Jul 24, 2016
If you’ve ever wondered why we’re here, what we’re supposed to
do, if it’s a special time for humanity, and why in the world
there’s suffering if there’s a God, then do we have a special show
for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Paul Selig, he’s an intuitive, a
channeller, a clairvoyant, and earlier in his life graduated with
his masters from Yale, and served on the faculty of NYU for 25
Today we’re going to talk about a channeled work of his, the
Book of Mastery, and what we can all learn from the words on it’s
pages. I’ve found the book quite profound, and one I’ll want to
read again and again and again. For in its pages is a simplicity
and a wisdom I’ve rarely encountered, and want to be reminded of
over and over again.
So today we’ll talk about what we’re here for, where we’re
going, what it all means, and why in the world “evil” in quotes
even exists.
Plus we’ll talk about what it means to be a channel and
clairvoyant, and to do work that one never signed up for, or maybe
one did.
Questions and Topics Include:
- What was the spiritual awakening that occurred in 1987?
- How did transmissions begin to come through.
- How Paul can be resistant to transmissions and what it
- How much can Paul keep up with the teachings from his guides
- What it means to remind us of who we are at the level of
- What the divine principle of who we are or the logos of
humanity really is.
- What the collective agreement is we’re all living under.
- Why the goal ---according to the guides—is not about happiness,
which is really about contentment, which is resting in the
- Why the guides would prefer to move us into joy…and most
importantly that this is all school and that we’re here to
- Why it’s not about rose-colored glasses, but really about
- Why thinking it’s all good or dark brings us more into
alignment with the dark.
- Why you cannot be the light and hold another in darkness
- Why judgment is fear.
- What it means to live on a planet with war, and what that
- Who is the ‘small self’ versus who we ‘truly are’?
- Why they say fear doesn’t exist to the true self or the eternal
- What it means by ‘How one serves is how one is most truly
realized as their true self’ .
- What it means to be in service.
- What’s the most important teaching coming through for
- What’s the importance of not making choices based in fear.
- How does one know who they truly are and work on who you truly
- How do we get how ‘valuable’ we truly are.
- What ‘I am Here, I am Here, I am Here’?
- What are the three divine attunements ?
- What it means that the book is a transmission (and what is the
energy in both channeling and this book?)
- Why channeling for Paul is really taking dictation.
- A special message the guides have for all of us ---Paul
Channel’s and it’s fascinating to hear the guides speaking through
Paul Selig shares A Simple Practice That Can Literally
Transform, Elevate, and Inspire Your Life & Raise Your Vibration!
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| Guided Teaching | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
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