
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: January, 2019
Jan 31, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted more Positivity in your life, especially during these interesting times, then do we have the Positive You Hypnosis show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Steve G. Jones, author of at least 25 books and over 9,000 hypnosis audio recordings. He works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. And he’s the creator of a fantastic program on Positivity Jessica and I have just blissed out to A New Positive Attitude.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how hypnosis can bring a new positive attitude, more happiness, and even unlimited wealth into your life!

That plus we’ll talk about a fear of bedwetting, smelly feet, a fear of birds, nail-biting and roaches, and what a fear of clowns has to do with anything!

Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How was it being on the Millionaire Matchmaker?
  2. How did Dr. Steve G. Jones first get interested in hypnosis?
  3. What got him hooked?
  4. How can hypnosis help us with positivity?
  5. How can hypnosis help us overcome negative news in the world today?
  6. What kind of help do celebrities come to him for?
  7. What conditions does he typically work on?
  8. What are the different ways we can rewire the mind for positivity?
  9. How do we work past all the negativity around us today?
  10. How do we move past subconscious blocks?
  11. What’s the mechanism that goes on behind hypnotism?
  12. What are ways that we can hypnotize ourselves?
  13. How does connecting to nature help us overcome negativitiy?
  14. How often should you practice hypnotherapy
  15. How do we move past a ‘political flu’ and how can hypnosis help?
  16. What are other things we can do to boost our positivity?
  17. How can affirmations and mantras help?
  18. How can hypnosis help with wealth creation?
  19. How can we use hypnosis to move past blocks with the law of attraction?
  20. What’s a thermostat or set-point, and how can we move past it?
  21. What’s the number one thing we can change to change our set-point or income in our lives?
  22. How can hypnosis help kids?
  23. What’s the importance of self-love?
  24. Where does kindness and compassion fit in?
  25. For More Info visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 30, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to overcome your obstacles, for profound life change, then do we have the Positively Unstoppable show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Diamond Dallas Page, retired pro-wrestling champion, WWE hall of famer, and author of a brilliant book for changing your life, Positively Unstoppable.

And that’s just w hat I want to talk with him about today, about the art of owning it for powerful life change.

Topics Include:

  1. How was it for Diamond Dallas growing up in an usual household?
  2. What was it like for him with ADD and dyslexia?
  3. How did he end up getting into pro-wrestling?
  4. How did his mentor Dusty challenge him, and what does it mean for us?
  5. How did he end up winning a world-championship?
  6. What happened with 335 pound Kevin Nash and how did Diamond Dallas end up exploding his back?
  7. What do we do well other tell us we can’t or we won’t?
  8. How did he learn to let go of other people’s diagnosis and step back into his power?
  9. How did his wife get him into yoga and what is dynamic resistance?
  10. Who is Jake the Snake and what is “The Resurrection of Jake the Snake”
  11. How do we help people who don’t have any fight in them?
  12. What’s the importance of the question “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
  13. What does it mean that repetition is the mother of learning?
  14. What can we learn from Diamond Dallas working with Carnie Wilson of Wilson Phillips?
  15. What does it mean that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it?
  16. What’s it mean to get honest with yourself???
  17. Who is Arthur Boorman (of the viral video “Never, Ever Give Up”?) and how did Diamond Dallas help him?
  18. How do we step back in our power, no matter what?
  19. What’s the importance of surrounding yourself with a positive team???
  20. What is DDPY Yoga?
  21. To find out more visit: and

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 29, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted a stronger, smarter, sharper mind, and at any age, then do we have the Soft-Wired show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Merzenich the undisputed heavyweight and father of brain plasticity, award winning neuroscientist, the co-founder and chief scientific officer of Posit-Science, and the author of a brilliant book on changing your mind, Soft-Wired.

And that's just what I want to talk with him about today, about how the new science of brain plasticity can change your life, and how do use it for happiness, success, and longevity.

Topics Include:

  1. What is brain plasticity?
  2. Can we truly change our brains?
  3. What in the world is going on with our brains?
  4. What is the latest science suggesting?
  5. How do we begin to change our brains?
  6. Are there any limits?
  7. What’s the importance of challenges?
  8. What’s the importance of getting uncomfortable?
  9. What does our “landscape” have to do with the brain?
  10. What’s the importance of nature when it comes to the mind?
  11. What’s the importance of presence – and what does it mean to truly observe the world around you?
  12. What does positivity have to do with the brain?
  13. How can helping your brain, help your mood?
  14. What brain challenges are our children facing today?
  15. What are brain games and how can they help?
  16. How often do you need to play brain games to see results?
  17. Can you change your brain without diet and exercise?
  18. What simple lifestyle changes are needed to change the brain?
  19. How can changing our brains affect our entire lives?
  20. What are the most important changes to begin making?
  21. What are the simplest changes to take beginning today?
  22. To Find Out More Visit

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 28, 2019

If you’ve wanted to move ahead, but don’t know how, then do we have the Thriving Through Uncertainty show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Tama Kieves, freedom ninja, visionary heroine, best-selling author, and the author of yet another fun and favorite book of mine, Thriving Through Uncertainty!

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about flying past fear, and leaping into the unknown!

Topics Include:

  1. What’s the illusion of a safe life?
  2. Why do we need to be our authentic true selves, even if it’s “unsafe”?
  3. What’s the superpower of uncertainty?
  4. What’s it mean to be good to ourselves?
  5. What’s the importance of a vow such as “I’m Never Giving Up”?
  6. How do we get in touch with our inner voice?
  7. How do we learn to trust ourselves?
  8. What’s it mean to walk in the direction of self-love?
  9. What’s the importance of action…AND non-action?
  10. What’s it mean there are no false starts or “wasted” time?
  11. Why is it so important to find peace first, then answers?
  12. What is sacred neutrality, and how does it help us be kind to ourselves?
  13. Why is it so important to allow yourself to become great???
  14. Why do we owe it to ourselves to make braver choices???
  15. What’s the importance of small, incremental steps?
  16. What’s the importance of remembering when you got it right?
  17. Why does success take so long?
  18. What does it mean – and why’s it so important that success isn’t linear?
  19. What’s the importance of what Carlos Castaneda calls a “worthy opponent”?
  20. How do we know we’re not moving backwards?
  21. What’s it mean to choose love?
  22. How do we deepen a relationship with our inspired self – and what is our inspired self?
  23. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 25, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to know what enlightenment really is, and if there’s a way to get there, then do we have the How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author, Dr. Andrew Newberg from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, a pioneer in the neurological study of religious and spiritual experiences known as neurotheology, and co-author of a phenomenal new book, along with Mark Robert Waldman, How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the new science of transformation, and what it means for all of us.

That plus we’ll talk about automatic writing, sufis and brain scans, mediums and parietal lobes, why you might not want to study demons, what to do when being chased by dinosaurs, what in the world a sea of infinite doubt has to do with anything, and the spiritual significance of unpopped popcorn on the stove!

Topics Include: 

  1. What was the fundamental question about humanity that bothered Dr. Newberg?
  2. What is enlightenment?
  3. What is a little e experience and a big E experience
  4. How can we learn about spirituality and enlightenment through the fmri
  5. What’s the importance of “stop trying”
  6. What does the big E have to do with a person’s purpose or sense of meaning?
  7. What’s the importance of an empty cup?
  8. What can we learn from an online survey on enlightenment and the brain
  9. What does the frontal and parietal lobes have to do with anything?
  10. What happens in the brain of meditators during meditation?
  11. What can we learn from people who speak in tongues?
  12. What can we learn from Brazilian mediums?
  13. What happens to the brain during channeling or mediumship?
  14. What happens to the brain during automatic writing?
  15. What are different levels of human awareness?
  16. What can we learn about automatic writing?
  17. What are the benefits of a daily practice?
  18. What can we learn from the LovingKindness Meditation?
  19. What’s the power of forgiveness and what does it do to the brain?
  20. What are the key steps to prepare the brain for enlightenment
  21. What’s the power of OM?
  22. What’s the power of drumming?
  23. What’s the importance of mantras or repeating words?
  24. Go to

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 24, 2019

How To Build A Couple Bubble For Love and Happiness!!!

If you’ve ever struggled with love, particularly in your relationship or marriage, then do we have the couple-building show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Stan Tatkin, clinican, researcher, teacher, and developer of the psychobiological approach to couple therapy. He’s also the author of four books including his latest, my new favorite couples book, Wired For Love.

Today we’ll be talking about building, protecting, and not-popping the couple bubble so you can defuse conflict and build a secure relationship.

That plus we’ll talk about the emote me game, the power of the insula, the orbitofrontal cortex, early birds and night owls, and why it’s okay to be annoying, just not threatening!

Topics Include:

  1. How’d Stan get into teaching vipassana?
  2. How he worked with John Bradshaw
  3. How’d he get into meditation
  4. What a sensory deprivation tank had to do with anything
  5. How he got interested in child and brain development while working with John Bradshaw
  6. How he got interested in preventing personality disorders
  7. How Jessica got interested in mindful pregnancy
  8. What is one of the most important premises in healthy child development?
  9. How do you support a mother raising her child
  10. What Thich Nhat Hanh says about caregivers and raising a child.
  11. What is a couple bubble?
  12. What chemistry takes place when we start dating.
  13. Why we make mistakes in relationships because our brains are relying on shortcuts
  14. What is normal in relationships
  15. Why a couple bubble has to do with secure functioning
  16. What’s the dumb vagus?
  17. What’s the insula
  18. What are the primitives?
  19. How do we bring in the ambassadors to prevent war?
  20. What does presence and attention have to do with preventing fights?
  21. What do islands, waves, and anchors have to do with anything?
  22. What are pleasing and soothing 101?
  23. What’s the importance of knowing your partner?
  24. How to prevent things from being long-term problems?
  25. What are morning and nighttime rituals, and early birds and night owls?
  26. Why most problems in relationships have to do with separations and reunions
  27. Why you want to wish your partner well dead or alive before going to bed
  28. How do we fight?
  29. How do we come up with a win/win situation?
  30. What’s it mean to wave the flag of friendliness?
  31. Why our brains are constantly filling in the blanks and why you shouldn’t leave things blank
  32. What are the perils of digital fighting?
  33. Why hugging with your bellies together is so important
  34. Do we all need touch?
  35. Words of wisdom for parents
  36. Shambhala Mountain Center Sept. 15th to 18th Wired for Love Couple’s event
  37. Go to and for counselor training
  38. Also see Wired for Love and Wired for Dating

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 23, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to take your life to a new level, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Robin Sharma, one of the most influential authors in my life, and the author of my new ALL-TIME favorite book for transforming your life, The 5 AM Club.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about owning your morning and elevating your life.

Topics Include:

  1. What’s a cyber-zombie?
  2. What’s the challenge with getting ahead today?
  3. What does it mean world class begins where your comfort zone ends?
  4. Why is hard good – and what does this mean???
  5. What’s it mean to “Take excellent care of the front end of your day”?
  6. What’s the value of a “risky life”?
  7. What’s it mean that all change is hard at first and messy in the middle?
  8. What is the 5 AM club?
  9. What’s our “Victory Hour”?
  10. What’s the importance of learning and growing?
  11. What’s the 20/20/20 formula for success?
  12. What’s it mean to move, reflect, and grow?
  13. How do we strengthen our motivation muscle?
  14. What’s the one most important thing we can do to succeed?
  15. Why we have to do something for 66 days to install a new habit?
  16. What do we do if we’re an “evening” person?
  17. What’s the importance of sleep?
  18. What’s the danger of technology, and how do we control it – rather than have it control us???
  19. What’s the importance of trusting our joy over our intellect?
  20. What can we do to boost our willpower?
  21. What’s the importance of increasing self-control in one area of our lives?
  22. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 22, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to shift your energy, and get your mind in the positive, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’re airing our recent Ask Michael Anything event from YouTube.

In this event Michael covers 20 plus easy-to-implement tools to help you shift your life, your mind, and energy to the positive! 

Shift Your Mind To the Positive Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: 

  1. What’s the importance of asking “what’s the importance of the situation”?
  2. What’s it mean to bring as much energy to a situation as possible?
  3. How you can reframe virtually anything?
  4. Why what we think is the “worst thing in the world” may turn out to be the best???
  5. Why we’re so quick to shoot ourselves down when we think we made a “bad” decision?
  6. Why Michael and Jessica never met Dr. Wayne Dyer?
  7. What does it mean that everything is here to support you?
  8. What does it mean that the Universe is happening for you and through you, not to you?
  9. What does it mean to ask “how is that here to serve me”?
  10. What does it mean to look for the positive possibilities?
  11. How do we mind-map the positives?
  12. What’s it mean to change our labels?
  13. What’s it mean to change our internal languaging?
  14. Why do we want to surround ourselves with obscenely positive people?
  15. What’s it mean to change our environment – and why is this so important?
  16. What does it mean to declutter the scripts of our mind?
  17. What’s the harm with social media and comparison?
  18. What’s the importance with stretching ourselves, getting uncomfortable, and risking “failure”?
  19. What’s it mean to fail forward?
  20. What’s it mean to “watch what we ingest” and how does it affect our subconscious?
  21. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 21, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS AND TO TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE, then do we have the One Thing show for you! 

Today we’ll be talking with Jay Papazan, vice-president and executive editor at Keller Realty, co-owner Papazan Properties Group, and co-author of best-seller The One Thing, that to me, now over 1000 shows in, is still one of the all-time greatest business books, and books on life..

And that’s what I want to talk with him about today, about how to turn your life from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY, and to not waste a minute.

The One Thing Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the challenge with how people view time today?
  2. What’s a better approach to time?
  3. What’s it mean to fail forward?
  4. What are the conscious choices we can make with our “limited” resources?
  5. What’s the importance of a vacation over a “staycation”?
  6. What’s the difference between passion and excitement?
  7. What’s it mean to count backwards with a limited amount of time in mind?
  8. What’s the importance of starting with the end in mind?
  9. What’s it mean to bring your “someday to today”?
  10. What can we learn from Ben Kinney about success?
  11. The importance of a 5 year plan – and how do we begin one?
  12. What’s the true importance of saying yes to something?
  13. What does it mean to do goal-setting in the now?
  14. What’s the FOCUSING question???
  15. How do we plan and create goals?
  16. What is time-blocking?
  17. What can we learn from Jay Papasan’s day-timer?
  18. What one-sheet do we want to keep with us for goal-setting?
  19. What do we do about email gone awry?
  20. How can we boost our limited willpower?
  21. Why is chaos necessary for our greatness?
  22. Why is big is bad a lie?
  23. To find out more visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 18, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted the power of ancient wisdom and modern mystical to help change your life, then do we have the Shaman’s Cave show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with the creators of the new podcast The Shaman’s Cave, repeat guest Sandra Ingerman author of an all-time favorite book of mine (that I literally keep on my shrine) The Book of Ceremony and Renee Baribeau author of another all-time favorite that helped guide us to Colorado, Winds of Spirit, on the power of shamanism in the modern world, and how to take a shamanic journey!

That plus we’ll talk about hummingbirds and hawks, datsun convertibles, White Buffalo Calf Woman, the gift of the prayer pipe, 4 cycles buffalos and bulls, the wind spirit Thate, Blessings, helpful spirits, and carl Jung and what in the world talking with crows has to do with anything!

Topics Include:

  1. How did Sandra Ingerman get into shamanism?
  2. How did Renee Baribeau get into shamanism?
  3. What is the language of nature?
  4. What can we learn from the birds???
  5. What are the animals here to teach us?
  6. What does it mean to reconnect?
  7. How can we use shamanism to help shake loose the clay that’s kept us from our authentic selves?
  8. How do we start using shamanism?
  9. What is a dismemberment, and why is it a good thing?
  10. What are the tools in a modern shaman’s toolbox?
  11. What’s the importance of gratitude, and how can we use it as a shamanic tool?
  12. What is a wind whistle and how can it help guide us?
  13. What’s the importance of calling in the wind?
  14. What’s the power of the rattle and the drum???
  15. What does it mean to see through our heart?
  16. What is the shamanic tool of seeing?
  17. What is the shamanic tool of blessing?
  18. How do we begin a shamanic journey?
  19. What are sacred ceremonies, and how do we perform one?
  20. To find out more visit:
  21. To check out The Shaman’s Cave Podcast visit: 

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:


Jan 17, 2019

Today I’ll be talking with Charles Eisenstein, the best-selling author of numerous books including The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics, and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, economist, humanitarian, and activist, and the author of a brilliant new must-read, on healing mother earth, Climate, a New Story.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about what’s really going on with the world today, and what we can do about it.

That plus we’ll talk about the importance of passenger pigeons, seppi garret and the Conodoquinet creek, prairie dogs and the rain, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, the danger of mcMansions, and what in the world temporary employees type #2 have to do with anything!

Topics Include:

  1. What’s really killing us?
  2. What’s going on in our hearts?
  3. What’s the new story Thich Nhat Hanh calls “interbeing”
  4. What does it mean to restore the inner ecosystem?
  5. Why isn’t carbon reductionism the whole answer?
  6. What is meant by the earth being a complex living system?
  7. What’s the real story of our climate crisis?
  8. What does it mean that we’re killing the organs of Mother Earth?
  9. Why is it so important to protect the water and the soil?
  10. What’s the importance of promoting land regeneration?
  11. What’s the importance of protecting the Earth’s rain forests?
  12. How do the trees affect rainfall?
  13. What are teacher trees (Peter Wohlebben “The Secret Life of Trees”
  14. What does artificial scarcity have to do with anything?
  15. What has to be changed about the world economic system (Sacred Economics)
  16. What’s it mean to build a deeper relationship with the earth?
  17. What does it mean to change our awareness with the earth?
  18. What does it mean to “tend the wild”?
  19. How do we regenerate and heal what’s been damaged?
  20. What does it mean to become an “earth healer”?
  21. What can we do to help our kids help the earth?
  22. What do we need to teach our kids today?

To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 16, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to create the life of your dreams then do we have the plant the seeds for the new year show and I manifested a Tesla show for you!

Today we’ll talk about intention work for the new year. What it looks like, how to do it, how to make a game of it, and why NOW is so important.

Manifesting Teslas Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s a year of leverage and love?
  2. What can we learn from repatriating mice?
  3. What does Yellow and a Tesla have to do with anything?
  4. What does allowance, surrender, and forgiveness have to do with manifestation?
  5. What are big energy shifts in our lives?
  6. What it means to play the game for the long-term?
  7. What’s the power of a vision-board?
  8. How to manifest a childhood dream?
  9. What it means to go from a Ferrari to a Tesla?
  10. What it means to study the ego as it’s throwing a temper-tantrum?
  11. How to sort the ego from what’s right?
  12. What it means to follow the clues and see where it leads you?
  13. What it means to wait for what you want?
  14. What do yellow car seats for babies have to do with anything???
  15. What does it mean to put out a vision?
  16. How to hold onto a vision in its heart?
  17. What does it mean to allow something to manifest “in it’s time”?
  18. What it means to give yourself time to get the pieces of your life in order?
  19. What are mind-movies (Dr. Joe Dispenza)?
  20. What’s a linking exercise?
  21. What in the world Spiritual Gurus In Teslas Getting High has to do with anything!
  22. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 15, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to feel calmer, more relaxed, and at peace with your life and those around you, then do we have the Heart Math show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Howard Martin, one of the leaders and founders of Heartmath, co-author of The Heart-Math Solution and a contributing author to a brilliant book on coherence, Heart Intelligence.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about connecting with the intelligence of the heart for greater health, peace, and happiness!!!

Topics Include:

  1. What is the intelligence of the heart?
  2. Is the heart’s intelligence greater than the brain?
  3. Does the heart emit a larger field than the brain?
  4. What is heart rate variability?
  5. Is the heart’s magnetic frequency measurable by science?
  6. Does the heart send more information to the brain, or the brain to the heart?
  7. What is resilience, and how can we build it through the heart?
  8. Does heart rate variability affect cognitive performance?
  9. What is heart coherence?
  10. How can we measure it?
  11. How can we boost it?
  12. Is there a way to benchmark our performance?
  13. Can we affect those around us through our heart coherence?
  14. What are tools to measure heart-coherence?
  15. How can we use these tools – and exercises, on a daily basis?
  16. Is there a way to stay in heart-coherence through the day?
  17. How does heart coherence affect our health and why is it so importance?
  18. What is global coherence?
  19. How can the coherence of those around us affect us, and how can we affect others?
  20. How can we work on the heart-coherence of our children, and why is this so important?
  21. What’s it meant o raise our vibration?
  22. How can we raise our vibrations through compassion and love?
  23. To find out more visit and
  24. Can we remotely affect the hearts of others?
  25. Does heart coherence affect our pets and vice-versa?

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 14, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to feel happier, healthier, and live longer, then do we have the Positive Shift show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Catherine A. Sanderson, the Manwell Family Psychology Professor at Amherst College, and the author of a fascinating book that will absolutely positively change your mindset, THE POSITIVE SHIFT. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about Mastering your Mindset to Improve Your Happiness, Health, and Longevity.

Topics Include:

  1. How did Dr. Sanderson begin researching positive psychology?
  2. What is a positive mindset?
  3. What in the world are kittens and rainbow people?
  4. Why is Facebook making people lonelier?
  5. How do expectations create reality?
  6. What’s the impact of subtle triggers on our confidence?
  7. What’s a failure mindset?
  8. What’s the importance of adopting a “new label”?
  9. How much does the placebo effect, affect our mindset?
  10. Is there a way to reframe stress?
  11. What’s the importance of self-compassion?
  12. What can we learn from Professor Goodenough about the myths of aging?
  13. Will smiling help us live longer?
  14. What’s the importance of finding the silver lining and taking action?
  15. What’s the wealthy neighborhood paradox?
  16. What’s the “Failing Well” program at Smith College?
  17. What’s the importance of expressing gratitude?
  18. What are some key ways to change your behavior and your mindset?
  19. The importance of sleep and mindset?
  20. How can sex affect your mindset?
  21. What’s the importance of meditation and your mindset?
  22. What do studies show is the importance of nature and the mind?
  23. How can helping others (and giving things away) help our mindset?
  24. To find out more visit: 

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:


Jan 10, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted your greatest year ever, or to Manifest in the new year, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’m airing last night’s ask Michael Anything event from YouTube, on How to Manifest anything in the new year, even a Tesla.

As it’s a live recording outside of the studio, you may hear occasional cat scratches, background noise, and foibles.

So sit back, enjoy the show, and above all else, Shine Bright!!!

How to Manifest Anything Topics Include:

  1. What’s a mind map, and how can one help you to manifest in the New Year?
  2. What’s the importance of coming up with a “theme” for the New Year?
  3. What manifestation work do you want to do each and every morning?
  4. Why it’s important to allow your dream time to manifest?
  5. What’s it mean to stay out of the “dweller”?
  6. What’s the Linking Exercise?
  7. What’s the BS we’re all hiding in the closet?
  8. What’s it mean to heal your childhood programming?
  9. Why is it so important to address your wiring when it comes to manifestation work?
  10. What is a breathing meditation you can do to heal wounds that may be blocking you?
  11. How can you use EFT tapping to stop repeating patterns and help you manifest your dreams?
  12. What’s it mean to watch our language in the New Year?
  13. What’s the dopamine rush we need to watch out for, and how do we do it?
  14. How can we use a vision board for the New Year?
  15. What is a mind movie (courtesy Dr. Joe Dispenza) and how can that help?
  16. What’s the power of gratitude when it comes to manifestation?
  17. Why do we want to go to prayer, and what does that look like?
  18. What’s the importance of a decision, a commitment, and taking action??
  19. What does “action” really look like?
  20. A powerful inner-child healing meditation
  21. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 9, 2019

If you’ve wanted a greater guidance in your life, then do we have the Personal Guidance System, show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with award-winning Australian filmmaker, documentarian and author Bill Bennett about a powerful movie, that’s perhaps even more important than the secret, PGS: Intuition is Your Personal Guidance System.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, what’s REALLY intuition and how we can all tap in to our own personal guidance system.

Topics Include:

PGS The Movie Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What was the voice that saved Bill Bennett’s life???
  2. Where did it send him on his path?
  3. Do we all have this inner voice?
  4. What exactly is intuition and where does it come from?
  5. How did he decide to make a film on our Personal Guidance System?
  6. What is it like trying to follow that inner voice?
  7. Could the voice really be divine intervention?
  8. What can we learn from Lee Carol and “Kryon”?
  9. What was the wisdom that Paul Selig and his guides shared, and how’d it change Bill’s movie…and his life?
  10. What can we learn from Dr. Dean Radin about intuition, time and the brain?
  11. How did Caroline Myss PhD come to be in the film and why was it a blessing in disguise???
  12. How do we find out what our purpose is – and does our soul come with a purpose?
  13. What does it mean to awaken?
  14. How do we start our inner guidance system?
  15. What are the necessary steps to turning on our inner guidance system?
  16. What does it mean to stop, listen, ask, trust, and follow?
  17. How do we cultivate the inner voice to hear it more clearly?
  18. Why is it more important than ever (for humanity) to listen to our inner voice?
  19. How can we help cultivate this voice in our children?
  20. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:


Jan 9, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to heal from illness, or feel better about your life, then do we have the Humor and Healing show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Bernie Siegel, revolutionary doctor and the best selling author of numerous books including Love, Medicine and Miracles, Love Animals and Miracles, The Art of Healing, and a phenomenal little audiobook Humor and Healing.

And that’s just what I want to talk with Bernie about today, about how to laugh your way to self-healing, and happiness.

Topics Include:

  1. What does it mean to become a love warrior?
  2. What it means to send someone love and help change their life?
  3. What is 365 Prescriptions for the Soul?
  4. How do we heal from feeling we’re a failure?
  5. What we can learn from stories about our life?
  6. What we can learn from Simon and Garfunkle?
  7. Why you want to wear a bandage when you’re not injured!
  8. What’s the importance of sharing what’s ailing you with others?
  9. Why people never die, and what it means for you?
  10. What laughter means for our health?
  11. Why your attitude is so important for your survival?
  12. What we can learn from people who have a few months to live?
  13. What people have done when they were told they were dying that dramatically extended their lives?
  14. What does it mean to choose to live?
  15. What does it mean to take back the reigns of your life?
  16. How can parents “use love as your weapon”???
  17. What does it mean to breathe peace???
  18. To Find Out More Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 8, 2019

Today I’ll be talking with Loretta Breuning PhD, founder of the inner mammal institute, Professor Emerita at Cal State East Bay, and the best-selling author of The power of Positivity, and Habits of a Healthy Brain.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how to retrain your brain to boost your serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin levels, to help you stay happy, even during these crazy times.

That plus we’ll talk about thinking of feral pigs, satisficing and the nobel prize, the importance of judging science fairs, baby chimps and mama’s crumbs, animals breaking into zoos, and what paint by number kits & redecorating have to do with anything!

Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include: 

  1. What does it mean our brains are wired for survival?
  2. What do happy chemicals have to do with anything?
  3. What do we need to know about oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins and dopamine
  4. What’s the vicious cycle of seeking happiness?
  5. Why don’t donuts or brownies solve our problems?
  6. How do we stop the vicious cycle?
  7. Where does love fit into the happiness equation?
  8. What can we learn from the animal kingdom about happiness?
  9. What can we learn about status from the animal kingdom?
  10. What are the challenges of a newborn baby
  11. What does mylenation have to do with anything
  12. What’s so special about a brain before age seven?
  13. Is there a way to hardwire in happiness?
  14. What does cortisol have to do with happiness, and why isn’t it so bad?
  15. Why are early memories so powerful?
  16. What’s the challenge with computer games (and shopping at themall)
  17. How do healthy habits help us deal with disappointment?
  18. What do baby chimps and mama crumbs have to do with one another
  19. What’s the importance of repetition
  20. What are habits we can put in the brain for happiness?
  21. How do we build more happiness into the brain?
  22. To find out more:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 7, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted to leave the old year behind, and come out kicking like a goat for 2019, then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, dream expert, astrologer and the creator of the Daily Astro Alert!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today. About what’s in the stars for the upcoming New Year, why’s it’s so special, what we need to know, and how we can go from survive to thrive in 2019!

2019 Astrology Topics Include:

  1. What happened in 2018 and why was it such a difficult year?
  2. Were there big planetary sign changes last year, and are we done with that?
  3. What does it mean for us that both Saturn and Jupiter are in their “ruling signs” right now?
  4. What does it mean that life is accelerating on the planet?
  5. Jessica and Michael had a miscarriage in 2018; anything we should know about bringing babies in, in 2019?
  6. What is the archetype of Capricorn and what does that mean for us?
  7. What can we learn from Pluto about the future of the US?
  8. Why are structures falling apart at this time and what does that mean?
  9. What does Billy the Goat have to do with our lives this year?
  10. What does the eclipse on January 5th have to do with setting intention?
  11. What is a cosmic kick-start to the New Year?
  12. How can we use the energy of 2019 for powerful intention setting?
  13. What is the power of Saturn, and how can that help us organize and create?
  14. What is the power of Jupiter, and how can that help us get in a place of joy and passion?
  15. What happens halfway through the year and how may that affect us?
  16. What does each of us need to know, based on our own personal astrology for the year ahead?
  17. What do we need to know about the retrogrades coming up for this year?
  18. For More Info or to Get the Daily Astro Alert Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 4, 2019

If you’ve ever wanted better time management and to declutter your life then do we have the show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Ruth Soukup, the undisputed queen of declutter, blogger extraordinaire, and the author of several phenomenal books on decluttering your life including living well spending less, and her latest Unstuffed.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about uncluttering your home, mind and soul.

Topics Include:

1. How do we declutter our lives?

2. How do we stop the flow of clutter coming into our lives?

3. How do we begin letting go of things that accumulate?

4. How did Ruth start her Living Well Spending Less Blog?

5. How did it become one of the top blogs out there?

6. How did Ruth move past the fear in starting her business?

7. How has Ruth built her business?

8. How did she start her first blog conference?

9. What does it mean there are no mistakes only lessons?

10. What it means to feel the fear and do it anyway?

11. How do we declutter in order to move?

12. How do you move when you're prioritizing your business?

13. How to reprioritize your time?

14. How do we get organized for our days?

15. What's a daily do-it? 

16. How do we time-block our day-timer?

17. How do we guard our time and prioritize?

18. How do we set boundaries and structures?

19. How do we make appointments with ourselves?

20. What's the importance of metrics for reaching your goals?

21. What's the importance of knowing your why?

22. How do we reach our goals?

23. What's the Crush It Formula to Reach Your Goals?

24. How to make a healthy chocolate cake?

25. For More Info Visit:

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 3, 2019

If you’ve ever want to be more empowered and feel better about yourself, then do we have the I am Enough show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with best-selling author Marisa Peer, named Best British Therapist by Men’s Health Magazine, the creator of the Instant Transformational Therapy and the author of a brilliant new book, on reframing your mind, and your life, I am enough.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about marking your mirror, and changing your life!

Topics Include:

  1. How did Marissa Peer end up as Jane Fonda’s aerobic instructor?
  2. What was Marissa’s early relationship with food – and how did she change it?
  3. How did she get pregnant when she was told it was impossible?
  4. What was Marissa’s gift of cancer and her two near-death experiences?
  5. How does our mind respond to detailed instructions and what does this mean for us?
  6. What is our birthright of confidence?
  7. How do we move past limiting beliefs?
  8. What does it mean that “I am enough”?
  9. What’s the importance of the pictures in our heads and the words we tell ourselves?
  10. What does it mean that if we use the wrong words we create the wrong reality?
  11. How do we deal with the chatter in our minds?
  12. How do we move past old patterns???
  13. What can we learn from the Hollywood Star who thought he was never enough?
  14. What can we learn from all of her successful clients about tackling problems?
  15. What’s the importance of front-loading our day?
  16. Why is our “dream job” so illusive, and what do we need to know about it?
  17. What’s the power of repetition?
  18. What’s the one thing we can do, today, to begin transforming our sense of ourselves, and realize that “I am enough”???
  19. To Find out more and check out Marissa’s anti-bullying program visit: or
  20. Can also contact

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:


Jan 2, 2019

If you want a new you for the new year, then do we have the Dr. Sears T5 Wellness Plan show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Sears, the international best-selling author of over forty books include The Baby Book, father of Dr. Jim Sears of the Doctors, and the author of a comprehensive new favorite of mine that’s sure to change your health, The Dr. Sears T5 Wellness Plan.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about five easy steps to change your health and change your life.

That plus we’ll talk about the importance of hugs, the benefit of chopsticks, the danger of sticky stuff, confessions of a chocolate lover,

Sister Mary Ursula and medicine, and what in the world wearing ear muffs in the kitchen, has to do with anything!

Topics Include:

  1. What was Bill Sears like growing up?
  2. How did he burn off his energy and focus in the days before “ADHD”
  3. How did he end up in seminary school?
  4. Why did he leave?
  5. How did he get into medicine?
  6. What life-changing event happened to him in April of 1997?
  7. How did he come up with the T5 diet?
  8. What’s the importance of avoiding sugar spikes?
  9. What’s the 5-S diet?
  10. What’s the importance of smoothies?
  11. What do we need to know about smoothies and what to put in them?
  12. What’s the importance of salads?
  13. What is synergy and why does it matter?
  14. What is the sticky stuff and why do we need to avoid it?
  15. What’s Dr. Bill’s Rule of Two’s (or why do we need to chew twice as long?)
  16. Why is grazing better than gorging?
  17. What did Dr. Bill learn from visiting china?
  18. What’s the endothelium and what does it have to do with our health?
  19. Who is Nobel Prize-Winner Dr. Lou Ignarro and what did he discover?
  20. What’s the importance of movement?
  21. What’s the real danger of sitting?
  22. How do we off-set this?
  23. What are isometric exercises?
  24. What’s the neuroscience and importance of nature?
  25. Why do we all want to “go outside and play”
  26. What can we learn about natural Natalie and wired Willie?
  27. What is visual valium?
  28. How do we rewire the worry center of our brain?
  29. What does brain plasticity have to do with anything?
  30. What’s an exercise to shift our energy at the start of the day?
  31. What’s a buddy transformer?
  32. Why is someone with an addiction a powerful agent for change?
  33. What’s the neuroscience of spirituality?
  34. What’s the benefit of focusing your mind on spirituality?
  35. What’s the importance of a 20 second hug?
  36. What is floatation therapy guided meditation?
  37. For More Info Visit: and www.DrSearsWellness.Org

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit:

Jan 1, 2019

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Hank Seitz, mind-scientist, performance business expert, the best-selling author of numerous books including Think and Feel Rich, and a phenomenal, uplifter of a book, Encouragement.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a Path to Feeling Good through Positive Thought, and how to attract what you desire.

That plus we’ll talk about mom and edgar caycee, trains from the universe, partying hard with the Uniboys, taking down the Korean Mafia, with the CIA of course, sub-basement elevators, Chiming bells and Scrovegni  Chappel, Steve Curry and Here Today, and what in the world Paula Deen’s restaurant in Savanna Georgia have to do with anything!

Topics Include:

  1. What happened in Dr. Hank’s life that sent him on this trajectory?
  2. What was his near-death experience?
  3. What does it mean that we’re each guided by our feelings?
  4. How can our feelings affect our reality?
  5. What does it mean that the Universe communicates with our feelings?
  6. What does it mean that we’ll see it when we feel it?
  7. What we can learn from “Think and Grow Rich”?
  8. What in the world is Thank and Grow Rich???
  9. What does “vibration” have to do with Napoleon Hill?
  10. How can you use your vibration to overcome exhaustion?
  11. What does it mean to receive guidance from Source?
  12. What is “souls play” and how can it transform our lives?
  13. How do we attract more when we’re focused on lack?
  14. What does it mean to be the author of our lives?
  15. What are “Trains from the Universe”?
  16. What do we need to know about positive thoughts?
  17. How do we ask for miracles?
  18. What’s the importance of making a decision that “I want to feel good”?
  19. What does it mean that we are enough?
  20. How do we let go of negative thinking habits?
  21. What are key steps to feeling better now?
  22. To find out more visit:
  23. To find out more about EXP real estate go to

And for free meditations, weekly tips, stories and similar shows visit: