

o   2. Get clear about what you want with a coach or reading books, doing exercises & get a plan together

o   3. Start doing things you love; doesn’t have to be job related – to open your heart, and you’re happier (gardening, movies, getting together with friends)


CJ Liu's Websites:





  • Seattle – Peps – teach you about parenting
  • NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming
  • EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Maslow hierarchy needs


For more information visit

Sep 22, 2015

If you’ve ever faced a whopping big challenge, or wanted to achieve at something so massive, others said it couldn’t be done, then whether you’re a business entrepreneur, athlete, or simply chasing your dreams, then this interview with James Lawrence, AKA the Iron Cowboy is for you!

James didn’t just set a world-record, he blew it out of the water. 50 50 50, 50 Ironman Marathons in 50 States in 50 Days. But he didn’t do it out of ego, but out of faith, trust, conviction, and yes, determination. He also had the incredible love and support of his family.

To James, his family doesn’t just come along for the ride, but is an integral part of his success, and he uses his endeavors to help teach his kids.

James shares what it took for this ultra-marathon endeavor, from fueling, to logistics, to teamwork, timing, and so much more. He also shares his faith and spirituality, his mental strength, and why he believed there was no way he wouldn’t succeed.

On top of that, he shares two self-help key ingredients. 1st, mindfulness, remaining in the present moment, no matter what. 2nd, doing small tasks consistently over a long period of time. You’ll learn more about this and more in this fascinating interview with a champion who didn’t believe failure was an option.

You’ll learn about success and yourself, about climbing your own mountains, about what it takes to accomplish really big dreams, and the nuts and bolts to get it done!

Last, you’ll hear about the importance of family, of teaching our kids important lessons, and about what truly matters most.

Prepare to be motivated, inspired, and on fire!!!

Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Spirituality | Endurance

Michael Sandler interviews James Lawrence, aka The Iron Cowboy, just weeks after completing 50 Ironmans (that includes 50 marathons!) in 50 states in 50 days. Find out just how such a feat was pulled off, the kind of conviction it takes and belief in oneself and the lessons you can start teaching your children.

Key Topics:

  • what spawned the idea to do 50 ironmans in 50 states in 50 days
  • what was his greatest motivation during the difficult moments
  • what his wife and 4 children did each day during the journey
  • how potential sponsors reacted to his project
  • why it blew his mind when people would question his ability to complete the journey
  • how James prepared mentally and logistically (think 3 vehicles, 3 bikes…)
  • how James dealt with the pain of a shoulder injury
  • why James never needed self-pep talks
  • why James intentionally physically under-prepared
  • 5 types of recovery that James recommends for everyone
  • James’ lifetime of mental preparation starting with wrestling for 12 years
  • why James was never nervous, even the day he flew to Hawaii to start the journey
  • why the police pulled them over in the middle of the first race
  • why James says you need to have a certain swagger to pull off such an endeavor
  • what were the biggest logistic concerns during the first 5 races
  • why he did the first ironman without sleeping prior
  • alter ego – James vs the Iron Cowboy (don’t mess with Iron Cowboy)
  • why his documentary film crew stopped talking to him
  • how James relied on faith for guidance, support, comfort, clearing the path
  • James recalls a couple miracle events
  • the activity with his eldest daughter that was the highlight of each day
  • the lie that he told interviewers every single day
  • what his daily diet entailed
  • advice for raising kids that will grow up to contribute to society
  • shout outs to James’ kids: Lucy 12, Lily 10, Daisey 9, Dolly 7, Quinn 6, to his wife, who he refers to as “the rock” and to his team Casey & Aaron


Top 5 Pieces of Advice:

  1. enjoy the journey and be present…
  2. whatever you choose to do, do it with 100% conviction…
  3. forget the fads and go back to the basics and hyperfocus…
  4. nothing in life is accomplished by yourself…
  5. no goal is too big, do a lot of little things consistently over a long period of time…



James Lawrence Online: Website | Facebook Instagram

Support the Cause:

Jame Oliver Foundation: specializing in fighting the childhood obesity crisis in the US and practical food education in schools

Mentioned Sponsors:

Young Living Essential Oils






Fezzari Bikes

Rudy Project


deep tissue massage: benefits according to

cold laser therapy: a treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and is thought to help accelerate the healing process.

scraping “gua sha”: a traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped to produce light bruising; practitioners believe gua sha releases unhealthy elements from injured areas and stimulates blood flow and healing

infrared saunas: heats your body from inside-out, which practitioners believe can enhance your natural metabolic processes, circulation and helps oxygenate your tissues 

Related Podcasts:

Ben Saunders, Polar Explorer

Scott Smith, Motivation to Move

Michael Samuels, The Secret to the Law of Attraction


Sep 21, 2015

If you’ve ever wanted to break free from the mold, discover massive success and live the life of your dreams then this interview with Scott Smith, host of the #1 self-help podcast Motivation to Move - Daily Boost! is for you!

Scott’s life wasn’t all roses, which we talk about on the show. But he’s chased his dreams, becoming incredibly successful in the process. He shares how he started, overcame massive roadblocks, and how he stepped way outside of his comfort to become an incredible success.

This interview is chock-full of how-to advice on building your own incredible success, whether that’s greater prosperity, better health, the partner of your dreams, or being that super entrepreneur, building the business you’ve dreamed of. As Scott says you'll learn how to "climb that mountain" and "rise above the interference!"

You’ll learn how to perfect your craft. Build healthy habits. Get unstuck and live life without regrets. Like the Law of Attraction, you’ll learn how to pull success into your life while doing what you love.

If you want massive success and are willing to work for it, you CAN do it, and than this interview will show you how!

Topics Include:

·         Scott shares how he got into broadcasting and podcasting

·         how you can perfect your own craft, whatever it is

·         the importance of getting out of your comfort zone

·         the strange challenges that happen when you become successful

·         why you should be wary of trying to make everyone love you

·         how true motivation comes within

·         why truly successful people ditch support group

·         why it's critical to choose your friends wisely

·         how "following the breadcrumbs" ensures you won't have regrets in life

·         how to easily get unstuck in life and find direction

·         a simple way to break bad habits like eating a poor diet

·         the power of "failing super fast" and how you can use failure to your advantage

·         why you should focus on just one thing at a time

Top 3 Pieces of Advice

1.       Life begins when you move, so get outside...

2.       Take the blinders off and be aware of the background noise...

3.       Rise above the interference physically or intellectually...



·         Scott Smith Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter


Scott's Podcasts:

·         The Daily Boost Podcast


·         Husband. Wife. Talking. Life.

Sep 20, 2015

It was the ultimate twist of fate that a famous neurosurgeon who taught at Harvard, and would tell patients and students alike that the soul is merely an illusion of the mind, would be struck down with what should have been a fatal brain disease.

Dr. Eben Alexander spent a week in a coma, brain-dead with cerebral meningitis, with doctors suggesting his wife pull the plug. They gave up on antibiotics and waited for him to die. But after 7 days without any signs of brain activity, he miraculously came back, and with the most incredible near-death experience to share.

This is a truly life-changing interview. Here’s a doctor who’s entire life was built around a premise that there is no afterlife. And yet when he returns, he shares a completely different story. If you believe his story, and it’s hard not to, then it completely changes, or affirms, everything we think about life, about death, and where we’re going from here.

It can’t help but get you thinking, and quite possibly living your life a different way.

This is an incredibly powerful and heartfelt interview that’ll have you on the edge of your seat, and leave you feeling great to be alive! 

Show Introduction:

Today we have a life-changing guest on the show. I found his book to be incredible powerful, and moving. It’s ironic to say moving, since you used to be one of the most analytical, left-brained people out there.

His name is Dr. Eben Alexander, until 2008 he had been a renowned academic neurosurgeon for over 30 years and taught at Harvard Medical Center for over 15 years. He thought he knew how the mind, brain and consciousness worked, and that Near Death Experiences, and any other unusual experiences were merely illusions or aberrations created by the mind. If someone was resuscitated and told him about it, perhaps seeing a bright light, or visiting deceased loved one’s, he’d very kindly and compassionately tell them it just wasn’t possible. It wasn’t science, and that they’re mind made it up.

Yet he’d seen a lot in the operating room and in ER. He’d seen patient appear to die and come back. He’d seen miraculous bursts of lucidity or clarity just before people’s deaths, and much more that he couldn’t even begin to explain. But as a hard-nosed scientist, he ignored people’s stories, reports, and what he’d even seen with his own two eyes.

And that made him such a perfect candidate for what would happen next.

That’s where we pick up the interview, talking about Near Death Experiences, the possibility of after-life, about what the human brain does and does not do…or maybe to say, why it doesn’t let us see certain things, and why what he experienced means so much for us.

This won’t be all woo-woo, because that’s not where Dr. Alexander comes from, he comes from the linear, right brain, Age of Reason, scientific, PROVE IT WITH SCIENCE and statistics world.

This is a life-changing interview, if nothing else, it’ll stop you in your tracks, giving you a new perspective on life, on death, and of living your greatest life here on Earth.

For myself, I found Dr. Eben Alexander’s book Proof of God, to be perhaps the most single important book I’ve ever read this lifetime. And if you know my show, you’ll know I read a LOT.

Topics Include:

Topics and Questions:

a.       What was Dr. Eben Alexander like before he “died”.

b.      What happened physically when he contracted meningitis.

c.       Why he shouldn’t have lived from the rare, fatal disease.

d.      What he experiencing while he was brain dead.

e.      What was happening to him spirituality during this week and beyond.

f.        Could it have been a brief hallucination, delusion, or fantasy?

g.       Reading your latest book, it seems like these experiences have happened since the beginning of written work, if these are so real, why haven’t they been studied, or written up, or why isn’t this knowledge mainstream?

h.      There’s a point in your journey where you were travelling on a butterfly, and a woman was there with you who told you three key things. What were those three things?

i.         How long did it feel like you were gone for?

j.        In the Map of Heaven, you talk about having lost hope, or the newness for life before your experience. What were you like when you came back?

k.       I (Michael Sandler) have had two near-death experiences, both of which radically changed me. Even the laugh you here now, and my Woo Hoo came out of my experiences. I’m not the same person I was, each time I died on the trails. How have you changed?

l.         During my second experience, the best-way I could describe it, was I was getting downloads, like drinking from a firehouse. I was laying in a freezing creek by Lake Tahoe, forcing myself to breath, staring out up at the most brilliant sun I’ve ever seen, while torrents of information seemed to come to me. I’m still working to decipher them all, but this show was one of the pieces that came out of it. I was reading in your book that you were taking these fantastical visits and getting the most incredible downloads. I don’t know how you put it in words, but what kind of downloads were you getting?

m.     What kind of downloads did you get?

n.      What’s your latest insight based on the downloads or on the experience?

o.      What does this experience mean for us?

p.      What can you tell us about the brain and consciousness, based on what you’ve learned

q.      Jessica always asks that I ask a question about children, child-raising, or infants. In this case, she asked if kids come into this world without the same veil, buffers, or restrictions of an adult mind, kids brains also limit them in the same way adult brains do, or is the veil more translucent at this point?

r.        What are some of the key themes you learned from your journey?

s.       What does it mean to be living under the aspect of eternity?

t.        What does Love vs. Fear mean to you?

u.      How can we live differently based on what you’ve experienced?

v.       Writing this book could not have done wonders for your career as a neurosurgeon, so why did you write this book? And what’s the most important thing you hope people get from it?

w.     Why did you write The Map of Heaven, your second book?


x.       You write toward the end of your second book The Map of Heaven, a quote of Aldous Huxley, a famous writer “This world is an illusion, but it is an illusion we must take seriously. Because it is real as far as it goes…we must find a way of being in this world while not being in it.” Why did you include this, and what do you mean by it?

Further Info at

Sep 19, 2015

If you’ve ever struggled with health issues doctors couldn’t solve, then you may be one of the 80% of people deficient in magnesium! Magnesium’s responsible for over 800 known processes in the body and counting. If you want to find out if you may be deficient, the simplest ways to remedy it, and the huge positive benefits this could have for your body, then today’s show is for you.

We’re talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean, a leading expert in Magnesium with over 30 books & 110 kindles on the life-changing benefits of magnesium.

First we’ll discuss the top signs we’re deficient, why the deficiency, and how it shows up in our bodies. We’ll learn what to take, what not to take risks, dosages, and how much is safe! Plus baths, and true “electrolyte” sports drinks you can make at home without all the sugar!

We’ll look at how to re-mineralize your body, reversing osteoporosis and getting stronger, healthier bones. And we’ll look at kicking heart-disease naturally, removing plaque from your arteries, eliminating heart arrhythmias and fibrillation, lowering blood pressure & cholesterol levels, and improving your triglycerides and blood lipid levels.

We’ll look at autoimmune & inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, lupus, MS, ALS and Parkinson’s, plus autism and epilepsy.

For fitness, we’ll look at preventing muscle cramps and fatigue. And how magnesium can dramatically boost energy levels, reduce fatigue and improve the quality of your sleep!

 This is an incredible, not-to-be-missed show to boost your brain power, healthy & fitness, and keep illness and injury away! 

If you’ve ever wondered why your energy levels were low, anxiety is up, and your skin’s aging prematurely, then do we have the show for you too!

Some of the topics covered include:

1.       Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

2.       What is magnesium?

3.       What we should do about a magnesium deficiency.

4.       Why it’s magnesium, NOT CALCIUM, that’s important for our bones

5.       Signs your magnesium levels may be DANGEROUSLY LOW

6.       Why Magnesium important for SKIN HEALTH

7.       Why magnesium good for anti-anxiety

8.       How magnesium reduce your risk of diabetes?

9.       Digestion and magnesium

10.   Best foods for magnesium

11.   Magnesium for MS, ALS, and epilepsy

12.   Magnesium for autism

13.   Do Sports drinks contain magnesium?

14.   How can we make homemade electrolyte drink?

15.   CoQ10 destroyed by meds and protected by Magnesium

16.   Eye twitching

17.   Heart racing

18.   Mineral loss in teeth from saliva

19.   Magnesium deficiency causing an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth

20.   Heart Failure, Heart Disease, and boosting your heart health with magnesium

21.   Statins, high blood pressure, and magnesium

22.   Migraines and magnesium

23.   PMS and menstrual cramps and magnesium

24.   Muscle cramps, exercise, and magnesium

25.   Sleep, constipation, anxiety, migraines

26.   Magnesium greatest predictor of heart disease

27.   Vitamin D deficiency – Vitamin D and magnesium

28.   Blood pressure medication

29.   High cholesterol

30.   Irritable bowel syndrome

31.   Magnesium intake is inversely associated with coronary artery calcification: the Framingham Heart Study.

32.   Are researchers using wrong forms of magnesium?

33. magnesium RBC test

34.   Why blood tests let us down and why “average” is not good at all.

35.   Safe dosages and protocol to begin

36.   Risks

37.   Atrial Fibrillation and remineralizing your heart

38.   Arthritis, kidney stones, osteoporosis (osteoporosis scurvy of the bone)

39.   Prostate cancer

40.   Are epson salt baths good?

41.   Blood sugar and magnesium deficiency

42.   Dosage – minimum for different people

43.   Fluoride, fluoridated medications, and boron

44.   Brain fog, ADHD, and magnesium

45.   Asthma,

46.   Constipation

47.   Diarrhea,

48.   IBS,

49.   Colitis, Bronchitis,

50.   Chronic Fatigue,

51.   Cold extremities,

52.   Diabetes,

53.   Acid reflux,

54.   Alzheimers,

55.   Adrenal fatigue,

56.   Blood clots,

57.   Angina

58.   Cholesterol elevation

59.   Anxiety & depression

60.   Insomnia

61.   How much is initial amount to start out?

62.   Starting with Epson salt baths and foot baths…see how it affects them.

63.   ADHD and autism, better bowel movements… bowels relax, sleep better, stop being so irritated or irritable.

64.   Magnesium citrate powder

65.   REMAG

66.   Magnesium more important than calcium for children’s bones

67.   Magnesium and menopause

68.   Stroke

69.   Kidney disease

70.   Hypothyroid, Hypothyroidism and Magnesium

71.   Magnesium vs. boron for bones.



72.   Why it’s magnesium, not calcium that’s important for the bones. 

Why Aspirin may be dangerous and Magnesium may be better.  

Find out why Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Weil think we’re struggling with magnesium deficiency. Find out why it’s critical for your heart, brain, blood pressure, immune system, digestion, blood sugar, muscle strength & more important than calcium...

For more info visit 

Sep 18, 2015

Want to communicate better with your pet, understand what they’re thinking, help them be happier, and potentially overcome any behavioral challenges? If so then this heartwarming interview with Tim Link, animal whisperer extraordinaire is for you! 

Find the secret to talking with your dog or cat. How to hear what they have to say. Learn the best ways to change behaviors, prevent bad ones, and train your animal to truly be your best friend. And vice-versa, to help your animal let you know what he or she wants.

You’ll also learn how to be more mindful, present, and meditative with your pet. And how to open your heart and stay in a positive place, and its importance for your dog or cat.

You’ll learn how to eliminate their anxiety, and cultivate greater love with your animal. You’ll learn their likes and dislikes, and why they do the strange and funny things they do!

You’ll also understand a pet’s passing or dying better, heal old wounds, and learn how you can connect and communicate with your dog or cat on the other side. He even discusses animal reincarnation!!!

And you’ll learn how and why kids can communicate so easily with pets and what they need to know.

 This is an entertaining, loving, compassionate interview that’ll leave you racing home to your pet to hear what they have to say, and create an even stronger bond and relationship with your animal. Be it dog, cat, horse or elephant...or even snake, gerbil or lion too, they have a lot to say, and you’ll learn how to listen!

Additional Show Notes:

  • how Tim discovered he could talk with animals
  • how we can all communicate with animals
  • what we should communicate to them and when
  • what’s the best way to train our animals
  • how to tell if a pet isn’t doing well
  • why our pets understand much more than we think
  • what we should tell them when we leave the house
  • for more info
Sep 17, 2015

Want better relationships, a healthy partnership, or to find the right special someone and life-long happiness? Then this interview with NY Times Best-Seller Alan C. Fox, entrepreneur & founder of a billion dollar real-estate empire and an incredible people person, is for you! <br>

People Tools author Alan C. Fox, has had a successful marriage for 35 years, and has learned to cultivate extra-special relationships. But he wasn’t always successful at love and marriage.

He’s been divorced twice, and always compromised his values for others.

Until 1 day, he realized to change his relationships he needed to change himself. (Similar strategies to the Law of Attraction and The Secret.)

Filled with laughter & fun stories, he covers an amazing range of relationship topics and strategies from how to be the right person and find the right person, to keeping yourself out of arguments. He even wraps up with a section on raising kids and as a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching them about building success, money and creating wealth!

This is an entertaining, inspiring, life-changing interview. Like How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, you’ll learn the secret to communicating and understanding people better!

You’ll be motivated and inspired. If you have a relationship, prepare for it to soar! And if you’re single, to attract that right special someone!


Key Topics:


·       why Alan’s first 2 marriages failed and how he made sure his 3rd would succeed

·       “How to Be the Right Person” & understanding your core values to find the right person

·       “My Many and Only”: How thousands of people may be right for you

·       the most important advice for someone trying to meet the “right” person

·       “singles workshops” & Alan’s technique for being fully present with 1 person

·       the benefit of treating everyone as if they are really special to you

·       importance of being there when it’s really important to your loved one no matter what

·       look in the mirror first, but how to tell when it’s the other person

·       chapter on mind reading

·       chapter on it’s ok to ask, never punish someone for asking

·       “Tool #8: Is it safe?” & the importance of making the relationship safe for your partner

·       the secret is you

·       assign yourself the task to “Catch Them Being Better”

·       “The Best Defense Is No Defense” & go in with intentions to learn & change, not to criticize

·       staying positive & practicing gratitude

·       why Alan trained himself to have a bias to say “yes’ to any request

·       the importance of cuddles and physical touch

·       why you need to love the other person before they love you

·       the important of talking about money with your family

·       how Alan taught his children at 4 or 5 to start making investments

·       teach children to be positive, listen and show respect



·       Alan C Fox Online: Website


·       Books Written by Alan C Fox:


·       People Tools for Love and Relationships: The Journey from Me to Us by Alan C Fox


·       People Tools for Business:  50 Strategies for Building Success, Creating Wealth, and Finding Happiness by Alan C Fox



·       People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity by Alan C Fox


Other References:


·       Rattle Poetry Journal: poetry magazine founded by Alan C Fox; mission to promote the practice of poetry


·       Freida C. Fox Family Foundation: non-profit co-founded by Alan C Fox; provides grants, consulting, and project based technical assistance for youth and education focused initiatives


·       ubuntu: “…an idea from the Southern African region which means literally ‘human-ness,’ and is often translated as ‘humanity toward others,’ but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity.”


·       ohana: “…part of Hawaiian culture, ʻohana means family… emphasizes that families are bound together and members must cooperate and remember one another.”


·       The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed by Temple Gradin


·       Temple Grandin: inspiring, fact-based film about Temple Gradin starring Claire Daines



Sep 16, 2015

Want greater income? A better job? The fitness you’ve always wanted, or to finally be excited to get out of bed and take on the day? Then this interview with motivational speaker, life coach and #1 best-selling author Hal Elrod of The Miracle Morning is for you! 

Some call him the next Tony Robbins, and after you’re fired up from this interview with powerful actionable advice you’ll understand why!

Yet before Hal (aka Yo Pal Hal) became a success, he died 3 times after a drunk driver hit him head-on at age 20. Despite permanent brain damage, he rebounded, set his company’s sales record, and Hal joined his business hall of fame.

Years later as an entrepreneur he experience financial disaster, losing his home, and getting deeply depressed.

Yet he pulled himself up and became an unstoppable force of motivation and self-help guidance in the process. And he became an ultra-runner and visionary business and life coach too!

His secret? The Miracle Morning program he shares in this interview that he learned after studying Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Oprah, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Seth Godin, Will Smith, Jim Carey, Ray Dalio, Robin Sharma, and countless other incredibly successful individuals!

In this entertaining interview, you’ll learn his simple step-by-step SAVERS program to turn your life around and achieve your greatest success!

Prepare to be inspired and motivated as you learn the skills you need to take your life to a new level and manifest whatever you desire!!!

Key Topics:

·Hal’s near death accident, which caused him to die 3 times

·why Hal’s parents thought he was in denial and delusional in the hospital

·why he called his accident a “good thing”

·most important lesson Hal (aka Yo Pal Hal) learned in sales about complaining

·how to accept the worst possible case scenarios

·the best way to direct your energy resources

·how positive thinking (think Tony Robbins) puts you into a peak mental state

·the level of commitment it takes to realize your goals

·why Yo Pal Hal got a weekly accountability coach

·Hal admits he still has fears, self-doubts and insecurities

·what sets apart successful people from unsuccessful people (hint: how you deal with your emotions)

·in 2007, Hal lost half his clients, his car, and almost his home

·the advice a friend gave him that transformed his life, in 2 months doubling his income

·also trained for a 52-mile ultramarathon

·the Miracle Morning is comprised of 6 activities, “practices older than dirt”

·acronym SAVERS stands for:

o   Silence – prayer or meditation

o   Affirmations – results oriented and practical, exact, easy to do (spirituality, law of attraction, the secret)

o   Visualizations – visualize yourself taking action that day and create emotional enjoyment of doing it in your mind (meditation and spirituality)

o   Exercise – as little as 3 minutes

o   Reading – self-help books on topics you want to improve

o   Scribing – writing, journaling

·focus on who you are becoming, rather than what you are doing

·focus on becoming more, instead of doing more

·shout outs to his two children: 6-year old Sophie and 3-year old Halston




Hal Elrod Online: Website | Miracle Morning Facebook Community

Books Written by Hal Elrod formerly known as Yo Pal Hal:

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod

Taking Life Head On! (The Hal Elrod Story): How To Love The Life You Have While You Create The Life of Your Dreams by "Yo Pal" Hal Elrod


Other Books Mentioned:

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant


Other References:

Eben Pagen: create a successful morning ritual; you win the morning, you win the day

Robin Sharman, author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny

Anthony Robbins, author of MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Ray Dalio, billionaire & founder of the world’s biggest hedge fund firm, Bridgewater Associates

The Five Minute Journal: recommended by Hal


Famous People Who Practice Affirmations:

Will Smith

Jim Carrey

Mohammad Ali

Suzy Orman

Oprah Winfrey


Famous People Who Practice Visualization

Bill Gates


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sep 16, 2015

Do you want to be inspired and feel you can accomplish anything in life? Then this interview with Ben Saunders, world-record arctic explorer is for you!

Ben had a dream to complete the Scott Expedition, an 1800 mile journey on foot to the South Pole and back considered so dangerous, no one had attempted it in over 100 years. The last team all died trying.

But Ben believed he could do it. He doesn’t understand impossible. Instead he took 10 years preparing, raising 5 million dollars, and building a team to make the impossible possible.  

Then he stepped onto the ice and into the unknown. For 105 days he pulled a 440 pound sled, over glaciers, ice-fields, even mountains in sub-zero blizzard conditions.

It’s a journey so daunting it’s hard to comprehend. But we all can relate. We each have our mountains to climb and arctic deserts to traverse. We can learn from Ben how to get started, stay motivated, find solutions, and put one foot in front of the other to succeed at our dreams, no-matter-what.

Ben Saunders is truly Shining Bright and after listening, you can’t help but shine brighter too! And, chances are, you’ll be ready and raring to take on your day and your next great adventure! 

Key Topics:

  • his new perspective on life following a recent near death accident while cycling
  • how Ben is anything but a reckless adrenaline junkie
  • his inspiration for pursuing career in arctic exploration
  • at 23, his first attempt to reach the North Pole
  • how Ben became obsessed with completing the Scott Expedition
  • how he lulled himself into a false sense of security
  • their daily diet during the Scott Expedition
  • his mental self-talk to staying positive during the expedition 
  • setting the smallest possible goals and focusing on what you can do instead of what you can’t
  • trusting things will get better, such as light, weather, etc
  • what Ben was dreading and fearing the most on the Scott Expedition
  • the circumstances leading up to Ben’s decision to call for help


Top 3 Pieces of Advice:

  1. self-belief, is a muscle that needs exercise, which means stepping out of your comfort zone…
  2. success isn’t what happens at the end of the journey…
  3. keeping a sense of humor and remembering to have fun…



Ben Saunders Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter Instagram



Pen Hadow: led unsupported expedition attempt to North Pole with Ben in 2001

Terra Nova Expedition, officially the British Antarctic Expedition 1910-13: the ill-fated expedition to the Antarctic led by Robert Falcon Scott

Robert Falcon Scott

Roald Amundsen’s Norwegian expedition: first expedition to reach the geographic South Pole

Scott Expedition Blog: blog entries spanning nearly 2 years including prepping for the journey and 108 days of the expedition itself

Tarka L’Herpiniere: Ben’s partner on the Scott Expedition

Ben practicing hill repeats with his dog, Marley

Beardmore Glacier: images of the glacier using Google search


Ben’s Ted Talk “Why bother leaving the house?”


Sep 15, 2015


If you’ve ever struggled to get a better job, a healthy relationship, the love of your life, or greater wealth or happiness, then this  EXCLUSIVE interview with Michael Samuels, the #1 best-selling Law of Attraction author of Ask the Universe, Keep Calm and Ask On, and the Universe-ity is for you!!!

Until now Michael Samuels has never granted interviews. In this show, he comes out and shares his secrets to bringing into your life everything you desire.

He also shares about his own life, his low point, the oppressive relationship he had, and how he was ignoring his inner self. Then watching a Tony Robbins interview, he made one simple act that would change everything.

He found his own personal power,  that would put him on his path toward skyrocketing business success, an amazing writing career spanning multiple genres, and wildly successful self-help books that have transformed the lives of thousands.

In this episode he’ll help you come up with your plan to bring about massive change in all areas of your life.

This is a heart-felt, yet powerful interview, that’ll leave you feeling inspired, with a plan, and ready to attract happiness, health, wealth, LOVE, and anything else you desire!

Key Points:

* Why he decided to write book, wallowing away in self pity, low point, oppressive relationship, not connecting with inner self, wanted to reinvent himself…

*  Watching Anthony Robbins infomercial and went on 30 day Tony Robbins Personal Power program

* He shows step-by-step how you get in touch with your subconscious, get in alignment with your goals, and how you bring about the

* Turned self pity to self empowerment

* Turned into sponge

* Read “The Science of Getting Rich” and The Power of Subconsious Mind

* Your subconscious mind must be in harmony with the universe

* Wrote down wants of his wife, from religion, to height to color of her hair

* How we confuse the universe

* Everything is wants in life, the minute you’re born, you have wants

* Wanting is not lacking, it’s setting goals for yourself

* Write it down, commit, program your subconscious and take action

* Like planting a tree, you have to nurture and be patient

* Wants the universe see you working towards your goal…

* The idea of worrying is going to create more reasons to worry

* I have no idea how to do it, but you go for it anyway

* 5000 no’s, but expect 1 yes from the universe

* How to create your want list--correctly

* “You create your life”

* Be a creator, not a competitor

* Karma and others

* Be willing to learn about yourself

* People need to wake up and…

* Journey makes you who you are

* Constantly reinvent your self, from point B to Point C

* You have to learn from everybody

* Getting control of who you are as a person

* How everyone’s life is like a screenplay, with a moment called “all is lost” facing “certain death”

* How you accept the hard stuff is how much they will propel you into future

* Teaching children to study the greats, teach them everything, like clay and mold them

* Gratitude

Interview References:

·      “Personal Power” by Anthony Robbins

·       Michael Phillip Cash

·       “Money” by Anthony Robbins

·       Wallace Waddle Science of Getting Rich

·       William Akinson

·       Joseph Murphy “The Power of the Subconsious Mind”

·       “Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton

·       Ralph Waldo Emerson

·       Napoleon Hill

·       Donald Trump

·       Star Wars – Quin Gong Jing , fish eats fish “There’s always a bigger fish”

·       George Carlin “If people aren’t meeting your needs, drop some of your needs.”

·       Devil’s Advocate starring Al Pacino

·       Boomerang “Eddie Murphy”

·       “Heavenwood” script

·       George Andersen median

·       “Proof of Heaven” by Dr. Eben Alexander

·       “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell

·       “The Man with a Thousand Facees” by Joseph Campbell

·       “The Writer’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell

·       “Lord of the Rings”

·       Will Smith

·       First interview in 5 years


·       Famous People who never finished high school:

·       Peter Jackson

·       Walt Disney

·       Richard Branson

·       Tom Cruise

·       Jim Carrey

·       Steve Jobs

·       Quentin Tarantino

·       Nicholas Cage

·       Johnny Depp

·       Jimmy Buffet, The Hokey Pokey

Sep 15, 2015

Want to attract greater happiness, health, success, wealth and love into your life? Then this interview with self-love expert and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Kamal Ravikant author of the runaway bestseller Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, is for you!

Kamal wasn’t always a self-help expert. He was a successful tech start-up expert until the last company he started completely blew up. He lost friends, investors, his savings, his health, determination, and everything he had. Depressed and dejected, he holed himself up in bed in a dark room, saying “feeling depressed was on my better days”.

But then one day, he couldn’t take it anymore, and crawled to his journal, where he made a sacred vow with himself. That vow would transform his life, and the lives of countless others.

His life rebounded, his health took off, relationships improved, and even his finances dramatically turned around.

Then he wrote a book on it which became an overnight sensation!

In this inspiring interview you’ll learn about his sacred vow, how me made it, kept it, and his secret to transforming your life. 

You’ll leave with the tools you need to make each moment magical and with a beaming ear-to-ear smile!


·      Key Topics:

  • how to change your life from the inside-out
  • how commitment is the fastest way to building self-confidence
  • how sometimes a lack of resources leads to the best innovation
  • how humans are still animals and how you can use this to your advantage
  • when your life isn’t going well, ask yourself, “Who am I being?”
  • how sometimes Kamal still gets lazy, falls, gets back up again
  • how special people started appearing in his life
  • why things don’t always work out the way Kamal wants
  • why Kamal only does things that he cares about
  • why Kamal doesn’t believe in “fake it till you make it”
  • the answer Kamal got when he asked a monk the secret to inner peace
  • the root cause of why you suffer
  • what it means for you to say “yes” to life
  • how Kamal was terrified of publishing his first book and how you can overcome fear
  • how the world responds when you share your truth
  • how the people you surround yourself affect your personal development
  • how Kamal honed his writing skills by spending time with Hemmingway
  • why it’s important to allow yourself to feel painful emotions
  • the best contribution you can make to the world
  • how to uncover the best version of yourself
  • what it means to live your truth and how
  • an important lesson about suffering Kamal learned at 18 in the army
  • why you shouldn’t be seduced by instant success

Top 3 Pieces of Advice:

  1. realize the power of commitment to yourself, to who you want to be…
  2. surround yourself by people who are the best at whatever it is you want to master…
  3. know that if another human being can do something, so can you…


Kamal Ravikant Online: Website

Kamal on Love & Entrepreneurship:

Books Written by Kamal Ravikant:

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant

Live Your Truth by Kamal Ravikant

Other Authors & Books Mentioned:

James Altucher: American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and podcaster, who encouraged Kamal to publish his first book

People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity by Alan C. Fox

Just Ask the Universe: A No-Nonsense Guide to Manifesting your Dreams by Michael Samuel

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod

The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection by Michael Singer (Recommended by Kamal after recording)

Tony Robbins: motivational speaker, personal finance instructor, and self-help author

Wayne Dyer: spiritual and self-help author and motivational speaker

Bruce Lipton: developmental biologist known for promoting idea that genes and DNA can be manipulated by beliefs

Other References:

Neuroplasticity: “The concept of neuroplasticity has replaced the formerly-held position that the brain is a physiologically static organ, and explores how – and in which ways – the brain changes in the course of a lifetime…”

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): “Its creators claim a connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (“programming”) and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.”

The Hero’s Journey: “…the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero going on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory,  and then comes home changed or transformed.”

Related Podcasts:

How to Master the Law of Attraction (An Interview with Michael Samuels)

Sep 15, 2015

Discover how Inspire Nation can transform your life!

In this START here episode you'll learn about the show's unique daily format, upcoming guests, and about your host Michael Sandler.

You'll learn how Inspire Nation came about (hint, it involved a near-death-experience), the type of guests you'll find on the show, and why it's your one-stop-shop for inspiration, motivation, guidance and direction.

You'll be inspired to tune in daily, for amazing guests like Dr. Eben Alexander, runaway New York Times Best-Selling Author of Proof of Heaven, or Hal Elrod, a motivational speaker that'll have you up early for your best day's ever...yes, he's quite possibly the next Tony Robbins. Plus you'll hear from health experts like Dr. Carolyn Dean, the world's leading authority on Magnesium, Tim Link, an animal whisperer who'll teach you how to talk with your dog or cat...or any other animal you may have!

You'll also get exclusive interviews from the likes of Michael Samuel's, one of the top spirituality authors and law-of-attraction experts out there, he's written three best-sellers, Just Ask the Universe, Stay Calm and Ask On, and The Universe-ity. And you'll have an interview from Kamal Ravikant, runaway best-selling author of Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It.

Phew! That's a lot of great guests, but that's only our first week!!!

Each morning you'll get a new guest and discover a new way to shine.

They say to be the best, surround yourself with the best people. Well this is your chance with inspire nation. It's like hanging out with your best friends who help you to take your business, relationship, love life and romance, health, wealth, and every aspect of your life to an entirely new level. Why, because you've surrounded yourself with the best, so they'll help you rise to the top.

It's quite simple, you'll have a new mentor a day through Inspire Nation to help guide you on your way!

Here's our Daily Format:

* Motivational Mondays to help get you going – Week 1 that’s an exclusive interview with best-selling author Michael Samuels about the law of attraction, the secret to manifesting anything you desire and Asking the Universe. Then a 2nd interview with runaway best-selling author Kamal Ravikant, author of Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It talking about how failures can be your greatest, most transformative successes, if you learn to truly love yourself.

* Triumphant Tuesdays – We help you soar with stories of heroes and heroines who inspire and endure. Week 1 it’s Ben Saunders, record-setting arctic explorer who hiked, ran, climbed and dragged a 440 sled 1800 miles to the South Pole and Back. Talk about an ultra-endurance athlete. It took him 10 years to raise the 5 million dollars for the 105 day event he successfully completed after the last team all died trying.

* Wisdom Wednesday’s – where you get sage advice and life-changing or planet saving words of wisdom from top life coaches, earth advocates, and speakers. Week 1 it’s Hal Elrod, talking about the transformative power of a miracle morning routine. After his own near death experience (he was hit head-on by a car and died 3 times), he turned his life around, become a business hall-of-famer, and an incredibly successful life coach. He attributes it all to the six savers techniques he learned from greats such as Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Tim Ferris, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, and the list goes on and on! He studied what made each of these people successful and distills it down for you!

* Tantric Thursdays, where we help your heart, discussing relationships, meditation, love, and more. Week 1 we have Alan Fox, multi-millionaire, philanthropist, and New York Times best-selling author, talking about People Tools that help you with better communication, better romance and love, and long lasting meaningful relationships.

* Feel Good Fridays, where we help give you a smile while keeping things light, fun, and upbeat. Week 1 it’s the animal whisperer Tim Link, teaching us how to talk with our dogs and cats. If you have a pet, then this is a must listen episode, it'll completely change how you relate with your pet, and greatly enrich both of your lives!

* A Smart You Saturdays, where you get the latest in health advice and heady advice. Week 1 it’s one of the world’s leading experts on the health benefits of Magnesium, Dr. Carolyn Dean.

* Soulful Sunday’s, where you’ll get spiritual advice, and transformative stories from the heart. Week 1 it’s Dr. Eben Alexander, the runaway New York Times best-selling author and neurosurgeon, who shares his Near Death Experience from his book Proof of Heaven.

You'll discover how and why Inspire Nation will change your life, day by day, each time you listen. You'll leave this show inspired and excited to check out our latest interviews.

Like life-hacking, Inspire Nation will upgrade your life, all from the comfort of your home, office, car, treadmill or path.

Imagine how much better your life will be tomorrow, if you're just 1% better each day.

And with Inspire Nation, you'll upgrade your life by leaps and bounds!

You'll leave each show with an ear-to-ear grin, a sense of purpose, a plan, and the energy you need to help your life take off! You'll feel better today, have more fun, find more peace, and achieve the happiness and success you desire.

Inspire Nation, it's like getting a daily dose of magic and inspiration, all in one place.

So enjoy the show, have fun, prepare to laugh out loud, and Shine Bright!!!



(Note: Michael Sandler was inspired to start down this road many years before his NDE, he listened to the likes of Tony Robbins, Zig Zigglar, Oprah Winfrey, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, Brian Tracy, and many, many more!)