If you’ve ever wanted to reach your dreams or make great changes in your life, while feeling at your best, then do we have the pause on the mountain, ME time show for you!
Today we’ll talk about stepping back, taking a break, assessing your situation, and figuring out the best ways to be you, and make great change.
And we talk about learning what it means to pause when you climb the mountain.
Jessica discusses her recent trip to North Carolina, what she hoped to gain, and why she structured it the way she did. In essence, it’s about building a pause into your life, so that you can step back, re-evaluate, see where you’re going, and how you want to get there.
If you’re always on the go, you don’t have time to come up with a good plan, and get stuck in the busy-ness of life. So today we talk about getting out of the busy-ness, and giving yourself the pause you need to build the life, and next steps to success (whatever that may look like) that you desire!
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Jessica Lee on the Importance of Pausing & Taking a Break On Your Climb Toward Happiness & Success! Health | Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Meditation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
If you’ve ever wanted to shift your life, discover what you’re made of, and rock it toward your dreams, then do we have the deconstruction show for you.
Today we’ll talk about deconstructing our lives, and tearing things down, in order to build something better.
We also talk about the power of getting uncomfortable, deconstructing & unraveling parts of your life in order to build something new.
We'll look at why discomfort serves you and can be a powerful, positive tool for direction and guidance in your life. We'll look at ways to manage your emotions, your time, to set priorities, and re-evaluate what's most important to you.
And we'll look at the spiritual significance of tearing down the old, in order to build the new.
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
CJ Liu on The Power of Deconstruction and Discomfort to Help Guide & Build the Life & Success You Desire! Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
A beautiful interview with Ellen Tadd on how to connect with our consciousness, spirit, or higher self, how to get in alignment and be guided for our highest good!
You'll discover simple steps to opening your third eye, and how to use it.
And gain guidance, direction and insight, as learn how to see the world in a completely different way.
You may never look at the world in the same way again.
Personally, Michael speaking, this is one of this rare interviews where I'm now using her techniques daily, and will refer to them for years to come!
Third-Eye Opening Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Ellen Tadd Shares Simple Steps to Open Your Third Eye Today for Infinite Insight & Direction!!! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed burned out or stuck, then do we have the Pause for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Rachael Oh’Mare ah, transformational coach, Google exec, a host of the Mindful Talks at Google program, US National rowing champion, and the author of a fantastic new book called Pause.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about harnessing the life-changing power of giving yourself a break.
She was a customer support manager at Google when she realized she was burned out and needed to reassess her path. The best way to do this was to take a “pause” a time out to create space for her inner voice to be heard and to align her actions to lead a more fulfilled life.
We’ll talk about top signs you need a pause and what that may look like. We’ll examine top types of pauses, how to take them, and even what to do when you only have a minute. Plus we’ll even look at how to take a pause while single parenting!
Pause Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Google’s Rachael O'Meara On Harnessing Life-Changing Power of Taking a Pause & How to Do It! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
If you’ve ever been daunted or scared out of your mind, and had no idea how to overcome the obstacles you’re facing then do we have the Eyes Wide Open show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Isaac Lidsky, Magnu Cum Luade from Harvard Law School, law clerk for Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, entrepreneur, founder for Hope for Vision, teen star of Save by the Bell: The New Class, father of Triplets, and one of the most amazing, and inspiring people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting, though I’m just meeting him now and he’s the author of one of the most jaw dropping, unbelievable and inspiring books I have ever read, Eyes Wide Open.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Overcoming obstacles and recognizing opportunities in a world that can’t see clearly.
Isaac Lidsky knew he was going blind, while he played the new “Screech”, or “Weasel” on the hit sitcom Saved by the Bell, the New Class. He raced to go back to school, get a degree and make a career for himself, assuming his life was over when he went blind.
Well, he went blind at 25, and yet instead of darkness, could see more than ever before. He had triplets, a harrowing endeavor for his wife and him alike, bought a multi-million dollar company that was plummeting through the floor, and somehow turned it around. And in the middle of it all, worked as a law clerk for the two female Supreme Court justices.
He has a powerful message to share on overcoming obstacles, and seeing way beyond your limitations, or living life Eyes Wide Open.
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Isaac Lidsky of Saved by the Bell on Finding & Creating Your Vision & Overcoming Obstacles! Ted Talk | Health | Career | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wondered how the story of Adam and Eve affects our lives, and what it really means, then do we have The First Love Story show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Bruce Feiler, author of the This Life column for the Sunday New York Times and six consecutive New York Times best-sellers, and a fascinating new book The First Love Story.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Adam, about Eve, and what it means to Us.
We’ll look at the mythical meaning behind the story; the story of the Sistine Chapel; what Adam and Eve really means for women’s rights; what we’re not told about the story—and why it matters, and how the original love story affects our culture, our beliefs, and even our daily lives.
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Bruce Feiler on the Real Meaning Behind the Adam & Eve love story, Why it Matters Today & What it Means for You!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help
For More Info Visit: http://www.InspireNationShow.com
Today I want to talk about coming up with a vision for your future, how to do, why you want to do it, and how to use that future vision, to help you today.
We’ll talk about ways to envision your future, get specific, leave things open, and how to then begin manifesting the future you want “or something better”! It’s law of attraction in action, meets David Allen’s Getting Things Done!
Prepare to discover your greatest vision for the future and begin to make it a reality!
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
CJ Liu on How to Make a Big-Picture Vision of Your Future & Make Your Dreams Come True!!! Health | Fitness | Career | Law of Attraction | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
Take the Survey at www.InspireNationShow.com/survey
If you’ve ever wanted to work less, and do more of what you want to do, then do we have the Will it Fly Show for You!
Today I’ll be talking with Pat Flynn, best-selling author, passive income expert, and the author of two phenomenal books on building freedom, Let Go, and Will It Fly!
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about getting out of the 9 to 5 rut, finding your runway, and taking off!
We’ll discuss Pat’s struggle’s, how he lost his job, and turned things around making 4 million dollars in the process. We’ll look at what it takes to step out on your own, find your own path, and gain freedom in the process. And we’ll look at how to go far beyond building a successful business, to building a successful life, living your way, by your rules.
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income on How to Work Less, Do More & Find Freedom!!! Health | Inspiration | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For more Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted more savings in your life, and to increase your happiness dividend then do we have the Mindful Money show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Jonathan K. DeYoe, a financial adviser for over 20 years, and a longtime Buddhist. He’s also the author of a brilliant book I wish I could have read at least 20 years ago, Mindful Money.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about simple practices for reaching your financial goals, and increasing your happienss dividend.
That plus we’ll talk about burger barns and humanities majors, a bluebird of unhappiness, holding coca-cola forever, the benefits of boring plain vanilla, why growing money’s like growing vegetables especially when returning from Greece, going to the mall in South Dakota, 600 dollar canon cameras, and how in the world your mom intentionally raised a financial planner!
Mindful Money Management Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Jonathan K DeYoe Buddhist Financial Planner on Simple Practices to Mindfully Reach Your Financial Goals! Health | Wealth | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | inspire
For more Info Visit: http://www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted to achieve your dreams, and find a way to finally succeed matter the busy-ness, then do we have the One Thing show for you!
Today we’ll be talking with Jay Papasan, vice-president and executive editor at Keller Realty, co-owner Papasan Properties Group (with his wife) and co-author of best-seller The One Thing, to me, after reading nearly 500 books for the show, still one of the greatest business books of all time… right up there alongside Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich if not higher.
And so today, I want to speak with him about the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results.
That plus we’ll talk about the trouble with truthiness, fear of chaos, city slickers and curly, learning on manual type-writers, frogs and boiling water, living like Ebenezer Scrooge, do fish really smell from the neck down, and what in the world does Mia Hamm, has to do with anything.
One Thing Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Jay Papasan on Discovering Your "One Thing" for Extraordinary Success & Happiness! Career | Health | Inspiration | Fitness | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help
For More Info Visit: http://www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever felt anxious, stressed out, and unable to bend with the wind, then do we have the resilience-building show for you!
Today I’ll be talking With Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, licensed clinical psychologist, chief medical officer of soundminz.org. He’s been on the faculty of Harvard Medical school and is the Chief Psychology of Metrowest Medical center. He’s also the author of several book including The power of Empathy and The Stress Solution.
Today we’ll talk about the Stress solution, how to use empathy and cognitive behavioral therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Develop Resilience, and return to a state of goodness.
That plus we’ll talk about the power of dark chocolate, berries and leafy greens, what we can learn from a Kima the Siberian Husky, who’s perhaps the world’s most compassionate mom, the true importance of Kaitlyn Jenner’s coming out and what American Master Spy and Algiers has to do with anything.
Self-Help and Self-Improvement Topics Include:
Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli shares how empathy helps reduce & eliminate stress & brings happiness! Psychology | Career | Mindfulness | Meditation | Positivity | Joy | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspiration | Inspirational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help
For More Info Visit www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wondered how emotions work, and what it means for all of us, then do we have the how emotions are made show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, an NIH award winning researcher and a university distinguished professor of psychology at Northeastern University about her new book, How Emotions are Made.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about, about the secret life of the brain and what in the world it means for us.
That plus we’ll talk about Rowdy the dog, chimps and bonobos, right and left dog-tail wagging, eating baby bees, infant baby expressions, mistaking the flu for the love, and what in the word, fuzzy cheese pizza vomit and edible baby-poo have to do with anything!
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett On How Emotions are Made & Why It Matters! Health | Fitness | Psychology | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Mindfulness | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: http://www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted to be more observant, accurate, present, make better decisions, or take your game to a whole new level, then do we have the enhancing show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Amy Herman, lawyer, art historian and the founder of the the Art of Perception course, which trains doctors, police officers, the FBI, the military, state department, and fortune 500 companies; and author of a perspective changing new book, Visual Intelligence, Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your life.
Today we’ll be talking about strengthening your perceptions, helping you see things more clearer, find the answers you’ve been looking for, and articulate them in ways to get things done…plus the powerful words of Dr. Wayne Dyer, why when you change the way you look at things, the things look at change.
That plus we’ll look at an orangutan named Kevin, a gorilla in our midst, refrigerator blindness, keeping your head on a swivel, gemba walks, pick-pocketing the secret service, and how in the world to keep a secret from a flight attendant?
Questions and Topics Include:
Amy Herman’s Shares Secrets Taught the FBI, Special Forces, Law Enforcement & Doctors to Increase Visual Intelligence to Transform Your Life! Art of Perception | Happiness | Mindfulness | Meditation | Business | Career | Health | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
Today we’ll talk about finding peace, making peace, and being the peace you’re looking for in your life.
That plus we’ll talk about transitions and love, pro-wrestling and kitty cats, a wifey back from beach, and what in the world, Michael’s learned about single-parenting.
To take our survey and help us decide whether we stay a 7 day a week show visit:
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
CJ Liu on How to Find Greater Peace and Happiness in Your Life! Health | Fitness | Parenting | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
To take our survey visit: http://www.InspireNationShow.com/survey
If you’ve ever struggled with money, to have money, keep money, make money, or even get out of debt, then do we have the money making self-help show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Gary M. Douglas, founder of access consciousness and author of 15 books including the best-seller The Place, and a fantastic book he wrote with another guest we’ve had on the show, Dain Heer, Money Isn’t the Problem, you are.
Today we’ll talk about the truth about money, and our problems with money, what’ it’s all about, how to flip it on it’s head, and how much we’re truly willing to receive.
That plus we’ll talk about dining on fine china, tithing to the church of you, and why one stick up of gum too many, may have driven Dain Heer insane…
Questions and Topics on this Self-Help, Self-Improvement Wealth-Building Interview Include:
---How to Transform Your Relationship with Money--- Like Law of Attraction in Action!
Gary M. Douglas Shares How To Transform Your Relationship With Money for Greater Wealth, Happiness, & Fulfillment – Consider it Law of Attraction in Action! Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted to set sail and live the life of your dreams then do we have the All Dreams on Deck, show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Jeremy Cage, global citizen, president of the Cage group, and the author of an inspiring read for business and life, All Dreams on Deck.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Charting The Course for Your Life and Work.
That plus we’ll talk about the power of pourqois pas, blue alpha romeo spiders, Dr. Strawn, French and science, swimming with sharks and your twelve year-old, who in the world is Cap’n willy, the United Snacks of America, and what in the world’s the Accidental Jibe?
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Jeremy Cage On How to Help Your Dreams Set Sail and Make Them a Reality!!! | Health | Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted ultimate success in your life, then do we have the Big Miracles show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Joanna Garzilli, spiritual success coac, motivational speaker, and author of a fantastic new book Big Miracles.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about the 11 spiritual rules for ultimate success.
That plus we’ll talk about Nazca Lines, nascar races and spas, happy now t-shirts, and
And what in the world Mr. Purple Briefs, has to do with anything.
Big Miracle Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Joanna Garzilli on How to Attract Big Miracles for Incredible Success, Health & Happiness!!! + Guided Meditation! Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Love
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted to move from shame or blame to freedom, then do we have the book of forgiving show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Reverend Mpho Tutu Van Furth, daughter of Archbishop Desmond tutu, a Nobel prize winner and a peace-loving leader in the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.
She’s the co-author, along with her father, of one of the single-most important books I’ve ever read, the book of Forgiving.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today. About the fourfold path for healing ourselves, and our world.
That plus we’ll talk about choosing the next right thin, fine arts and electrical engineering, kitchen-table ministry, a laptop romance, and what it means to be a prince in high heels!
The Power of Forgiveness – Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include
Reverend Mpho Tutu Van Furth, Daughter of Nobel Prize Winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu on The Power of Forgiveness! + Guided Meditation! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever struggled with an autoimmune disorder, hypothyroid, or hyperthyroid then do we have the Hashimoto’s Protocol for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Izabella Wentz, one of the pioneering experts in lifestyle interventions for treating Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. She’s also the New York Times best-selling author of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Finding and Treating the Root Cause, and her latest, Hashimoto’s Protocol.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today:, about a 90 day plan for reversing Thyroid and auto-immune disorder symptoms and getting your life back.
That plus we’ll talk about lipstick and lupus, sick building syndrome, soy and lecithin, the power of self-love, turmeric tea, probiotic toothpaste, and what in the world an adorable Pomeranian has to do with anything?
Health Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:
Dr. Izabella Wentz on How to Reverse Thyroid & Auto-Immune Disorders & Regain Health for Good! Medicine | Homeopathic | Fitness | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve wanted a second chance in life, to do the things you always wished you done, or would have done, if only you had the time, then do we have the creativity show for you!
Today I’ll be talking with Julia Cameron the author of more than 40 books, including The Artist’s Way, Walking in This World, Finding Water, and her latest, It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again.
Today we’ll talk about rediscovering creativity and meaning in your life, and living the life you meant to live.
That plus we’ll talk about piano lessons, a Scottie named blue, boxer dogs, a pony named chico, black beans and rice, bird-watching homes, vintage Mercedes sedans, and what in the world a censor named nigel, has to do with anything.
Self-Help and Self-Improvement Questions and Topics Include:
Julia Cameron On How To Discover Your Greatest Life Thru Fun, Creativity & The Artists Way!!! + Guided Meditation | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wondered where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, or what your path is supposed to look like, then do we have the dive into the unknown show for you.
Today we’ll talk about diving into the unknown, taking leaps of faith, and when it’s time to step off the cliff, and grow your wings on the way down.
That plus we’ll talk about flying solo, the needs of sir Meowsers, early rising, synchronicities, being in the unknown, and what in the world Happy Chipmunks have to do with anything?
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
CJ Liu on How to Dive Into the Unknown for Happiness, Success & Positive Change!!! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve wanted more depth and significance in your life, then do we have the Power of Meaning Show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Emily Esfahani Smith, columnist, editor and author of one of the most meaningful books I’ve ever read, The Power of Meaning.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about crafting a life that matters.
That plus we’ll talk about big Papi, feeding giraffes, nights in shining armor, what in the world’s the ikea effect, good fences and great neighbors, and why you want to be extra careful when you compliment another’s darvishes possessions?
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Emily Esfahani Smith on The Power of Meaning & How to Craft a Life that Matters! Health | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Mindfulness | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit: http://www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted more sweetness, kindness and confidence in your life, then do we have the Wake up to the Joy show for you.
Today I’ll be speaking with Agapi Stassinopoulos, best-selling author, speaker, actress producer and more, and the author of a beautiful new book, that’ll bring the sweetness back to your life, Wake Up to the Joy.
And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about meditations, practices, and wisdom for a calmer, happier life.
That plus we’ll talk about Surviving Picasso and housekeepers, God as Your Partner, a portable paradise, who in the world is the comforter, and what in the world Saint Joan monologues on New York City Busses have to do with anything.
Self Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Agapi Stassinopoulous on How To Bring More Sweetness, Kindness & Confidence Into Your Life! + Guided Meditation! Health | Fitness | Career | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Love
For More Info Visit: www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever been frustrated that life’s not going the way you’d like and would like to do something about it, then do we have the Angry Therapist show for you!
Today I’ll be Talking John Kim, entrepreneur, blogger, therapist, and the author of a powerful new book, The Angry Therapist.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to find your authentic self, and live your own truth.
That plus we’ll talk about buying strangers sandwiches, setting bowling shoes on fire, movie trailers and human notes, SUV’s and tempurpedic pillows, what in the world’s a model in a bottle and what does Fred durst, Kate Hudson, Japanese sushi, and Italian restaurants have to do with anything?
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
John Kim “The Angry Therapist” on How To Find Your Authentic Self & Live Your Truth!!! Health | Fitness | Cross-Fit | Career | Meditation | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire
For More Info Visit www.InspireNationShow.com
If you’ve ever wanted change, but can’t figure out how to get where you want to go, then do we have the Choices and Illusions show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with a true master of the mind, Eldon Taylor, an expert of subliminal communication and hypnosis, inventor and the award winning, New York Times best selling author of over 300 books, and audio and video programs, including one of the most fascinating book I’ve ever read for the show, Choices and Illusions.
And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to move past our wiring, programming and self-imposed, and societal limits and how to get where we want to be.
That plus we’ll talk about the bad luck fortune cookie game, the danger of driving past video stores, krispy kreme conversations, what to do at the post office, where to hide God, ancient Chinese dialects and great wall scrolls, what in the world’s a chicken belief, and what does a philodendron and a goldfish killer, have to do with anything?
Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:
Dr. Eldon Taylor on How To Reprogram Your Mind, Move Past Limiting Beliefs to Empower You!!! Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Mindfulness | Inspirational | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire