
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 193 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!
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Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler










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Now displaying: August, 2017
Aug 31, 2017

If you’ve ever been fascinated by bees and wondered what can we learn from them, then do we have the Song of Increase show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Jacqueline Freeman, a biodynamic farmer and natural beekeeper who’s appeared in the award-winning documentary, Queen of the Sun, been featured in the documentary Dancing with Thoreau with the Dalai Lama and is the author of another new all-time favorite books of mine, Song of Increase.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about listening to the wisdom of Honeybees, to tap into consciousness, and for a kinder, better world.

Song of Increase Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How’d Jacqueline get introduced to bees?
  2. What did she wear when bees first arrived at her farm?
  3. How did she realize they could sense her emotional state?
  4. How long was it before she stripped off her bee suit?
  5. What did the bees first do when she arrived without her bee suit?
  6. Why bees sting some people but not others?
  7. When did her first intuitive conversation with bees begin?
  8. What are bee songs?
  9. What is the Song of Increase?
  10. What does it mean to be a relational beekeeper?
  11. What does it mean to come to the hive as a holy place?
  12. What’s the importance of treating bees with reverence and gratitude?
  13. What’s the song of Unity?
  14. How do bees see themselves?
  15. How do bees see the world?
  16. What does it mean each member dedicates 100 percent effort to all interactions?
  17. What is a Bien or super-organism?
  18. What are the different types of bees?
  19. What do maidens do?
  20. What do drones do?
  21. What do queens do?
  22. What can we learn about drones and birth songs?
  23. What’s the song of ancestral knowledge?
  24. How do bees see light?
  25. What is bee gymnastics?
  26. What do bee swarms do?
  27. What can we learn about the queen bee’s mating ritual?
  28. What is the generosity of bees?
  29. What can we learn about choosing, eating, and caring for honey?
  30. What does it mean that honey has prayer in it?
  31. How can we care for the bees?
  32. What’s a bee watering station?
  33. What should kids know about bees?
  34. What’s the importance of love, compassion, and co-existing?
  35. To Find Out More Visit:

Jacqueline Freeman on the Incredible Life, Knowledge, and Healing Wisdom from the Honey Bees!!! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 30, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to transform your life and free yourself from mental pain, then do we have The Illumination Process show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, a trained psychologist and medical anthropologist who has studied the healing processes of the Shaman and Directs the Four Winds Society and is the Founder of the Light Body School, is a multiple best-selling author, and the author of an fascinating new book, The Illumination Process.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the neuroscience of enlightenment and a shamanic guide to transforming toxic emotions into wisdom, power, and grace.

Shamanic Wisdom Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Dr. Alberto Villoldo end up meeting shamans in South America?
  2. How do we begin to renew our light?
  3. What can we learn from the wisdom of the indigenous healers?
  4. What it means that we were kicked out of the garden?
  5. How he went from a brain research lab to shamanism?
  6. How do we begin to heal ourselves with light?
  7. How do we upgrade the quality of our energy fields?
  8. What is illumination?
  9. What does it mean we have an energy field?
  10. How to modify your genetic expression through epigenetics.
  11. How we can modify our genes through the luminous fields
  12. What are the top ways we can upgrade our personal energy fields
  13. What are the four levels to upgrade your field?
  14. How to heal the mind
  15. How to heal the body
  16. What it means to surround yourself with beauty and wisdom
  17. How to upgrade your mind
  18. How to get downloads from the universe
  19. What is an initiation experience?
  20. What we can learn from facing our own mortality?
  21. What’s the importance of clearing your old belief structures?
  22. What is a spirit flight, and what’s it mean to disconnect with your chakras?
  23. How do we discover why we came here.
  24. What it means to be an explorer of consciousness?
  25. For More Info Visit:

Dr Alberto Villoldo on Boosting Your Light & Upgrading Your Energy Thru Ancient Shamanic Practices! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Parenting | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Aug 29, 2017

If you’ve wondered whether there’s more to the world than meets the eye, or more than science is letting on, then do we have the One Mind Show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Larry Dossey, an internal medicine physician and the former Chief-Of-Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital. He’s the author of the NY Times best-seller Healing Words and 11 other books, and a new personal favorite mind, or consciousness of mine, One Mind.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about how our individual mind is part of a greater consciousness, and why it matters.

That plus we’ll talk about coyotes and bobcats, MASH units and helicopter crashes, cosmic soup and frothy fractal boundaries, bison on the plains, bobby the collie, what in the world happened at Evans Corner Drug, and why god won’t drive flies away from a tailless cow.

Dr. Larry Dossey On How We’re All Connected to Consciousness & Why it Matters! Health | Medicine | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

One Mind Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to him during his first year of practice of internal medicine
  2. What is non-local and what is consciousness research
  3. What do twins have to do with anything
  4. What is a telesomatic event?
  5. What do coyotes have to do with this book
  6. What happened with Wesley Autrey and how’d it change Larry Dossey
  7. What can we learn from Erwin Schrodinger (awarded Nobel Prize).
  8. What’s the concept of the One Mind
  9. What would Einstein say about Consciousness
  10. What’s it mean that there’s no ‘out there out there’?
  11. How would consciousness be defined?
  12. What does entanglement have to do with anything?
  13. What do coincidences mean
  14. What are thick frothy fractal boundaries in our mind
  15. What is the seventh sense and what does it have to do with hummingbirds?
  16. How connected are we to the animals
  17. What’s the rich experimental database behind staring – and what does it mean
  18. What’s love got to do with this (and what did Tina Turner mean)?
  19. Why ‘there will be no healing at this hospital’
  20. ‘What does cruelty and false hope mean’
  21. What can we learn from Dr. Eben Alexander and NDE’s
  22. What does empathy and kindness and compassion have to do with anything
  23. What can we learn about life after life, and what does Dean Radin say about it
  24. Why life after life should be part of the national conversation
  25. How many Americans say they’ve had a near-death experience
  26. Why the one mind essential for saving the planet
  27. What can we learn from Astronaut Edgar Mitchel
  28. What can we learn from Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot
  29. An important lesson from Gandhi
  30. Why Ghandi is a an embodiment of the compassion of the One Mind
  31. What are the four rules of life from Angie Arian (sp?)
    1. Just show up
    2. Pay attention
    3. Tell the truth
    4. Just don’t be attached to results
  32. What’s the importance of exposure to nature?
  33. What’s the spiritual flu – and what’s the trippy flu
  34. Poem from 14th century poet Hafiz

Dr. Larry Dossey On How We’re All Connected to Consciousness & Why it Matters! Health | Medicine | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info visit:

Aug 28, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to be more creative and more successful, then do we have the Tinker Dabble Doodle Try Show for you. 

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Sirini Pillay, a Harvard trained practicing psychiatrist, brain imaging researcher, brain based technology innovator, the award winning author of Life Unlocked and the author of one of my all-time favorite books –Tinker Dabble Doodle Try!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to train your brain for success and unlock the power of the unfocused mind.

Law of Attraction Brain Science Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What happened to Srini in his second year of medical school.
  2. What’s the danger of hyperfocus?
  3. Why you need to let go of focus to perform at your best
  4. Why are breaks necessary to the brain
  5. Why is the brain a resource constrained dynamically configured environment
  6. What is possibility thinking?
  7. How do we have a growth mindset
  8. How to reset the brain and see the world differently
  9. How do we replace old habits with new habits
  10. What is LTP – long-term potentiation
  11. What are success habit pathways?
  12. What is the DMN – Default Mode Network – and why’s it so important
  13. What’s the benefit of letting your mind wander.
  14. What does it mean to put on a different hat
  15. How to change your mindset to bring in more money
  16. How imagination can trigger the law of attraction
  17. What does it truly mean to imagine, and how does it work in the brain
  18. What does stress have to do with our imagination (and the law of attraction)
  19. What does a mindfulness break have to do with the law of attraction and your imagination
  20. What does it mean to train your brain into imagery or image mode
  21. How do you change your brains filter or blueprint for success
  22. How do you train your brain for success?
  23. What is the technique “CIRCA” to help activate the brain for success
  24. What are powerful de-stressing strategies
  25. What’s the biology behind change and the brain
  26. What’s cognitive dissonance (brain chaos) and how do we move past it?
  27. What’s the concept of source motivation?
  28. To find out more visit:

Dr Srini Pillay on How to Use the Brain Science Behind the Law of Attraction for Success! Motivation | Fitness | Parenting | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 25, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to wake up in your dreams, and use it to change your life, then do we have the Lucid Dreaming show for you!

Today I’ll speaking with Robert Waggoner, the past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, co-editor of the onlinemagazine, The Lucid Dreaming Experience, and the author of one of my all-time new favorite books, Lucid Dreaming!

Lucid Dreaming Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. When was Dr. Waggoner’s first lucid dream?
  2. What are pre-cognitive dreams?
  3. What did he learn from The Lesson’s of Don Juan by Carlos Castenada?
  4. What was the early technique he learned for Lucid Dreaming (and still teaches today)
  5. What’s the importance of modulating your emotions when lucid dreaming?
  6. What does it mean that only the mind distniugishes between the two realities?
  7. What do waking activties have to do with lucid dreaming?
  8. What is the shadow self?
  9. How are the top ways of getting into lucid dreaming?
  10. What’s the MILD technique?
    What’s the NAP To Lucidity technique?
  11. What are other techniques and activities to improve the chance of lucid dreams?
  12. How do we remember our dreams?
  13. What advice for people who do not dream (or remember dreams)
  14. What is a conquistador of consciousness
  15. Is there anything to fear in lucid dreaming?
  16. What kind of questions can you ask in your dreams?
  17. What can you learn in your dreams?
  18. How can you heal yourself through lucid dreams?
  19. What does it mean to manipulate your dream body?
  20. What are the benefits of meditation and meditating in your dreams?
  21. What can we learn about a connected universe through our dreams?
  22. How important is it to talk with our children about their dreams?
  23. How can we help children with nightmares?
  24. For More Info Visit: and

Robert Waggoner On How to Beginning Lucid Dreaming Today & Change Your Reality Thru Your Dreams! Health | Fitness | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 24, 2017

If you've ever wanted to bring more power, purpose, and freedom into your life then do we have the show for you.

Today we'll talk about charging the batteries, finding your power, discovering your voice and manifesting your 4 p’s, passion, partner, purpose and play, especially when your son's heading off to college.

Stepping Forward Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What changing of times means for us?
  2. What’s the importance of letting go?
  3. How to be present in the transitions in life?
  4. What’s the importance of being in the unknown?
  5. What’s the neutral zone (William Bridges)
  6. What’s the power of doing things before the sun even rises?
  7. How movement and nature can help you reconnect with your soul and bring you into your power
  8. Profound messages CJ shares on what parents learn when their children go off to college
  9. What it means to know what societal norms you’ll follow, and which to let go of
  10. What is Inspire Nation Babies?
  11. What it means to step forward into your power?
  12. Why it’s important to slow down and be more present to step into your power?
  13. What’s the importance of taking alone time for yourself?
  14. How to prioritize time for your life?
  15. How to build a vehicle or foundation for your future?
  16. For More Info Visit: 

CJ Liu on How to Find Your Voice & Step Forward Into Your Power – Especially in Times of Great Change! Health | Fitness | Parenting | Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 23, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to wake up from your dream state, then do we have The Way of Liberation show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with the spiritual teacher Adyanshanti, author of two of the most beautiful and important books I’ve ever read, Falling Into Grace, and The Way of Liberation.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a practical guide to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Awakening & Enlightenment Self-Improvement and Self-Help topics include:

  1. What Adyashanti was like as a child?
  2. What he discovered about the world?
  3. What his early spiritual experiences were like?
  4. What did Adyashanti discover in a book by Alan Watts?
  5. How did he get into Zen Buddhism?
  6. What did he build in his backyard for meditation practice?
  7. What is the “spiritual fast track”
  8. What were his awakening experiences?
  9. Why is it so important we wake up now?
  10. What’s the importance of moving past our egoic minds?
  11. What’s the importance of letting go of judgment of yourself?
  12. What’s the importance of the question of being?
  13. Why is it so important to know thyself?
  14. Why is the question of being everything?
  15. What does it mean to be sleep walking in life?
  16. Why is it so important to awaken?
  17. What are the three core practices for awakening?
  18. What’s the importance of meditation?
  19. What is meditation that helps with awakening?
  20. How does one begin with this type of meditation (and for how long)?
  21. What is the process of inquiry?
  22. How does one begin the process of inquiry, and what can it be done on?
  23. How does one balance inquiry with meditation?
  24. What’s the importance of introducing a sentence or phrase into meditation?
  25. What’s the importance of understanding what is looking through our eyes?
  26. A guided meditation to help us begin the awakening process.
  27. To find out more visit:

Adyashanti on How to Begin Spiritual Awakening & Your Path to Enlightenment, Plus Greater Happiness, Today! + Guided Meditation | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spirituality | Zen Buddhism | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Aug 22, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to make your life better, and other people’s too, then do we have the Four Tendencies show for you!

Today I’ll be speaking with Gretchen Rubin, the new york times best-selling author of the happiness project, better than before, and happier at home, the award winning podcaster of Happier with Gretchen Rubin, and the author of a fascinating new look at people and at life, The Four Tendencies.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about indispensable personality profiles that reveal how to make your life better, and other people’s too!

The Four Tendencies Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How’d Gretchen end up in Yale law school?
  2. How’d she end up working for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor?
  3. How’d she end up becoming a NY Times Best-Selling Author?
  4. What is she learning about color – and what do we need to know?
  5. How did Gretchen begin researching and writing about happiness?
  6. How’d she start researching the Four Tendencies?
  7. What are the Four Tendencies and how do they affect our lives?
  8. How do we determine our tendency or personality profile?
  9. What’s an upholder and what are the challenges and positives?
  10. How do you handle an upholder (child, spouse, co-worker)?
  11. What do we do if we’re an upholder?
  12. What’s a questioner and what are the challenges and positives?
  13. How do you handle a questioner?
  14. What do we do if we’re a questioner?
  15. What’s an obliger?
  16. How do you handle an obliger?
  17. What do we do if we’re an obliger?
  18. What’s a rebel?
  19. How do you handle a rebel?
  20. What do we do if we’re a rebel?
  21. How do you find internal and external motivational as any one of the four types?
  22. How important is it to know the personality type of your child?
  23. How to work with children of different personality types
  24. What do our personality types have to do with our happiness?
  25. For More Info Visit:

Gretchen Rubin on How to Find More Happiness & Make Your Life Better Thru Your Personality Profile! Career | Fitness | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info visit:

Aug 21, 2017

Today I’ll be talking with Brian Buffini one of the nation’s top business experts, and founder of Buffini and Company which has trained three million professionals in 37 countries, He’s also the author of a motivational masterpiece, The Emigrant Edge. 

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about How to make it big in America, and the world, whatever that means to you!

The Emigrant Edge Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What was life like growing up in Ireland?
  2. How did he choose to emigrate to America?
  3. Was he scared?
  4. What happened just three months after he arrived.
  5. How many surgeries did he need?
  6. Why didn’t he tell his parents?
  7. How did he make it through and get back on his feet?
  8. How did he turn to real estate?
  9. What did he learn about learning from his mentor Gene Kullman?
  10. How did he begin a top real-estate agent and what can we learn form it?
  11. What’s the mindset of a successful emigrant?
  12. What are the seven traits of successful emigrants?
  13. What’s the importance of a voracious openness to learn?
  14. What’s a do whatever it takes mind set?
  15. What’s the importance of a willingess to outwork others – and what does it mean?
  16. What can we learn from Brian’s Wife Beverly and how she made it to the olympics?
  17. What’s the importance of a heartfelt spirit of gratitude?
  18. What’s the importance in a boldness to invest?
  19. What’s the importance of a commitment to delay gratification?
  20. What’s the importance of an appreciation of where you came from?
  21. What’s the importance of remembering where you came from?
  22. What’s it mean to put your name on that?
  23. What’s it mean to be an ungodly parent to your children?
  24. To Find Out More Visit:

Brian Buffini on The Seven Traits You Need for Motivation & Success! Health | Business | Career | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

To Find Out More Visit:

Aug 18, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted a healthier, happier life with greater spiritual growth and Vibrant Physical health, then do we have the Wheels of Life show for you! 

Today I’ll be speaking with Dr. Anodea Judith a groundbreaking writer and spiritual teacher, and one of the preeminent experts on chakras and author of one of the most fascinating and perhaps important books I’ve ever read, The Wheels of Life.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about a guide to the chakra system, and how it can change our lives.

Open your Chakras Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did a meditation change the course of Anodea Judith’s life?
  2. How’d she get interested in the chakra system?
  3. Where did Anodea go to learn about chakras?
  4. What are chakras?
  5. What’s a mythical rainbow bridge?
  6. Where are the chakras located?
  7. How do chakras work?
  8. What do chakras respond to on the physical level?
  9. How do chakras generate the shape and behavior of the physical body?
  10. How do chakras correspond to seven levels of consciousness?
  11. What are open and closed chakras and do they come in a particular order?
  12. How do chakras correspond to various types of activity?
  13. Can we inherit stuck chakras (and what does karma have to do with our chakras)
  14. What can our lives tell us about what chakra may be stuck?
  15. What is Shiva and Shakti?
  16. Why are both currents important?
  17. What is the root chakra?
  18. What does it mean to be stuck in first chakra consciosuness?
  19. How do we assess the condition of our first chakra?
  20. How do we open our first chakra?
  21. All about the second chakra through 7th
  22. How to assess each individual chakra.
  23. How to open each individual chakra.
  24. Where is humanity’s eveolution in terms of chakras?
  25. How do we foster healthy chakras in our children?
  26. A guided meditation for your chakras.
  27. To Find Out More Visit:

Anodea Judith, PhD On How to Open Your Chakras & Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Them! + Guided Meditation | Inspiration | Motivation | Parenting | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 17, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to use the law of attraction, and manifest your dreams, then do we have the Power of Intention show for you!

Today I want to talk about setting your intentions, when to do, why you should do it, how often to do it, and why now, with the solar eclipse is the absolute best time in the world to do so.

The Power of Intention Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

1. How body language can elevate your energy levels?

2. What's the Power of Ten Woo-Hoo's.

3. What's the power of visualization in intending what you desire in life?

4. What's the importance of a shared mission?

5. What's the benefit of a loss of self?

6. What happens when you become, or are about to become an empty-nester?

7. What it means to open up to new things?

8. How automatic writing and journaling can help us be intentional and gain clarity?

9. What we can learn from Dr. Michael Lennox on the Eclipse.

10. What's a time of super-intentionality?

11. How intentional can we be in planning for the future?

12. What's the importance of getting to the essence?

13. What it means for humanity to be in this group experience at once?

14. What it means that we're all coming into resonance or coherence at the same time. 

15. What's the importance of looking at flow?

16. What it means to be moving more into your heart?

17. How to use the law of attraction at this time?

18. What it means to REALLY think big?

19. To Find Out More Visit: and

20. How to live intentionally for your future!

CJ Liu On How to Use the Law of Attraction to Bring About Your Wildest Dreams!!! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: 

Aug 16, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to move past subconscious blocks and negative patterns that are holding you back then do we have the Healing Stories show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Rebecca Thompson Hitt, the author of three books on conscious parenting, the founder of the consciously parenting newsletter and a pioneer behind healing stories, which are for everyone.

And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today. About how healing stories can help us get at our traumas, uncover hidden patterns and help us heal our origin wounds.

Healing Story Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What are birthing stories?
  2. What does nursing a baby sheep have to do with anything?
  3. What are healing stories?
  4. What do our early family histories have to do with anything?
  5. Why are we so susceptible to traumas early on?
  6. What’s wrong with behavioral parenting?
  7. What is attachment parenting?
  8. How do we heal traumas through relationships?
  9. How can we heal PTSD through relationships?
  10. How do we recognize the needs of our kids and those experiencing melt-downs.
  11. What are our imprints?
  12. Why do patterns show up in our transitions?
  13. What’s important about the time we learned to walk, talk, and other milestones?
  14. What are two examples of imprints and how patterns show up.
  15. How do we heal from the imprints?
  16. How do we heal our patterns?
  17. How do we use healing stories to move past our imprints?
  18. How to we re-regulate our nervous system?
  19. How do we work with a friend or a partner to perform a healing story?
  20. A guided meditation to help you to heal.
  21. To Find Out More Visit:
Aug 15, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re gonna make it, how you’re gonna make it, or how in the world to vault past your hurdles, then do we have the Everything Is Possible Show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Jen Bricker, one of the most energized and inspiring people I’ve ever met, and I haven’t even met her yet! She’s an incredible athlete, gymnast, areal artist (she’s even toured with Britney Spears) and much more, and the author of an incredibly inspiring read, Everything is Possible.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about finding the faith & courage to follow your dreams.

That plus we’ll talk about pink power rangers, the power of Alf, a trampoline and popcorn, the importance of the Lion King, lifeguard rescues by Robie , the importance of Hardees ham and cheese sandwiches with the white cheese instead of the yucky orange, and why in the world you don’t want to leave your legs in the bathroom.

Inspiring Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Why Can’t is not in her family’s vocabulary
  2. What are words without actions?
  3. What’s the importance of the little red wagon?
  4. How she went on intuition as a 5 year old girl
  5. How her trampoline work helped her in life
  6. Why she couldn’t even comprehend disabled sports
  7. How she went to championships and the junior Olympics in tumbling
  8. What’s the importance of the apple-tree in her back yard.
  9. How she has an external gear and an internal, more contemplative or spiritual gear
  10. What’s the significance of hot ham sandwiches
  11. Why you don’t want to get hard on yourself, but where it can come from
  12. What we can learn from Mark Woylnn and Inherited Family Trauma, called It Didn’t Start with You
  13. How she ended up at Disney
  14. How did she prepare to put herself into the zone for shows performing with Britney Spears
  15. How she found her adoptive family and the Olympian who was her sister
  16. What are faiths and gifts
  17. Can everyone cultivate a level of greatness inside of yourself
  18. What it takes for greatness
  19. What a happy life really means?
  20. What it means to love yourself, and how has love changed her life?
  21. What does intuition and spirituality look like to her?
  22. How can you surrender from a place of strength?
  23. How has she dealt with fear?
  24. What does mind over matter mean to her? Aka mindfulness and mental strengthening
  25. What does prayer and meditation look like for her (what’s her spiritual practice)?
  26. Advice for parents and children?
  27. and her book Everything is Possible
  28. What it means that everything is possible???

Jen Bricker, Why Everything is Possible, Finding Faith & Courage to Follow Your Dreams! Health | Career | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 14, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted to get out of your way, and live your greatest life, then do we have the UnF*Yourself Show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Gary John Bishop, personal development and urban philosophy expert in the UNF yourself department about his irreverent new book, UnF Yourself.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today. About unFing yourself and getting out of your head, and into your life.

How to Unfu*k Yourself Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Gary John Bishop go from Glasgow to Miami!
  2. What was his childhood like and how did it set him back?
  3. What took place that finally began turning his life around?
  4. How did he end up in the self-help field?
  5. How does language change our lives?
  6. What is positive self-talk vs. negative self-talk
  7. How do we steer our thoughts?
  8. What is assertive “I am” self-talk?
  9. What does it mean to be willing?
  10. Why do we want to stop blaming?
  11. What do we do about procrastination
  12. What’s the importance of declaring your unwillingness?
  13. What’s it mean you are wired to win?
  14. What do you mean we are winning at whatever we do?
  15. What’s the importance of I Got This?
  16. What does it mean we’re all addicts?
  17. Who is Mr. Relentless?
  18. What’s it mean to be relentless?
  19. Why do we need to be relentless?
  20. How do we get out of our heads?

Gary John Bishop on How to Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life & Stop Self-Sabotage for Good!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 11, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more happiness and fun in your life, even in the midst of radical transformation and letting go, then do we have the FIND YOUR HAPPY show for you!

Today we’ll be talking about finding happiness, intending happiness, and literally building it into your schedule – even when the world’s flipped upside down and changing before your very eyes.

How to Find your Happy Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What was the giant stink?
  2. How do you roll with anything?
  3. What to do when situations get out of control.
  4. How to find your way back to your happy place.
  5. How to get centered even during challenging times.
  6. What it means to look at the big picture in any situation.
  7. How to let go and surrender when there’s nothing you can do.
  8. How raising children can give you amazing perspective.
  9. What it means to be having a child go off to college.
  10. What to think about when you’re about to be an empty nester.
  11. How to find happiness during any transition.
  12. What it means to be a witness (or an observer)?
  13. What is anticipatory sadness and how to move past it?
  14. How to be open to what the Universe has to offer.
  15. How to see the possibilities of any situation?
  16. How to be excited in times of great change?
  17. What the solstice has to do with transitions?
  18. Why you want to challenge the premise you don’t have enough time?
  19. How to rearrange your schedule to have the time you desire
  20. How to bring more happiness into your schedule
  21. What it means to find your happy.
  22. Why you want to schedule in your happy with your spouse.
  23. What it means to invest in happiness as a couple.
  24. Why it’s really a choice to be happy – and what that really means.
  25. For More Info Visit: and

CJ Liu on How to Find Your Happy in Times of Great Change, Challenge & Any Time!!! Health | Fitness | Parenting | Career | Happiness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 10, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted massive change in your life, then do we have the once-in-a-lifetime Eclipse show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, dream expert and astrologer.

Today we’ll be talking about the upcoming Solar Eclipse, why it’s so special, what it means for your life, and how to use these energies to create the future you desire.

Total Eclipse Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. What’s the importance of the solar eclipse?
  2. How often does an eclipse happen?
  3. Is this one any different?
  4. Why is it a once in a lifetime event?
  5. What is totality?
  6. Why is it important?
  7. Where do we want to be for the eclipse?
  8. How does this moment effect us?
  9. What does it mean that it’s a rebooting consciousness event?
  10. Why is this a time of tearing down?
  11. What’s the importance of 28 degrees?
  12. What is the confluence of events taking place at this point.
  13. What do archetypes and astrological signs have to do with the eclipse?
  14. What does it mean that Leo is coming in?
  15. Why is this upcoming time a period of joy, happiness, and creativity?
  16. How does the eclipse help us step into our power?
  17. How does it help us find our voice?
  18. How is the solar eclipse an intention setting event?
  19. Is there anything special we want to do in the leadup to the eclipse?
  20. Is there anything we should do during the eclipse?
  21. Is it important to get to the totality?
  22. Do you experience any or all of the benefits if you cannot get to the eclipse directly?
  23. What’s the best way for manifestation or intention work for the eclipse?
  24. Why is it important to be flexible in our vision?
  25. How does the eclipse create unity?
  26. What do we need to know about the eclipse for our kids?
  27. What does it mean we choose to be here at this time?
  28. What one homework assignment should we do today to help manifest with the eclipse?
  29. To Find Out More Visit: 

Dr. Michael Lennox On How to Use the Power of the Solar Eclipse to Shift Your Life, Future & Dreams!!! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Law of Attraction

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Aug 9, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more time in your day, or to simply keep time, from flying by, then do we have the Art of Stopping Time show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Pedram Shojai, qigong master, master herbalist, and doctor of oriental medicine. He’s also the host of The Health Bridge and The Urban Monk podcasts and the author of a fantastic new book for putting the pause back in life, the Art of Stopping Time.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about how to wake up to your full potential by making the most of the time you have.

The Art of Stopping Time Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Dr. Pedram Shojai come to study time?
  2. What is time prosperity?
  3. What’s the importance of the pause and taking deep breaths?
  4. How do we begin to stop time?
  5. What it means that you sit in the driver’s seat of your experience.
  6. How breathing can bring you into a completely different state of reality.
  7. What time is not the static thing we think it is
  8. Why being busy isn’t a trophy you want to wear
  9. What does the word “velocity” have to do with anything?
  10. Where we can find optimal performance and our spirit begins to shine
  11. What we can learn from watching elite athletes preparing for their big game?
  12. What’s the importance of simplicity
  13. How to tap into the eternal space within you?
  14. How do you slow down your vibration to protect your resources?
  15. What’s the importance of knowing your expiration date or your mortality?
  16. What’s the importance of understanding our impermanence
  17. How we can reframe our priorities in a moment – and what that means for us.
  18. Who are we and why are we hear?
  19. What’s the challenge of striving to find your purpose?
  20. What are your flowers in the garden?
  21. What is your life garden?
  22. How do we weed our life garden?
  23. What’s the importance of the question “no”?
  24. How we can use the question “no” to bring about more energy for our “yeses”.
  25. How to use the Law of Attraction for Intention?
  26. How to make a plan for intention?
  27. How do discover where you’re being frivolous with your time and your life force?
  28. What we need to do to help our kids to learn the art of stopping time?
  29. What’s the importance of meditation?
  30. What’s a once a day 5 minute breathing meditation?
  31. A guided meditation to help you live in an operating system of controlling time.
  32. For more info visit: or

Dr. Pedram Shojai on How to Find Meaning, Direction, and Peace in Your Life by Stopping Time! + Guided Meditation! Taoism | Fitness | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement

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Aug 8, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted a life filled with more happiness, health and joy, then do we have the show for you.

Today I’ll be talking with Leonard Perlmutter co-founder of the American Meditation Institute, and the author of one of the deepest, most profound books I’ve ever read The Heart and Science of Yoga!

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about an empowering self-care program for a happy, healthy, joyful life.

  1. What is the genius of yoga science?
  2. What is the importance of non-injury, non harming?
  3. How do we move past the pyrotechnics of the mind to get into our inner wisdom?
  4. What does it mean that we are all one?
  5. What is the superconscious portion of the mind and why’s it so important?
  6. How do we tap into the superconscious?
  7. How do we make our outer action be in harmony with our inner wisdom?
  8. How can we transform our anger and anxiety into something positive and healing?
  9. What is potential vs. kinetic energy when it comes to our mind and consciousness?
  10. How do we turn fear and anger and anxiety into creativity?
  11. How do we transform desire into service
  12. What’s it mean to be a citizen of two worlds?
  13. How much can meditation help us connect to our supreme reality within?
  14. What’s the importance of desire?
  15. What’s the importance of our will or willpower?
  16. Why do we identify with our pain, and how do we let it go?
  17. How does a bridge of yoga help us access our inner wisdom?
  18. What’s the importance of mantras?
  19. What’s does a true mantra look like?
  20. Why is a mantra so powerful?
  21. How do we choose our mantra?
  22. What does it mean for the mind and the mantra to become one?
  23. How do mantras help our meditations?
  24. What is Japa or prayer without ceasing?
  25. What’s the importance of touchstones to help us remember?
  26. Who is the me, having this human experience?
  27. What can we learn from George Harrison and his song “I, Me, Mine”
  28. Why our thoughts are only suggestions of where to place your intention, not imperial commands
  29. How do we stop ingesting junk thoughts
  30. How we want to extreme vet our thoughts.

Leonard Perlmutter on How to Use Mantras & Meditation to Tap Into Our Superconscious Mind!!! Health | Parenting | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 7, 2017

If you’ve ever wanted more abundance, happiness, and direction in your life, then do we have the Life on Earth show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Mike Dooley, one of the stars in the secret, a repeat NY Times best-selling author, and the author of an amazing book chok-full of wisdom and guidance, Life on Earth.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about understanding who we are, how we got here, what may lay ahead, and how thoughts become things.

  1. Was Mike Dooley’s family spiritual or religious?
  2. What was church like for Mike growing up?
  3. When did he first start getting realizations?
  4. How did different books start changing his life?
  5. What was the hypnosis he started working with in High School?
  6. Which books were transformative for him in High School?
  7. What happened his freshman year of college?
  8. How did the books then change his life and his trajectory?
  9. What great realization did he come to, and what were the big-picture questions he was asking.
  10. Why did he get into accounting?
  11. How’d he manifest the perfect job?
  12. How’d he use intention and the law of attraction to travel the world?
  13. How’d he end up leaving to start TUT and what is it?
  14. How much of his early success is attributable to thoughts become things?
  15. How does Mike use the law of attraction?
  16. How to be better than you are today?
  17. What’s important to know about the nature of our reality?
  18. What it means that we are truth?
  19. What truly holds us back?
  20. What it means that we are pure God energy?
  21. How to discover how incredibly powerful you are?
  22. How to manifest at the highest level (and what to do with the details!)
  23. What’s the importance of happiness?
  24. How to bring in financial abundance?
  25. How to rock your health!
  26. What we need to know about The Secret (which Mike Dooley starred in) and how to manifest?
  27. How Mike Dooley used a scrapbook for visualization?
  28. Why positive thoughts are more powerful than negative thoughts?
  29. What are a few of the key steps for opening the floodgates of abundance?
  30. Why do we want to celebrate often?
  31. What’s the importance of being exceedingly fair and aggressively responsible?
  32. Why chasing material things isn’t shallow.
  33. How do we choose to be happy?

Mike Dooley As Seen in The Secret On The Secret to the Law of Attraction & How Thoughts Become Things!!! Health | Parenting | Fitness | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help

For More Info Visit:

Aug 4, 2017

If you’ve ever been fascinated by crystals, and how they can help your life, then do we have the Crystal Muse Show for You!

Today I’ll be speaking with Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandrow, co-founders of Energy Muse, and the authors of an absolutely favorite new book of mine, Crystal Muse.

And that’s just what I want to talk with them about today, about everything crystals, and how to use them in everyday rituals to tune in to the real you!

Crystal Muse Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How did Heather get interested in stones?
  2. How did Heather & Timmi begin get interested in Crystals?
  3. What did the Big Island of Hawaii and the jungles of Belize have to do with learning about crystals?
  4. What were prosperity necklaces?
  5. How did they end up selling crystals to the Hollywood A List?
  6. Who were the flip-flop girls?
  7. How do we know crystals do anything?
  8. How do we use crystals in our daily lives?
  9. How do we choose a crystal?
  10. What’s the importance of saging the home?
  11. How does one do a clearing?
  12. What are the most important things to know about sage?
  13. What’s a space clearing ritual?
  14. What is Heather’s favorite crystal?
  15. What is Timmi’s favorite crystal?
  16. How do crystals help meditation?
  17. What are the benefits of shungite?
  18. How can you use shungite in your water?
  19. How can crystals help with EMF?
  20. How can clear quartz help us?
  21. How can hematite help kids?
  22. How can crystals help with prosperity?
  23. Which crystals are most important for prosperity?
  24. What are the benefits of Turquoise?
  25. What crystals help with pregnancy and conscious conception?
  26. How do we use crystals to remove negative energy?
  27. What are each of the crystals Heather and Timmi are wearing and what are the benefits of each one?
  28. Which are the most important crystals to have in our lives?
  29. How can crystals help our kids?
  30. For more info visit:

Heather Askinosie & Timmi Jandrow On Which Crystals Can Change Your Life & How to Use them!!! Inspiration | Motivation | Fitness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Parenting | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 3, 2017

If you’ve ever wondered why you struggle with money, despite the law of attraction and guest after guest, then do we have the Worthy Show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Nancy Levin, recovering superwoman and the best-selling author of an amazing book at taking the leap, Jump…and your life will Appear, and a book so incredibly worthy of praise, and filled with guidance I’m blown away, called WORTHY.

And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, about how to BOOST YOUR SELF WORTH TO GROW YOUR NET WORTH.

That plus we’ll talk about superwoman-itis, banking by prayer, when to watch Nashville, spending and chanel suits, resistance and the 401K, 3 years without a car, Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato, and the power of Donna Karan’s Urban Zen.

Law of Attraction & Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include

  1. What we can learn from Wayne Dyer and a briefcase
  2. How Wayne Dyer came to Colette Baron Reid
  3. What are the ways we’re consistently trying to prove our worth
  4. What we can learn from our patterns and our beliefs
  5. What’s a healing path to be on
  6. What’s the importance of crashing yourself, before the Universe has to crash you
  7. What was Nancy’s 8 year bomb
  8. How a financial advisor can help
  9. What’s it mean to set an intention
  10. Where Nancy differs with the Law of Attraction
  11. Why we need to take action on top of the law of attraction
  12. What are the limiting shadow beliefs, and the underlying commitments in our mind
  13. How we can always change
  14. What’s the root of our self-sabotage
  15. Where do excuses and beliefs fit in?
  16. Why we want to befriend our fear and honor our resistance
  17. What it means to be willing to be worthy
  18. What does unconditional love have to do with anything?
  19. Why truth-telling to self and taking off the blinders is always step #1
  20. What’s it mean to get our heads out of the sand
  21. What is a me fund
  22. What’s the importance of thinking beyond our means
  23. What is Petals for Parkinson’s?
  24. and events are on website and have free group coaching calls

Nancy Levin on How to Attract Wealth By Boosting Your Self Worth!!! + Guided Meditation! Law of Attraction | Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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Aug 2, 2017

If you ever thought your more than just your genes, then do we have the Biology of Belief show for you.

Today I’ll be talking Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, winner of the 2009 GOI Peace Award and the author of my new all-time favorite book, The Biology of Belief.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how we’re more than our DNA, what really controls us, and how to change your life by changing your beliefs!

The Biology of Beliefs Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. How Bruce Lipton got into microscopy?
  2. What was Bruce’s first time with an electron microscope like?
  3. What happened to Bruce in 1985?
  4. How did he end up leaving a tenured position and why?
  5. Why was he struggling with such negativity?
  6. What happened when he began studying cell membranes?
  7. What’s the breakthrough he discovered?
  8. What did he learn about DNA in the process?
  9. What did he learn about the cell nucleus and why’s it important for all of us.
  10. Why Darwin was wrong and what it means for us?
  11. What is really going on with our genes?
  12. What is epigenetics and why does it matter?
  13. What is the new biology?
  14. What is the danger of Darwin’s theory and what does it mean for humanity?
  15. Where does humanity need to go from here?
  16. What are the blocks in our way to realizing our greatness?
  17. How do we begin to move past our subconscious blocks?
  18. How do we create a new generation of children?
  19. What is conscious conception and conscious parenting?
  20. What are some of the ways we can help kids to avoid creating limiting beliefs?
  21. How do we overcome our own limiting beliefs?
  22. What’s the importance of hypnosis, repetition, and energy psychology?
  23. What one homework assignment can we begin today to reprogram our subconscious minds?
  24. For More Info Visit:

Bruce Lipton on The Biology of Belief & Why You're Greater than Your Programming and Your DNA & How to Set Yourself Free!!! Inspirational | Motivational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit:

Aug 1, 2017

If you’ve ever struggled with your family, whether at home or away, then do we have the Overcoming Your Difficult Family show for you!

Today I’ll be talking with Eric Maisel, PhD, retired family therapist, creativity and life coach, and the author of more than fifty books including mastering creative anxiety and a brilliant new read, Overcoming Your Difficult Family.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about 8 skills for thriving in any family situation.

Overcome Your Family Challenges Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:

  1. Did Eric Maisel grow up in a difficult family?
  2. How’d he end up interested in studying psychology?
  3. What did he find wrong with the medical model of psychology?
  4. How’d he end up becoming a creative coach?
  5. Why did he write a book on difficult families?
  6. What are the 8 skills to thrive in any family situation?
  7. What’s it mean to be smart in a family situation?
  8. What’s the importance of asking “Am I smart about what’s bothering me”
  9. What’s the importance of being strong in a family situation – and what does that look like?
  10. What’s a calmness toolkit?
  11. What are a few top anxiety management tools?
  12. What’s the discharging technique?
  13. What’s it mean to flip the calmness switch?
  14. What’s it mean to be clear?
  15. What’s the importance of saying things directly?
  16. What’s the importance of asking for clarification?
  17. What’s the importance of paying close attention?
  18. What’s it mean to be brave in a family situation?
  19. What’s the importance of being present?
  20. What’s the importance of resilience, and how do we become more resilient?
  21. How do we upgrade our ability to be aware?
  22. How to visualize and work through challenging discussions?
  23. How do we turn off productive obsessions to talk with our children and our spouse’s.
  24. How do we overcome difficult and dark sibling situations?
  25. What advice would he have for parents to help your kids with difficult family situations? 

Eric Maisel, PhD on How to Overcome Any Family Challenge (Relationships, Divorce, Parenting, Siblings & In-Laws)!!! Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

For More Info Visit: