Mar 29, 2019
If you’ve ever wanted more happiness in your life, then do you have the priority is joy show for you!
Today we’ll be talking about how to plug into joy, find it in each moment, and even find glimpses of it, when really big stuff goes down!
Finding Joy Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Mar 28, 2019
If you’ve ever wanted guidance from the other side for powerful transformation, then do we have the Energy Speaks show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Lee Harris, speaker, musician, rock star intuitive medium, and the author of a beautiful book on changing your life, Energy Speaks.
And that’s just what I want...
Mar 27, 2019
If you’ve ever wondered how to find more peace, while getting more done, then do we have the Stress Less, Accomplish More show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Emily Fletcher, meditation teacher, founder of Ziva Meditation, and the author of a chock-full meditation-filled book, Stress Less, Accomplish more.
Mar 26, 2019
If you’ve ever had something terrible happen to you, or your loved one, then you’ll want to check out this show.
Jessica Lee (Inspire Nation’s producer and my wife…and my hero!) and I share our second miscarriage experience, what we can all learn from it, and how we can heal, and do our best to make the most out...
Mar 25, 2019
If you’ve ever wanted to attract anything into your life, then do we have the Real Magic show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES, author or coauthor of over 250 technical and popular articles, three dozen book chapters, and three books including...