
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler











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Now displaying: October, 2015
Oct 31, 2015

Have you ever had a dream so real that it didn’t feel like a dream at all? Ever stranger still, did anything in that dream later come true? Or have you ever had a coincidence or multiple coincidences occur to you, maybe back to back, that left you with goosebumps, thinking to yourself how in the world is that possible?

If so, do we have a show for you!

Today we’ll be speaking with Robert Moss, a world-renowned expert in the field of Active Dreaming. He’s a former professor, a shaman, and an expert when it comes to signs and symbols, or the study of the “coincidences” we see in the world around us. And he’s the best-selling author of well over a dozen books including the recently released Sidewalk Oracles.

Today I want to dive into the “magic” and understand what dreams really have to offer, what active dreaming, and in a sense, how our awake world, is still a world of dreams. I think we’ve all experienced strange coincidences, and certainly deja-vu moments, I want to find out what they really mean, if they’re just coincidences, or if there’s a lot more here than meets the eye…and if so, how we can use these synchronicities to live a more magical and meaningful existence.

Topics Include:

  1. How to know you live in a magical world
    1. If you have magic inside of you then you live in a magical world
    2. If we’re open then things we speak to us
    3. We live in a speaking land - Aborigines
  2. Take 10-15 minutes every day and be available
    1. For 15 minutes receive what the world around you is trying to tell you
      1. Listen to what people are seeing
      2. Look at what a child is drawing
    2. How do we live by synchronicity?
      1. Prepare to have your “plans” “screwed up”
        1. Best things happen when plans come un-stuck
        2. Trickster energy – Coyote, Fox, Universe
      2. Transition and movement is when it all multiplies
      3. What is the meaning of trickster energy and how does it work?
        1. Works at the luminal places – at the border places
        2. Be ready to change when things aren’t working out.
      4. Developing your personal definition of things
      5. Develop your own personal omens
        1. What follows from a certain thing?
        2. What is the pattern of the day?
      6. Learning to read and recognize your own signs
      7. There is a deeper meaning at play
        1. Test, Check, Verify, and Notice What Follows
      8. Ask for guidance it will appear
      9. “Walk on the bridge don’t build on it”
        1. Don’t take this life too seriously
      10. We live in a “mind field” where all of our energies are inter-twining
      11. Lucid dreaming – What it is and what it means
      12. Lucid Dreaming vs. Active Dreaming
      13. How to become a Lucid Dreamer
        1. If more mindful in daytime reality, are likely to be more mindful in your dreams.
        2. To become a lucid dreamer, work on becoming more lucid during the day.
        3. How to lucid dream or go into a lucid dream while falling asleep “right from take-off”
        4. The power of drumming to shift human consciousness
      14. Active Dreaming Techniques
      15. Why linear thinkers still wake up to the dream world
      16. The world around us is talking to us constantly in signs and symbols
        1. Consider looking at the world as a dream report
      17. Playing sidewalk tarot
        1. Go for walk and look for first three things you notice from beyond yourself and the world around you.
        2. Look at them and make a story of them
        3. Develop a certain sense of poetic consciousness and poetic health.
      18. Jung – synchronicity and coincidence
        1. Not just that things are happening at the same moment, but clustering, and dreams come into it. Notice patterns and track them.
      19. Bibliomancy – open book to a page and it has meaning for you.
      20. Playing with Shelf Elves
      21. What are kledons and why they’re important to us
        1. Listen for your daily kledon
      22. Repeating #’s
      23. Law of attraction – check your inner sidetrack
        1. Gratitude is “practical magic”
      24. The gift of the everyday oracle – spoken by a stranger
      25. Website:


For more information visit

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Synchronicity | Spiritual

Oct 31, 2015

Today we have a very special Personal "Tree of Vision" Meditation led by Robert Moss, our guest today, and author of Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life. This is a perfect meditation to help you get guidance, clarity, grounding, and focus. If you ever have big decisions, moments of anxiety, or need wisdom and understanding, this meditation is the perfect place to go.

This meditation is great any time of the day, and with practice, particularly useful anytime you need clarity, guidance, or focus.

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. Ratings and reviews are the #1 you can help support the show, and help others to find the show and enjoy these meditations as well. In essence, you’ll be earning great karma points!

To listen to Robert Moss’s interview, or to check out or more meditations by our guests, or from me, check our our Inspire Nation Show, or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.


"This is a perfect meditation to help you get guidance, clarity, grounding, and focus. If you ever have big decisions, moments of anxiety, or need wisdom and understanding, this meditation is a great place to start.

This meditation is the perfect place to come any time to rest, to relax, to center, to restore your inner compass. It’s a place that you can find will offer you portals or gateways, to make several kinds of journeys or meditations, to go to deeper spaces, to  meet spiritual guides and teachers, to connect with the earth, to travel perhaps across space and time, or into parallel times, or to journey to spiritual masters on a higher plane…."

Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Guidance | Health | Wisdom | Wealth | Self-Help

Oct 31, 2015

Remember when you were kid how you wanted to be a explorer, or  an astronaut, or a pilot flying around the world? Then somewhere along the lines, you either forgot, or were told to stop dreaming and get serious, and you left the world of dreams and passions behind entering a pragrmatic life of compromise. If this sounds familiar, then do we have the show for you.

Today we’re interviewing Greg Levoy. Greg is the best-selling author of Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion  and Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life He is a former "behavioral specialist" writer for USA Today, and a regular blogger for Psychology Today. He’s written for the NY Times magazine, Washington post, and  Readers Digest among many others.  

Today we’re going to talk about rediscovering who you are, and who you were meant to be. We’ll look at where your energy’s draining out, how to take stock, and where to put your focus. Most importantly, we’ll help you change how you relate to the world so you can rekindle your inner flame.


  • Balancing our tendency to want to stay indoors most of the time
  • We must reconnect with what is wild in us!
    • Our dreams
    • Nature and the natural world around us
  • Why we’re constantly negotiating between passion and security
    • There’s the part that wants to take risks and make leaps and come alive
    • There’s the part of us that wants to be safe, and secure, and in control
  • The Danger: In a tug-of-war security tends to win…passion tends to get back-burnered.
    • Chronically can have detrimental effects to choose security over passion
    • Observe how often make security choices over vitality choices
    • Reclaim ourselves from the task-master that says safety and security above all else
  • Why no running on the playground may be the most dangerous thing of all
  • Why society is so fear averse – i.e. Warning Labels
    • Do not iron clothes on body
    • This superman costume does not allow you to fly
  • Why we must give ourselves non-work modes of expression
    • Make art, make music, listen to music, spend time in men’s or women’s groups, athletics, sports, using the body, something that involves not sitting at a desk in front of a computer, or not being indoors
    • Remember our passions that have gone dormant
  • How to Find your passion
    • Ask yourself, what part of the book store do you go to first?
    • Do as Hannah Papp, author of the Mystical Backpacker suggests
    • Listen to Robert Greenway – father of Eco-pyschology.
      • “Civilization is thousands of years old, but only 4 days deep”
    • Why we can all benefit from a mortality meditation and learning about death in order to fully live
      • Concept that death could be a source of death
      • Death asks what matters to you, what’s really important to you?
      • Helps us make decision between passion and security
      • Thomas Murton – “to make an important decision consult your death”
      • Study: Almost everyone told less than 6 months to live were liberated in very profound ways!
        • “My concern diagnosis was the best thing that ever happened to me”
      • How learning about death can keep us from being trapped by life
        • Vital Signs helps illuminate compromises
          • Compromise and ignoring passions and nature may be the reason people have most heart-attacks at 9 AM on Monday mornings
          • Must do what makes your heart sing
          • Must reclaim your soul, spirit, energy, or mojo
        • Other goals of the book
          • Life is so rich and we settle for so little
          • Jean Houston – author and mythologist and psychologist
            • Says we need to live “larger than life”
          • Help people to be profoundly present to the stuff of your life
        • Most important question – Ask yourself what does my soul want today?
          • This is where the work happens
          • “Best way to make God laugh is to declare your plans”
          • Progress happens in the “to do” list of life
          • Deciding between the brake or accelerator, that’s where the work is in the world.
          • Everything in life becomes a mindfulness exercise
        • Takeaway pieces of advice
          • Begin to acknowledge where you lose energy and vitality
            • Take an inventory of where your energy dribbles out
            • Use the inventory so you can change your habits and your focus
          • Try to surround yourself with people who shine
            • Connect with people who are living out loud
          • Be gentle with yourself
            • Give yourself time
            • Have self-compassion
              • Don’t beat yourself up because you don’t live up to your potential
            • Remember - stuff hitting the fan isn’t bad, it’s part of the path, not opposed to the path

Inspiration | Motivation | Kindness | Spirituality | Compassion | Business | Career | Self-Help | NY Times | USA Today | Reader’s Digest

Oct 31, 2015

If you’ve ever struggled to get out of your own way, or doubted the law of attraction thinking, this stuff doesn’t work, or doesn’t work FOR ME, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be interviewing Michael Samuel’s the uber best-selling author of Just Ask the Universe, the Universeity, and Keep Calm and Ask On.

It’s actually his second time on the show. The first time was day one of the show, launch day, talking about Harnessing the law of attraction, and yes, it works! Our show has absolutely taken off and gone viral with thousands of listeners now in 101 countries and counting.

So now we wanted to have him back on and talk about Keeping Calm and Asking On.
So while they’re be the obligatory celebratory hi-fives for our progress and the show taking off, plus a woo hoo or too, I want to spend a bit of today talking about the tough stuff as well.

I want to talk about having faith in the Law of Attraction, about what to do when the chips are down, and most importantly, how to get out of our own way, stop blocking the flow and to allow the success, abundance, and happiness we deserve to come rushing on in.

In short, I want to talk about finding outrageous success, EVEN if we don’t believe it’s possible. Well, if that’s even possible.

But then I also want to talk about the fun stuff, or What Michael Calls the Law of Laughter, and why it’s perhaps the most important rule of them all!

Topics Include:

Celebrating the victories

·          Overcoming Rejection

·          Why there’s no such thing as dreaming too big

·          Why Everything in Life is Steps

·          Why waiting hours in an Apple Store (4 hours for an iPhone) is good for you.

·          Realizing everything is a process

·          Never stop reading, never stop learning

·          Lessons learned from Gambling

o    Need to take the steps

·          Hal Elrod – Miracle Morning

·          Surround Yourself with Books and Like Minded People

·          Kamal Ravikant – Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

·          Wheat Belly – Dr. William Davis

·          The Dorito Effect – Mark Schatzker

·          Using Law of Attraction to Get Healthy

o    To Change Cholesterol Levels

o    To Lose Weight

o    To Reverse Thyroid Disease

Paleo, Diet, Weight Loss, Whole Foods

·          Universe Gives You the Tools

·          Nutrition – Why Fat is Good

·          “The Perfect Human Diet” Documentary

·          Hitting Goals from Your I Want List

·          Life is About Having Fun

·          Laughing Interrupts Any Pattern

·          Laughter is Candy for the Soul

·          Laughter is an Energetic Shower

o    Watching Caddy Shack

o    Watch Back to School – Rodney Dangerfield

o    Download comedians

§   George Carlin

Jerry Seinfeld


Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Business | Career | Health | Wealth | Nutrition | Paleo | Diet | Entrepreneur | Self-Help

Oct 31, 2015

Today we have a very short, yet powerful relaxing and rejuvenating inner flame or white light meditation.

This is a favorite of mine for healing, and pulling myself up, if I’m feeling a bit down. It’s hard not to finish with a quiet ear-to-ear grin.

This meditation goes well with today’s guest Gregg Levoy, who’s teaching us all how to rediscover our passion, so we can lead happier, more fulfilled lives. Okay, maybe it’s a bit of a stretch, but when you’re energy’s up from meditation, there’s more chi or juice to go after your passion. And when you’re going after your passion, you feel more enlightened to meditate as well.

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. Ratings and reviews are the #1 way you can help support us, and help people find the show. So we send you a HUGE thank you in advance!

To listen to Gregg’s interview, or find more meditations by me, or by our guests, check out our Inspire Nation Show, or

Okay, this is a very simple meditation.

For meditation I recommend you lay down, with your arms by your sides, palms up.

Now I want you to breathe in and out very gently through the nose.

As you breathe deep, I want you to imagine a glowing white light in your belly.

As you breathe in it begins to expand.

As you breathe out, it stays the same size.

This is a heavenly light, filled with love, capable of immense healing, and relaxation...

Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Kindness | Compassion | Health | Healing | Love | Loving | Mindfulness | Buddhism | Happiness | Joy

Oct 30, 2015

If you’ve ever wanted to shift your life, breathe new energy into things, feel better about the world, and gain a whole new perspective on life, even a 4 legged perspective then do we have the show for you.

Today I’m interviewing Laura Coffey, writer, editor and producer for, the website of NBC’s Today show, and author of one of my favorite books ever, My Old Dog.

Now I’m biased, I’ve had older dogs travel with us on book tour, and run with us, until they were seventeen, so I love older dogs.

I love younger puppies too, but there’s so much wisdom, patience, and love in an older dog.

And I’m not alone, celebrities such as George Clooney, and the humans being the upscale Nordstrom, love their old dogs too. As does Grammy nominated singer-song writer Neko Case.

So I can’t wait to talk with Laura about Einstein and George Clooney, about older dogs and what they have to offer and why tongues hanging out, just might be a good thing.

Topics Include:

  1. Why Adopt an Older Dog?
  2. George Clooney and Einstein
  3. Instagram's Marnie
  4. Bretagne – last surviving 911 Ground-Zero dog
  5. Movement for senior dogs
  6. Why “seniors” actually make the best pets
    1. Perfect Ready-To-Go Pets
  7. Resource guide with senior-specific rescue groups
  8. Gray muzzle organization
  9. Benefits of Senior Dogs
  10. Mady and Maddie
  11. Dogs for seniors
  12. Dogs at nursing homes
  13. Sunny – 16 year old dog
  14. 3 Nuns, Death Row, and Remy
  15. Such a meaningful, rewarding adoption
  16. Woofabago, 25 dogs and travelling x-country
  17. Stinky – AKA Marny – Internet Famous Dog (2 million Instagram followers)
  18. What about kids and senior dogs
    1. Doing something out of kindness and compassion, letting that love into your home, you can’t go wrong.
  19. Retired Service Dogs
  20. Inmate trained Dogs
  21. Words of Wisdom
    1. Don’t be afraid of it – don’t overthink anything about it!

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Mindfulness | Boddhisatva | My Old Dog | Happiness | Kindness | Compassion | Buddhism | Religion | Love

Oct 29, 2015

Today we have a very special, relaxation, pet meditation. This meditation fits perfectly with Today’s show, by NBC Producer Laura Coffey on Rescued Pets, and How they Rescue Us.

This is a perfect meditation to do any time of the day. This meditation will put a smile on your face, and help drain your tension away.

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are the #1 way you can help us, and help people to find the show. Thanks so much in advance.

To find more meditations by me, or by our guests, and to check out Laura Coffey’s fantastic interview of Rescued Pets…which is perhaps my favorite interview so far, check out our inspire nation show, or visit

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.


To do this meditation, you can be either seated or laying down. You can do it eyes open or eyes closed as well.

There’s a healing power to petting an animal, and a soothing power as well. It’s been shown to lower blood pressure, lower our heart rate, our breathing rate, and take us from a fight or flight sympathetic nervous system response, and bring us into a rest, relax, and digest better, parasympathetic response.

So in essence, we’re going to breathe nice and slow and deep, as we visualize petting our favorite pet, real or imaginary, present or gone.

Inspiration | Visualization | Meditation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Pet | Animal | Rescue | Love | Kindness | Compassion

Oct 29, 2015

Whether you’re on a quest for your special someone, or want to take your relationship to an entirely new level, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’re interviewing Mali Apple and Joe Dunn, relationship coaches extraordinaire, speakers, and best-selling authors of The Soulmate Experience and the Soulmate Lover.

Today we’ll be talking about attracting a soulmate, nourishing your soulmate, being a soulmate, and a soulmate approach to life…That, plus maybe just a bit on sex, something they’re known to write about too!

Topics Include:

  1. Being Mindful
  2. Playing with the edge to keep things new and fresh
  3. What is a soulmate experience
    1. Anyone can have this experience of total connection – doesn’t require a one and only
    2. Soulmate experience can be with anyone
      1. Family
      2. Co-workers
      3. Friends
  1. Begins with the relationship of yourself
    1. Not looking for someone else to complete you or to fix your self-esteem
    2. Why Tom Cruise’s “You Completely” is dangerous!
  2. Helping the other heal brings you closer together
  3. Being able to reframe everything
  4. How am I looking at my reality? How I’m looking at the world completely effects my world.
  5. Body image – The Importance of Being Comfortable With One’s Body
    1. How it’s a mirror at the county fair.
    2. How we see ourselves is not how others, or our spouse sees us.
  6. When we look at ourselves we see the things we don’t like and we reinforce them
    1. Instead we should be looking for the Mirror-cles
  7. Self-inventory – look at every aspect of who you are
    1. Including addictions
      1. Including social media – that pull towards is there something important
    2. Reducing baggage
    3. How do you become aware of your baggage?
      1. Go ask your last partner!
      2. Sometimes baggage isn’t really baggage, but could be gifts
        1. Such as kids, which you may think are “baggage” where others see they’re incredible gifts!
        2. Re-framing “baggage” as an asset is incredibly empowering.
      3. Often don’t see our own talents and abilities
        1. Ask your best friends “what are my free greatest gifts?”
      4. Having a magical space where negativity doesn’t exist.
      5. Scrubbing away the negativity
        1. Changing your mind
        2. Loving your body
        3. Removing your baggage
        4. Raising your soulmate potential – the mindsets to give you the greatest potential to find and maintain a really incredible potential
        5. One very practical thing you can do, look at the expectations you have and see how many are valid and how many can you do without. The more you can do without the more likely you’ll be able to connect with someone on a soul level.
          1. Letting go of all the superficial stuff that gets in the way
        6. Law of attraction
          1. The most powerful way is to get the feeling and the energy and let go of the particulars of what that looks like. The universe knows better than you…let go of the limiting beliefs and need to control and trust the universe.
          2. Don’t be limited by your list
          3. Mali would have never have found Joe
          4. Have an energetic feeling and let the rest go.
          5. Staying in a place of gratitude – they’re just temporary, they’re just a guest.
          6. Staying in touch with the fact of how short our lives are, but helps us stay in touch with the gratitude
          7. Having a guest card, like a get-out-of-jail card.
          8. What is true commitment?
            1. Not a fearful or manipulative thing.
            2. Most people’s commitment is coming from a place of fear
  • Should be commitment made out of love
  1. Do you need to keep repeating a commitment to love to yourself – staying mindful
    1. Is awareness of the great relationship and wanting it to continue
  2. “Context” an idea of what you have to offer to the relationship
    1. Idea of what I have to offer rather than what you have to give
  3. Why jealousy can be a good thing!
    1. A very juicy, alive feeling.
    2. Often attracted to other people, how you deal with that is what’s most important
  • She wants him to be attracted to other people, keeps him feeling alive
  1. Free to be yourself
  1. Why innocent flirtation can be healthy
    1. Playful I see you, you see me
  2. How to move past resentments
  3. Making positive changes allows you to attract the person in your life
  4. Do internal work before you’re ready to attract someone
  5. The partner game of “leapfrog”
  6. Not working on relationships, but embracing it.
    1. If you want a really amazing relationship, continually explore what makes your relationship amazing.
  7. The importance of having “no agenda”
  8. Pushing the “edge” in relationships
    1. Doing things you’re uncomfortable with.
    2. The edge is where the party is happening
  9. Experiencing your partners passion
  10. Work on relationship vs. play with relationship
  11. Connecting on a soul level
  12. The Law of Attraction and Relationships

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Love | Sex | Sexuality | Health | Body | Attraction | Relationships | Communication | Law of Attraction

Oct 29, 2015

Today we have a very short, relaxing, body-image meditation. This meditation goes perfectly with today’s interview with Mali and Joe on the Soulmate Experience.

You can do this meditation anytime of the day, but I like this one best first thing in the morning, or after coming back from a workout or the gym.

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. Ratings and reviews on iTunes tremendously help people find the show, so I can’t thank you enough.

To find Joe and Mali’s fun, sexy, and enlightening interview, or to find more meditations by me, or our guests, check out our Inspire Nation Show or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.

For this meditation, we’re going to do the exact opposite of what we typically do. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression we have 60,000 thoughts a day, and that 90-95% of those thoughts are exactly the same, time after time.

Well when it comes to our bodies, or body-image, it’s more like 99% of the time. For instance, if you’re concerned about your stomach, then when you hop out of the shower, that’s all you see, your belly. Or if it’s wrinkles around your eyes, then you might not see your toned thighs, but only those pesky wrinkles. No matter what the imperfection, or area for improvement, we give it a disproportionate amount of our attention.

And based on the law of attraction, what we think about, is what we bring about. So focusing on what we don’t like, or what’s bothering us, only makes more of it.

Instead, if we focus on what we do like, we bring more of that about as well.

On top of that, we get more comfortable in our skin, or more comfortable with our bodies. This means greater self-confidence, healthier relationships, we become attractor magnets for more positive experiences in our lives, and yes, better body image, can also mean, better sex. Why? Because we’re more comfortable and confident, and that comes across to our partner as well!

This meditation is really simple. We’re going to do a full body scan…looking only, and always for the positives. Remember what you resist, persists, so no looking for “negatives” or imperfections. Save that for another day, and may the nother day never come.

Instead, let’s look for those amazing positives you have. And you do have them. We all do!

For this meditation, I highly recommend laying down if at all possible. And getting good and comfortable, yes, this means a blanket or pillow too if that helps.


Inspiration | Mindfulness | Spirituality | Self-Help | Motivation | Body Image | Soulmate Experience | Joe | Mali | Self Love | Compassion | Health | Law of Attraction

Oct 27, 2015

Today we have a very simple yet powerful Law of Attraction meditation.

This meditation is perfect to help you bring about anything you desire in your life.

It goes well with today’s guest, Michael Samuels, author of 3 books on the Law of Attraction.

You can do this meditation any time of the day, but I prefer it first thing in the morning, or last thing at night

If you like this meditation, please do us a huge favor and rate and rate and review our show. Ratings and reviews help others find the show so they can enjoy the same meditations you do. Thank you so much.

To listen to Michael Samuels interview or more meditations by me or our guests, please check out our Inspire Nation Show or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.


(Similar to Meditations by Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, and Deepak Chopra)

Manifestation Meditation to Help You Attract Your Greatest Wishes Into Your Life | Michael Sandler | Law of Attraction | Relaxation | The Secret | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Health | Wealth | Love | Happiness | Career | Family | Self-Help

Oct 27, 2015

Have you ever felt life was a marathon, that you were just hanging in there by a thread, and didn’t know how you were going to push through, achieve your goals, or get ahead?

If so, then do we have the show for you.

We’ll be taking with Travis Macy, an extremely accomplished ultra-endurance athlete and adventure champion who knows more than a thing or two about grit, and pushing through.

He is the author of The Ultra Mindset: An Endurance Champion's 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports, and Life, and he holds the record for Leadman, an epic endurance event consisting of a trail running marathon, 50-mile mountain bike race, Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race, 10k road run, and Leadville 100 Run, all above 10,200' in the Rocky Mountains.

Today we’ll talking about the core principles of Ultra Mindset, and how we can use the lessons learned from extreme endurance racing to make our lives easier, to help us overcome giant hurdles, and help us get to the finish, intact and at peace! It’s great, Travis did all the work, we’ll reap all the rewards!

This one episode will help you find the courage, determination, and discipline…an ultra-mindset to reach for the stars and achieve your dreams…or at the very least, succeed in whatever you’re doing and hopefully without needing to nearly drown, go hypothermic, cross the Sahara, or have your toe nails drilled before 7 AM!

These lessons will help you find greater success at home, at work, in your business, career, as an entrepreneur, artist, athlete, parent (the ultimate ultra marathon!!!) or chasing your dreams!!!

Key Topics & Questions Include:

Commitment – Using an Ultra Mindset for Success In Business, At Home, In Your Career, Chasing Your Dreams – Anywhere and Everywhere in the Game of Life!

  1. Giving up the choice to make another choice later on.
  2. Having an Ultra (resilient) mindset.
    1. It’s all good mental training
    2. When the going get’s tough it’s actually $$$ you’re putting in the bank – it’s all about the stories we tell ourselves
  3. How important is the commitment to finish?
  4. Turning around to get your gear
  5. Ultra-Mindset #1 – it’s all good mental training
    1. 5 year old riding bike
    2. Dad at first Leadville 100 Ultra Marathon Running Race
    3. Danielle and near-death fall
  6. Ultra-Mindset #2 – be a wannabe
    1. Cross Country / Basketball / CU
    2. Mike Kloser
      1. Mike shows up with full presence
    3. Wannabees with a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset
  7. Ultra-mindset #3 – Find Your Carrot
    1. Why a 72 year old great-grandmother may be stronger than a navy seal
    2. How to use external carrots
    3. Dave Mackey – Dr. in Boulder
  8. Ultra-mindset #4 – Have an ego and use it, until it’s time to put it aside - ego without ego
    1. Asking for help and being coached by Josiah
    2. The “kiwi” mission
    3. What can you tell us about Josiah, your coach and the ego
  9. Ultra-mindset #5 Think about your thinking – what and why
  10. Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivator
  11. Have an Ego and Use It
  12. Confidence
  13. Letting go of your ego – asking his main competitor to coach him.
  14. “managing life is the tendency…living life is the goal”
  15. Brene Brown – the value of vulnerability
  16. Dear Karnazes – what do you take from this you’ll take with you for the rest of your life
  17. Michael Merzenich – don’t make the place easy and comfortable
    1. Need challenges to build us
  18. Think About What you’re Thinking
    1. Mindfulness – being present ---being like an aircraft pilot---
  19. What’s a WHY mindset? Hands free life
  20. Mindset #6 – The 4:30 rule, when you don’t have a choice, ANYTHING is possible
  21. Mindset #7 - Bad stories, good stories, the ones you tell yourself make all the difference
  22. Mindset #8 – Never Quit, except when you should quit
  23. QUITTING if I built an early lead, my fear could increase as I worried it was my race to lose.
    1. How quickly the mind can shift and No Whining – dad’s rule
  24. Don’t quit because you’re afraid of something you really
  25. Stories you tell yourself that make all the difference
    1. Learning how to reframe the voices in our head
    2. Listen to the voices first, hear what they have to say
    3. Identify the process that’s pulling you down (write it down and look at it) can you write a new story, put a spin on it, proof that it’s not true
  26. Never Quit except when you should quit
    1. If you’re doing something you truly believe in, you’ve closely examined and it lines up, you can’t quit just because it’s too hard.
      1. Failure is part of the process
      2. Struggle is part of the process
    2. Can you talk about the inevitable highs and lows
    3. Choosing a route and other parallels between life and adventure racing

Paddling down a reservoir during the world championships

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Brene Brown | Dean Karnazes | Business | Career | Entrepreneur | Entrepreneurship | Goals | Dreams | Achievement | Success | Happiness

Oct 26, 2015

---Take a Fantastic Journey That Will Leave You Relaxed, Refreshed, and At Peace---

Today we have a very special guided journey and relaxing inner-peace meditation from Sian Chua, A Dolores Cannon past-life regression quantum healing practitioner from Australia. (Note, this is our second meditation led by Sian Chua)

---Prepare to Take an Extra-Special Journey---

This meditation can be done any time of the day, however, it’s best to do when you have the time to relax and be still for a short time afterwards

To find more meditations from me, and from our guests, please visit Inspire Nation Show or

And please do us a huge favor, please rate and review our show which helps more people find us, and enjoy more beautiful meditations like this one. Your ratings and reviews help keep the show going.

Thank you.

We send love. We send light. And many, many blessings your way.Namaste.

Woo Hoo!

(Similar to guided meditations from Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Dr. Wayne Dyer)

Take an amazing guided journey and blissful inner-peace meditation & Dolores Cannon expert Sian Chua from Australia. You’ll be relaxed, recharged & incredibly at peace & at one with the world around you. Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Love

Oct 26, 2015

In 2004, Michael Sandler undertook a 5000 mile, 40 day, solo, unsupported bike ride to raise awareness around learning disabilities. In this candid, heart-warming interview, find out how to find the strength to continue when the going gets tough in life.

Jessica Lee here your mysteriously absent co-host, who’s actually here today and Michael’s typically loving wife. Don’t worry, Michael’s not on holiday, he’s right here on the line with me, but today we’ve planned a special treat for you. And today I’ll be turning the tables on Michael and interviewing him as a guest on Inspire Nation.

You might know Michael sandler as the uber positive host of inspire nation. You might think that he was born this way, but truthfully speaking, though he did came into this world with some admirable traits, he had to work pretty hard at becoming the man I so admire today.

Now as Michael’s wife, you might think that I’ve heard his stories a million times by now – it’s true I have, but amazingly I’ve never tired of hearing them. There’s always something new & fascinating to learn. So I decided I wanted to give you, the listener, the opportunity to be truly inspired by Michael himself.

Today we’re going to zero in on one oh-so incredible epic journey that Michael took. Back in 2006, he rode his bicycle across the country to raise awareness for children and adults with learning disabilities, 5,000 miles in 40 days, solo and unsupported. Yes, that means it was him, his bicycle, a few pieces of precious gear, and Mexican radio – though that didn’t last very long. We’ll talk more about that later.

Today we’re going to talk about divine inspiration – how to know when it’s not coming from you, perseverance vs. being plain stubborn; how to keep going when the going gets tough, what to do when people start doubting you, how to summon in the miracles when things start looking bleak & keeping the faith no matter what.


What possessed Michael to undertake such a grueling physical endeavor

Why he only allowed himself 6 weeks to prepare

Why Michael brought 1/2 of a Wayne Dyer book with him, and mailed the rest of the Wayne Dyer book back to himself!

Finding out how little you need to survive and the beauty of simplifying

How Michael went from calling events “nightmares” to “opportunities”

How people doubted Michael’s ability to finish, and why Michael never wavered in his conviction

How the universe sometimes tests you

Michael’s metaphor of standing on a diving board and sinking down before you can launch

What Michael discovered when he finally turned off the music and what you can discover in the silence

How to get over the fear of being alone

What happened when Michael ran out of money on 3 separate occasions

How to call in more miracles into your life

How doing good in the world, brings more
goodness back to you

What transpired when Michael got pulled over by police (twice!)

Why it’s ok if you’re path in life isn’t a straight line

Why sometimes it’s necessary to go backwards, before you can move forwards

How to cultivate your intuition and be certain it’s not coming from you

How Michael got through some of the toughest parts of America, including the murder capital of the country, on his bicycle

What was waiting for him at the end of his bike ride

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Help | Meditation

Oct 26, 2015

In 2004, Michael Sandler undertook a 5000 mile, 40 day, solo, unsupported bike ride to raise awareness around learning disabilities. In this candid, heart-warming interview, find out how to find the strength to continue when the going gets tough in life.

Jessica Lee here your mysteriously absent co-host, who’s actually here today and Michael’s typically loving wife. Don’t worry, Michael’s not on holiday, he’s right here on the line with me, but today we’ve planned a special treat for you. And today I’ll be turning the tables on Michael and interviewing him as a guest on Inspire Nation.

You might know Michael sandler as the uber positive host of inspire nation. You might think that he was born this way, but truthfully speaking, though he did came into this world with some admirable traits, he had to work pretty hard at becoming the man I so admire today.

Now as Michael’s wife, you might think that I’ve heard his stories a million times by now – it’s true I have, but amazingly I’ve never tired of hearing them. There’s always something new & fascinating to learn. So I decided I wanted to give you, the listener, the opportunity to be truly inspired by Michael himself.

Today we’re going to zero in on one oh-so incredible epic journey that Michael took. Back in 2006, he rode his bicycle across the country to raise awareness for children and adults with learning disabilities, 5,000 miles in 40 days, solo and unsupported. Yes, that means it was him, his bicycle, a few pieces of precious gear, and Mexican radio – though that didn’t last very long. We’ll talk more about that later.

Today we’re going to talk about divine inspiration – how to know when it’s not coming from you, perseverance vs. being plain stubborn; how to keep going when the going gets tough, what to do when people start doubting you, how to summon in the miracles when things start looking bleak & keeping the faith no matter what.


What possessed Michael to undertake such a grueling physical endeavor

Why he only allowed himself 6 weeks to prepare

Why Michael brought 1/2 of a Wayne Dyer book with him, and mailed the rest of the Wayne Dyer book back to himself!

Finding out how little you need to survive and the beauty of simplifying

How Michael went from calling events “nightmares” to “opportunities”

How people doubted Michael’s ability to finish, and why Michael never wavered in his conviction

How the universe sometimes tests you

Michael’s metaphor of standing on a diving board and sinking down before you can launch

What Michael discovered when he finally turned off the music and what you can discover in the silence

How to get over the fear of being alone

What happened when Michael ran out of money on 3 separate occasions

How to call in more miracles into your life

How doing good in the world, brings more
goodness back to you

What transpired when Michael got pulled over by police (twice!)

Why it’s ok if you’re path in life isn’t a straight line

Why sometimes it’s necessary to go backwards, before you can move forwards

How to cultivate your intuition and be certain it’s not coming from you

How Michael got through some of the toughest parts of America, including the murder capital of the country, on his bicycle

What was waiting for him at the end of his bike ride

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Self-Help | Meditation

Oct 26, 2015

Today we have a very kind and loving meditation from our recent guest, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr, author of 5 Levels of Attachment, the sequel to the runaway best-seller 4 Levels of Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz.

This is a very gentle, relaxing, and peaceful meditation you can do anytime of the day, I particularly like this one for the evening hours.

If you like this meditation, please do us a huge favor, and rate and review our show on iTunes. Rating and reviewing our show is the #1 way you can support us, and help more people to find our meditations. It’s good karma!

To check out Don Miguel Ruiz Jr’s interview, or find more meditations by me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show, or InspireNationShow.

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.


Woo Hoo!

BONUS GUIDED INFINITE LOVE MEDITATION (5 MIN) | Don Miguel Ruiz Jr| Relaxation | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help

Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Spiritual | Meditation | Mindfulness | Guided | Love | Inner Peace | Tranquility | Bliss | Harmony | Health

Oct 25, 2015

Today we have a very authentic and heart-felt guest, I’d call him a bridge, between languages, cultures and ancient wisdom and the modern world. He’s a master, a student of the Toltec tradition, perhaps you could even call him a warrior, though not in the traditional terms. And he’s a Nagwal, but I’ll him share about that. His name is don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Don Miguel Ruiz JR, is the author of two very special books, The Five Levels of Attachment: Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World, and Living a Life of Awareness, Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World.

You may be familiar with his father, who’s written some of the most beautiful spiritual books such as The Four agreements: A guide to Personal Freedom.


At the age of 14, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. apprenticed to his father don Miguel Sr. and his grandmother, a faith healer, Madre Sarita. From that early age, he was called upon to translate Madre Sarita's prayers, lectures and workshops from Spanish into English. In this way, through constant repetition and review, he learned the content of her teachings in both languages.

Don Miguel Jr.'s apprenticeship lasted 10 years. When he reached his mid-20's, his father intensified his training. At the apex of this power journey don Miguel said to his eldest son, "Find your way out. Go home and master Death by becoming alive."       

For the past eight years, don Miguel Jr. has applied the lessons learned from his father and grandmother to define and enjoy his own personal freedom while achieving peace with all of creation.  

Today, don Miguel Jr. is married and has two young children. And so, as a Nagual he begins once again to pass along the wisdom and the tools of his family's traditions in helping others to achieve their own personal freedom and optimal physical and spiritual health. 

I am so excited to have don Miguel Ruiz Junior on the show, I think there’s so much we can learn from him, from Toltec wisdom, and from his experience as a bridge between the wisdom of the past, and the wackiness of today.

Thank you so much for being on the show Miguel, are you ready to shine???

Questions Include:

  1. Who are the Toltec People?
  2. What does Toltec Mean?
  3. What was it like growing up in both cultures and ways?
  4. What is a Nagual?
  5. Grandmother – faith healer, and translating it, but letting knowledge get in the way
  6. Domestication and attachment
  7. Let go of the attachment that you must obtain some image of perfection for you to be happy.
  8. Facing our own reflection
  9. When you no longer believe in a self-judgment, it will no longer have any power over you. You can choose to view yourself from a place of acceptance based on the undeniable truth that you are already perfect and complete exactly the way you are right now.
  10. Why did you think you were imperfect when your father would tell you you were perfect just as you were? Where did the differing belief come from? (childhood? Parenting? Experiences?)
  11. 47: min - For me, I have crossed that threshold from concept to experience while jogging – usually around the one-mile marker. This is when I am no longer thinking about my route, pace, or even the pain in my legs. This is a moment when everything goes calm, and all I can feel is my breath, the stride, and the environment. My mind suddenly shuts off and I am completely in the moment, and I know exactly what I am doing without the need for thought. From this place even the term Authethic Self disappeares, along with the rest of my thoughts. I am simply alive with the complete freedom to love myself and everbody as I chose. I have no need to distort the information I perceive because my perception of life is unencumbered by any attachments. The authentic self is the harmony of mind, body and soul as the expression of life.
  12. Level 2 – the controlled folly
  13. The clean mirror
  14. What does Toltec mean?
  15. What was your upbringing like?
  16. What is Domestication
  17. WHAT ARE THE 5 levels of attachment
  18. How can we use the five levels to transform our lives…or to liberate us???
  19. How are we subjugated, or tied to…at present
  20. What is the biggest demon in the world? (or why is love the biggest demon in the world?)
  21. Mitote and narrators in our head
  22. Being motivated by self-love :o)
  23. How do we move from level 5 to 4 or 4 to 3 or so-on?
  24. Are we supposed to strive toward level 1 (or judge people based on the level they’re at?)
  25. Quest for truth vs. quest for being right
  26. Toltec 5 –
  27. Believing without being skeptical
  28. The Gift of Listening
Oct 25, 2015

Today we have two very harmonic guests Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Knewell, who will be talking with us about frequency, healing, and acoustic meditation.

---Dr. Eben Alexander, Best-Selling Author of Proof of Heaven and as seen on Oprah!---

I’ve been extremely intrigued by the power of sound and meditation to help us train the mind and to heal. Not to geek out too much, but I’ve been fascinated by how different sounds make us feel better, relax, or increase our focus, whether that’s Tibetan singing bowls, chants, particularly Om, or binaural or warbling sounds.

Today we’ll talk about all of these and how sound can be a gateway for greater health, for empowerment, focus (and attention) and in a sense, for transcendence, or at least to quiet our minds.

We’ll also be talking about a bonus meditation you can find on our Inspire Nation show, a sacred acoustics sample, offered by Karen Newell and Dr. Eben Alexander.

As for our guests, Dr. Eben Alexander (seen on Oprah) has been on our show before, he’s the run-away best-selling author of Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife and The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion and Ordinary People are Proving the Afterlife.

And Karen Newell, an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation.

Using Sacred Acoustics music, sound & harmonic resonance recordings, she teaches you how to enter and engage your own consciousness in order to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition.

---Also how sacred sound and music greatly increases focus, mood & concentration for those with ADHD---

Today we’ll be talking about sacred acoustics, about using sound to quiet the mind, take an inner journey, to heal, and to connect with a deeper part of ourselves. It should be a fascinating journey into the power of sound.

And again, you’ll want to check out the bonus sacred acoustics meditation afterwards and try it out for yourself!

Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Sacred Acoustics | Tibetan Chimes | Buddhism | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Proof of Heaven | Dr. Eben Alexander | ADHD | Attention Deficit Disorder | As Seen on Oprah | Karen Newell | Harmonics | Binaural Beats

Oct 25, 2015

Today we have a very special sacred acoustics guided meditation for you. This meditation is from Dr. Eben Alexander, neurologist and best-selling author of Proof of Heaven and Karen Newall, today’s guests on the show. You can find out more about this meditation, and the amazing health benefits of sacred acoustics on today’s show.

This is a very powerful meditation, body, mind, and soul that can have exceptionally positive effects on you.

However, an important note: Do not listen while driving OR operating heavy machinery. One more time, do NOT listen while driving or operating heavy machinery.

There is so much to share about this meditation I highly recommend listening to today’s interview from Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell.

---Great for Relaxation, Health, Healing, Focus, Concentration, ADHD, and Quieting the Mind---

If you like this meditation and enjoy the show, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. It’s the #1 way you can help support the show. Thank you so much!

To find more meditations from our guests, and from me, check out our Inspire Nation Show, or

I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way.


Woo Hoo!

Relax, Recharge & Quiet Your Mind with this Sacred Acoustics Meditation from Dr Eben Alexander (As Seen on Oprah) Author NYT Best-Seller Proof of Heaven & Karen Newell | Spirituality | Inspiration | Health | Focus | Attention | ADHD | Healing | Self-Help

Oct 24, 2015

Do you ever feel like you’re not in control of your food, but your food is control of you? You know, when you have that one chip, or one bite of ice cream, or a simple little chicken wing, and suddenly, you’ve plowed through an entire bag, box or pint? And perhaps without even knowing it!

If so, then you’re not alone, and do we have the show for you!

We’ll be talking with Mark Schaztker, award-winning food journalist and author of The Dorito Effect: The surprising new truth about food and flavor.

Today we’re going to talk about an explosion of flavor, and how it’s downright killing us!

We’ll talk about why our flavor’s been in charge, what’s happened to our food supply-and why our great-grandma wouldn’t recognize the food of today. We’ll discuss what I call franken-foods or why a chicken’s no longer a chicken, and why no matter how we try, loosing weight almost seems impossible.

Most importantly, we’ll discuss what we can do to make simple changes today, right away, that will make huge impacts in our health, and in our waist bands!

  1. Why do we eat?
    1. Flavor
    2. Everything has gotten bigger and cheaper, but less nutritious and blander
    3. Thank flavor technology since 1950’s
    4. Every year consume more than 1,000,000 tons of fake flavoring
  2. Story of ancient chemical language of every organism, designed to help you find the nutrition it needs
    1. It’s been telling lies
  3. Story of what’s been happening to flavor, and what we can do about it.
    1. How did Doritos come about?
    2. Story of Chickens
    3. Of Tomato’s
  4. What’s wrong with Chicken?
  5. Why don’t tomatoes taste like tomatoes?
  6. What in the world is a Dorito?
  7. Are we all addicted to food?
    1. What does it mean to be addicted?
    2. Is it any different than being addicted to heroin or cocaine?
    3. Why an addicted brain is not a happy brain
  8. What’s the importance of micronutrients
  9. What is nutritional wisdom?
  10. Do we have inner wisdom when it comes to eating?
    1. Goats
    2. Kids
    3. Rat Studies
  11. How do we wake back up our sense of taste and nutrition to know what in the world to eat?
  12. What do we do for our kids?
    1. Is it true kids first develop their palate in the womb?
  13. Can you discuss your rules of flavor
    1. Humans are flavor-seeking animals. The pleasure provided by food, which we experience as flavor, is so powerful that only the most strong willed among us can resist it.
    2. In nature there is an intimate connection between flavor and nutrition
    3. Synthetic flavor technology not only breaks that connection it also confounds it.
  14. What’s the delicious cure?
  15. Do you have pets, and what do we do for them?
  16. Why do we eat?
  17. Rats getting zapped before stop eating
  18. How flavor has changed our food system
    1. Synthetic or artificial flavor
    2. Why natural flavor is synthetic flavor
  19. The history of Dorito’s
    1. “Let’s make it taste like a taco”
    2. “You don’t know the difference between a thing and a flavor”
  20. How flavor become manufactured
  21. Turns on pleasure part of the brain
  22. How our food now tricks you – but the nutrition isn’t there anymore
  23. Nutritional Wisdom
    1. And Goats!
    2. Food tastes good to a goat because it tastes good to the goat
    3. The goat follows it’s palate
  24. Scurvy and orange cravings
  25. Lack of nutrition in our food – the other side of the flavor coin
  26. Things losing their nutritional value
  27. Franken-Chickens
    1. The Chicken of Tomorrow
    1. Why meats are now bland
    2. Chicken used to have Omega 3’s,
    3. The blandness is now a nutritional problem
      1. So chicken is further processed, in the same way we make doritos
      2. Tasty in the moment, huge hit of calories, but don’t satisfy us.
  28. Studying the neuroscience of food addictions
    1. People addicted to food don’t even enjoy it.
    1. Rat studying – weren’t doing it for the pleasure
      1. Were like heroin addicts
  29. Let’s look at the positives
    1. Michael Pollan – eat what your grandmother ate, but it wouldn’t taste like food
  30. How to eat better and how
  31. Why natural is not natural
  32. How to get back to nutritional wisdom
    1. Getting back to foods
  33. How to have a healthy relationship with food
    1. When eat get satisfied and the hunger light goes off
    2. The relationship between flavor and nutrition
  34. What’s the delicious cure
    1. Find real food that’s delicious
    2. Give yourself an opportunity to change
    3. Stay open minded to food choices
  35. What do we do to feed our cats (or our pets)
    1. Variety
      1. Different brands
      2. Different meats
    2. Treats
      1. Tuna
      2. Sardines
  36. Why do kids get frustrated by our food choices?
    1. How fetuses experience the flavors of the foods their mom eats and it affects their palette as well.
  37. THE SOLUTION - Think about flavor

| Health | Nutrition | Diet | Paleo | Vegan | Vegetarian | Weight Loss | Weight Watchers | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help

Oct 24, 2015

Do you know what do Bill Gates, Charles Schwab, Warren Buffet, Steven Spielberg, Michael Jordan, Julia Roberts, Facebooks Mark Zuckenberg (facebook) Twitter’s Jack Dorsey (twitter), Google’s Larry Page (and maybe even Obama) have in common? They’re all introverts.

And believe it or not, so am I, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Today we’ll be talking with a very extroverted introvert. Her name is Beth Beelow, she’s a life coach best know as the Introvert Entrepreneur and is the author of “Insight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an Introvert” and the forthcoming book “The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms.

If you’ve ever wondered how to get ahead when going on the inside is your path, then do we have the show for you!!!

What are key strengths of introverts?

  • Self effacing
  • Self reliant
  • Self possessed
  • Self reflective

(May also be quite Spiritual / Spirituality Centered Too)

Questions Include:

  1. I used to struggle with Social media – how do we promote & self-promote?
  2. How do we extrovert?
  3. What does it mean to be an introvert and an entrepreneur?
  4. Can you talk with us about Fear and Doubt (and other icky stuff)
  5. How do we find our voice?
  6. How do we (be present) network as introverted entrepreneurs?
  7. What do you do if you’re not a “salesperson”
  8. What do you mean it takes a village?
  9. What’s it mean two heads are better than one?
  10. Talk about bigger and better – business expansion as an introvert
  11. Success
    1. Accelerating Failure
    2. Staying in your comfort zone
    3. How else can we set ourselves up for success?
  12. Any tips for kids who are introverts to empower them for life?

Inspiration | Motivation | Business | Career | Self-Help | Entrepreneur | Intrapreneur | Sidepreneur | Spiritual | Spirituality | Introvert | Introverted



Oct 24, 2015

Today we’re going to do a very short guided relaxation meditation to help you connect with nature, both inside and outside of yourself.

I’ve used many of these meditations to help quiet and center me, and I’ve even used them in doctor’s office’s to help me stay calm and relaxed, or so they can use less medication. Yes, this works in a dentist’s office too.

You can do this meditation any time of the day, it’s fantastic if you have the time during a mid-day break.

If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor. Please rate and review this show on iTunes. The more ratings and reviews, the more it helps us, helps the show, and helps people find these beautiful meditations. Thank you so much, we are very grateful for your support.

To check out more meditations by me, or by our guests, check out our Inspire Nation Show, or

I send love, I send light, and many, many blessings your way.


Woo Hoo!

(Similar meditations to Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and Eckhart Tolle)

Feel your body, mind, & soul completely relax during this short guided meditation. Designed to help you get grounded, plugged back in, and feeling incredibly at peace for the day. Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Nature | Relaxation | Self-Help

Oct 23, 2015

If you’ve ever wanted to travel the world, but thought to yourself, if only I had the money, the time or I’d love to do that someday when I retire, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking with Rolf Potts, veteran travel writer, for the likes of and world hum, and best-selling author of Vagabonding: and Marco Polo Didn’t Go There.

His adventures have taken him across six continents, and include piloting a fishing boat 900 miles down the Laotian Mekong, hitchhiking across Eastern Europe, traversing Israel on foot, bicycling across Burma, driving a Land Rover across South America, and traveling around the world for six weeks with no luggage or bags of any kind.

Today we’re going to talk about working to live, instead of living to work, and about taking our own life adventure, or what I call Vagabonding 101. I want to know how we can all get into it, what’s the simplest way to start, and if we really need to wait till we have that nest egg, or are retired to be able to afford to travel around the world!

That, and perhaps find out about Tantric Sex and taking or not taking donkey’s through the desert.

Inspiration | Motivation | Travel | Self-Help | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Adventure | Vacation | Inspirational | Motivational | Uplifting | Business | Career | Sabbatical

Oct 23, 2015

Today we have a very special relaxing inner-peace meditation, or a true journey into stillness, led by Sian Chua, A Dolores Cannon past-life regression quantum healing practitioner from Australia.

This meditation can be done any time of the day, however, it’s best to do when you have the time to relax and be still for a short time afterwards

To find more meditations from me, and from our guests, please visit Inspire Nation Show or

And please do us the utmost favor, please rate and review our show which helps more people find us, and enjoy more beautiful meditations like this one. Your ratings and reviews help keep the show going.

Thank you.

We send love. We send light. And many, many blessings your way.Namaste.

Woo Hoo!

(Similar to guided meditations from Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and Dr. Wayne Dyer)

Take a blissful inner journey led by guided meditation & Dolores Cannon expert Sian Chua from Australia. You’ll be relaxed, recharged & incredibly at peace & at one with the world around you. Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Love

Oct 22, 2015


If you’ve ever wanted to face a challenge or transition in life a different way, to learn how to truly embrace them, to surf the waves of change and come out smiling on the other side, then do we have the guest for you!

Her name is Sherre Hirsch, she’s a Rabbi, inspirational speaker and author of the best-seller’s We Plan, God Laughs, and Thresholds: How to Thrive through Life’s transitions to live fearlessly and regret free.

And that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about today, about embracing life’s challenges, to live fearlessly through them, and without regrets.

Of course, we’ll also talk about Moses, letting go, and the biggest F word of them all, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Questions for Today’s Interview Include:

  1. What do we do when life’s plans go completely awry
  2. What is a threshold moment?
  3. How do we know we’re in a threshold moment, and what does it meant to us?
  4. How do we deal with the biggest F word of them all, fear?
  5. How do we learn to trust ourselves?
  6. How do we begin practicing trusting in ourselves to make better decisions
  7. How do we learn to have faith in ourselves and trust our intuition?
  8. How do we live life regret free?
  9. Living life regret free
  10. What’s a “Wait Box”?
  11. Why should we strive to be a B+ rather than an A?
  12. Words of wisdom for parents.
  13. Why luck is the residue of design
  14. And why putting yourself in the game, doesn’t make you lucky, it makes you blessed!

This interview will help you overcome the tough spots in life, and see them for what they really are, hallways to something better. How we get through the hallways effects how we get through everything in life.

Sherre Hirsch shares words of wisdom from a lifelong career as a Rabbi, counselor and mother of 4 on getting through lifes transitions in order to truly thrive!

Oct 22, 2015

Hi Everyone, Michael Sandler here, your host on inspire nation. Today we have a very special meditation to give you inspiration and help quiet your mind. It’s from Rabbi Sherre Hirsch, our guest on the show today, talking about Thriving through life’s transitions.

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I send love. I send light. And many many blessings your way. Namaste

Woo Hoo!

BONUS GUIDED MIND-QUIETING MEDITATION (5 MIN) | Sherre Hirsch | Peace | Inspiration | Happiness | Spirituality | Self-Help | Spiritual | Religion | Judaism | Buddhism | Inner Peace | Zen | Mindfulness

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