Oct 30, 2020
If you’ve ever wondered what’s in the stars for the election in November and the rest of 2020 to come, and into 2021, then do we have the show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, famous astrologer, psychologist, the creator of the Daily Astro Alerts, and a prognosticator of prognosticators....
Oct 28, 2020
If you’ve ever wanted more guidance to find your purpose, path, and direction through the power of Morning Pages, then do we have the show for you!
Today I will be talking with Julia Cameron, the author of the international bestseller The Artist's Way, and a beautiful treatise on connecting with the divine, Life...
Oct 26, 2020
Do you want to work on more happiness, success, and abundance in the new year? Then do we have the Emotion Code show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Bradley Nelson, holistic Chiropractic Physician and Medical intuitive, and the creator of my all-time favorite and most-used, energy healing system, and...
Oct 23, 2020
If you’ve ever wondered where to go, how to reinvent yourself, and how in the world to end 2020, then we do have the Follow the Energy Show for you!
Today we’ll talk about finding breadcrumbs, pulling on the golden thread, and feeling where in the world to go from here. That plus, we’ll talk about smoky guidance,...
Oct 21, 2020
There will always be haters, but how do we handle them… with Love! If you’ve ever wanted more peace and less conflict in your life, then do we have the How to Love the Haters, Everything is Here to Help You show for you.
Today I’ll be speaking again with Matt Kahn, one of my all-time favorite spiritual teachers...